blob: 8a673b19b4cbe5b1839e39c8a94ecd4686164542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is named sl4f_client.dart since the top-level dart file is names
// sl4f.dart, which would cause problems for src files trying to import this
// file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'dump.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'proxy.dart';
import 'ssh.dart';
final _log = Logger('sl4f_client');
/// Amount of time to wait for a diagnostic command to finish.
/// Diagnostics have been known to hang in some failure cases. In those cases,
/// log and move on.
const _diagnosticTimeout = Duration(minutes: 2);
bool _isNullOrEmpty(String str) => str == null || str.isEmpty;
/// Starts, stops and communicates with an SL4F server on a device.
/// The recommended way of using class is creating an instance using
/// [Sl4f.fromEnvironment] which uses the environment variable
/// `FUCHSIA_DEVICE_ADDR` to determine the IP address of the device to connect
/// to, and instantiates a new [Ssh] object to start SL4F on the device if it is
/// not already running.
/// With an [Sl4f] object it's then possible to use one of the other facade
/// abstractions, for example [Modular] or [Scenic] to talk to different aspects
/// of a Fuchsia device, or use [Sl4f.request] to issue JSON-RPC calls to the
/// SL4F server on the device.
/// Progress and error messages are logged using the [logging] package, so it's
/// recommended that the entry point of the test registers a listener to help
/// when debugging the test.
/// Example of how to use this package:
/// Logger.onRecord.listen((r) => print('${r.level}: ${r.message}'));
/// ...
/// final sl4fClient = Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
/// await sl4Client.startServer();
/// final modularFacade = Modular(sl4f);
/// await modularFacade.boot();
/// await modularFacade.launchMod('');
/// ...
/// await modularFacade.shutdown();
/// await sl4fClient.stopServer();
/// See also
class Sl4f {
static const diagnostics = {
'kstats': 'kstats -c -m -n 1',
'net-if': 'net if list',
'ps': 'ps -T',
'top': 'top -n 1',
'wlan': 'wlan status',
static const _sl4fComponentUrl =
static const _sl4fComponentName = 'sl4f.cmx';
static const _sl4fHttpDefaultPort = 80;
static final _portSuffixRe = RegExp(r':\d+$');
final HttpClient _client;
/// Authority (IP, hostname, etc.) of the device under test.
String get target {
final host ='%25', '%');
if (host.contains(':')) {
return '[$host]';
return host;
/// TCP port number that the SL4F HTTP server is listening on the target
/// device
int get port => targetUrl.port;
/// Url of the target SL4F HTTP server.
final Uri targetUrl;
/// [Ssh] client to talk to the device.
/// It's used by this class to start/stop the SL4F server, and by some
/// facades to start commands and forward ports.
final Ssh ssh;
TcpProxyController _proxy;
/// [TcpProxyController] proxy controller used to open ports to device.
TcpProxyController get proxy => _proxy;
/// Create a new Sl4f instance that connects to a given [target] address and
/// uses the [ssh] connection.
/// Most of the time users should use [Sl4f.fromEnvironment] to instantiate
/// [Sl4f] using environment variables provided by `fx` and the CI/CQ infra.
/// Optionally specify an HTTP [client] to use for all requests.
Sl4f(String target, this.ssh,
[int port = _sl4fHttpDefaultPort,
List<int> proxyPorts = const [],
HttpClient client])
: assert(target != null && target.isNotEmpty),
targetUrl = Uri.http('$target:$port', ''),
_client = client ?? HttpClient() {
if (_portSuffixRe.hasMatch(target)) {
throw ArgumentError('Target argument cannot contain a port. '
'Use the port argument instead.');
_proxy = TcpProxyController(this, proxyPorts: proxyPorts);'Target device: $target');
/// Creates a new Sl4f client instance that sends requests to [targetUrl],
/// Optionally specify an HTTP [client] to use for all requests.
/// This constructor explicitly disables SSH access to the target hosting the Sl4f server.
/// Use this for constructing a "pure HTTP" client for talking to Sl4f servers.
/// (The Sl4f server itself has no concept of SSH).
Sl4f.fromUrl(this.targetUrl, [HttpClient client])
: ssh = null,
_client = client ?? HttpClient() {
if (targetUrl == null) {
throw ArgumentError('targetUrl cannot be null');
}'Target url: $targetUrl');
/// Constructs an SL4F client from the following environment variables:
/// IPV4 or IPV6 address of the target address to be tested (required).
/// * `SL4F_HTTP_PORT`: TCP port that the SL4F HTTP server is listening on
/// the target device (optional, defaults to $_sl4fHttpDefaultPort)
/// * `FUCHSIA_SSH_PORT`: SSH port of the target device (optional).
/// * `FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY`: Path of the SSH private key (required if
/// `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` is not set).
/// The environment variables specifying the IP address will be checked in
/// the order `FUCHSIA_DEVICE_ADDR`, then `FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR`, then
/// If `FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY` is not set but `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` is, then it's
/// assumed that ssh-agent can provide the credentials to connect to the
/// device. Otherwise an [Sl4fException] is thrown.
/// If `FUCHSIA_PROXY_PORTS` is specified, then it should be formatted as a
/// comma-separated list of port numbers. Ex: '12313,12314,12315,12316'. This
/// is the pool of device ports that can be used for listening by the
/// TcpProxyController; if not specified then any unbound port will be used.
factory Sl4f.fromEnvironment({Map<String, String> environment}) {
environment ??= Platform.environment;
final address = environment['FUCHSIA_DEVICE_ADDR'] ??
environment['FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR'] ??
if (_isNullOrEmpty(address)) {
throw Sl4fException(
'provided when starting SL4F from env');
Ssh ssh;
int sshPort;
if (!_isNullOrEmpty(environment['FUCHSIA_SSH_PORT'])) {
sshPort = int.tryParse(environment['FUCHSIA_SSH_PORT']);
if (sshPort == null || sshPort <= 0) {
throw Sl4fException('Invalid FUCHSIA_SSH_PORT: $sshPort');
if (!_isNullOrEmpty(environment['FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY'])) {
ssh = Ssh(address, environment['FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY'], sshPort);
} else if (!_isNullOrEmpty(environment['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'])) {
ssh = Ssh.useAgent(address, sshPort);
} else {
throw Sl4fException(
'No FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY provided and SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not defined. '
'Cannot start sl4f.');
String host = address;
// This same code exists in the dart/sdk/lib/_http/http_impl.dart.
if (host.contains(':')) {
host = '[$host]';
int port = _sl4fHttpDefaultPort;
if (!_isNullOrEmpty(environment['SL4F_HTTP_PORT'])) {
port = int.parse(environment['SL4F_HTTP_PORT']);
List<int> proxyPorts = [];
if (!_isNullOrEmpty(environment['FUCHSIA_PROXY_PORTS'])) {
final portList = environment['FUCHSIA_PROXY_PORTS'];
try {
.map((e) => e.trim())
.where((e) => e > 0));
} on Exception catch (e) {
_log.severe('FUCHSIA_PROXY_PORTS not formatted correctly: $portList'
'Specify a comma separated list of port numbers like:'
throw FormatException('FUCHSIA_PROXY_PORTS not formatted correctly');
return Sl4f(host, ssh, port, proxyPorts);
/// Get the IP address that the device under test will use to reach the test
/// runner (the 'Host').
/// This similar to running `fx netaddr --local` because fx is not available
/// in all test environments.
/// Throws a [Sl4fException] if the host IP address cannot be determined.
Future<String> hostIpAddress() async {
// TODO( Replace the body of this function with just the host ip
// env variable (which could be set in Sl4f.fromEnvironment(), above). Or,
// try that env var and use the following as a fallback.
final result =
await ssh.runWithOutput('echo \$SSH_CLIENT~\$SSH_CONNECTION');
final strings = await result.stdout?.split('~');
if (strings == null || strings.length < 2) {
throw Sl4fException('Unable to retrieve host IP address strings.');
var ipAddr = strings[0].split(' ')[0];
if (ipAddr.isEmpty) {
ipAddr = strings[1].split(' ')[0];
if (ipAddr.isEmpty) {
throw Sl4fException('Unable to retrieve host IP address.');
return ipAddr;
/// Closes the underlying HTTP client.
/// If clients remain unclosed, the dart process might not terminate.
void close() => _client.close(force: true);
/// Sends a JSON-RPC request to SL4F.
/// Throws a [JsonRpcException] if the SL4F server replied with a non-null
/// error string.
Future<dynamic> request(String method, [dynamic params]) async {
final httpResponse = await _doRequest(method, params);
final responseBody = await httpResponse.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
Map<String, dynamic> response = jsonDecode(responseBody);
final dynamic error = response['error'];
if (error != null) {
throw JsonRpcException(responseBody, error);
return response['result'];
Future<HttpClientResponse> _doRequest(String method, [dynamic params]) async {
// Although params is optional, this will pass a null params if it is
// omitted. This is actually required by our SL4F server (although it is
// not required in JSON RPC:
final body =
utf8.encode(jsonEncode({'id': '', 'method': method, 'params': params}));
final httpRequest = await _client.postUrl(targetUrl);
..headers.contentType = ContentType.json
..contentLength = body.length
return await httpRequest.close();
/// Starts the SL4F server on the target using ssh.
/// It will attempt to connect [tries] times, waiting at least [delay]
/// between each attempt.
/// Throws a [Sl4fException] if SL4F failed to start after all attempts.
Future<void> startServer(
{int tries = 150, Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) async {
if (tries <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError.value(tries, 'tries', 'Must be a positive integer');
for (var attempt = 0; attempt < tries; attempt++) {
if (attempt > 0) {
// TODO(isma): We should limit the wait time to as much delay.
await Future.delayed(delay);
// Check if it's already started.
if (await isRunning()) {'SL4F has started.');
}'Try $attempt at starting sl4f.');
// We run sl4f with `-d` to make sure that it keeps running even
// if sshd dies or the connection somehow breaks.
// We apparently cannot rely on the ssh connection to stay open
// indefinitely for as long as sl4f is running.
// This has the consequence that we won't get an error in the logs
// if sl4f.cmx isn't available. This shouldn't be an issue if the
// users start the test with the given instructions, especially
// using the `end_to_end_deps` bundle, but it could still happen
// if something gets misconfigured in the product build config.
// The run program launches the specified component with stdout and stderr
// cloned from its own environment, even when -d is specified. Ssh hooks
// into those standard file descriptors and waits for those hooks to close
// before exiting, so with a simple run command it effectively waits on
// the daemonized component, which would cause a hang here if we awaited
// it. By redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null, we make it so that
// ssh does not wait for them to close, and thus we can await here safely.
await'run -d $_sl4fComponentUrl > /dev/null 2> /dev/null');
if (await isRunning(tries: 3, delay: Duration(seconds: 2))) {'SL4F has started.');
throw Sl4fException('Sl4f has not started.');
/// SSHs into the device and kills the SL4F server.
/// This should be called in the [tearDown] or [tearDownAll] of your test to
/// ensure that an SL4F server is not lingering after the test is done.
Future<void> stopServer() async {
if ((await'killall $_sl4fComponentName')).exitCode != 0) {
_log.warning('Could not stop sl4f. Continuing.');
/// Restarts the device under test.
/// Throws an Sl4fException if it fails to reboot the device or if all the
/// attempts at restarting SL4F fail. Returns a duration showing how long
/// it took to issue a command until a reboot was detected.
Future<Duration> reboot() async {'Initiating reboot sequence.');
// Kill SL4F first, we'll use it to try to guess when the reboot is done.
await stopServer();
// Issue a reboot command and wait.
// TODO( trap errors
final Stopwatch rebootStopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
await'dm reboot');
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 20));
// Try to restart SL4F
await startServer();
return rebootStopwatch.elapsed;
/// Dumps files with useful device diagnostics:
/// Processes running (ps, top), network interfaces (net-if, wlan), some io
/// stats (kstats).
/// [dumpName] is added as a prefix to the diagnostic files.
Future<void> dumpDiagnostics(String dumpName, {Dump dump}) async {
final dumper = dump ?? Dump();
if (dumper.hasDumpDirectory) {
// TODO(isma): Switch to [Diagnostics] instead of running ssh commands.
await Future.wait( => _dumpDiagnostic(
diag.value, '$dumpName-diagnostic-${diag.key}', dumper)));
Future _dumpDiagnostic(String cmd, String dumpName, Dump dump) async {
final proc = await ssh.start(cmd);
await proc.stdin.close();
// Pipe stdout directly to the file sink (it gets closed when done).
final sink = dump.openForWrite(dumpName, 'txt');
// Create completers to signal when we are done listening to stdout and
// stderr. This is an unfortunate necessity because cancelling a
// StreamSubscription does not create a done signal, so (for example)
// stdoutSubscription.asFuture would never complete.
final stdoutCompleter = Completer();
final stderrCompleter = Completer();
// We can't use Stream.pipe here because it creates a stream subscription
// that does not get cancelled if proc.stdout stops producing events without
// closing and we would have no way of cancelling it in our timeout
// handling.
final stdoutSubscription =
proc.stdout.listen(sink.add, onDone: stdoutCompleter.complete);
// Start decoding the stderr stream to ensure something consumes it,
// otherwise it could cause dart to hang waiting for it to be consumed.
// We can't use [systemEncoding.decodeStream] here because it creates a
// stream subscription that we have no way to cancel in the case that the
// stream stops producing values without closing.
final stderrController = StreamController<List<int>>();
final stderrSubscription = proc.stderr
.listen(stderrController.add, onDone: stderrCompleter.complete);
final stderr = systemEncoding.decodeStream(;
final finishDiagnostic = () async {
final code = await proc.exitCode;
await stdoutCompleter.future;
await stderrCompleter.future;
await stderrController.close();
// Awaiting is not strictly necessary in the case where the process exits
// with code 0, but this makes it clear that our intention is that the
// stderr future completes here, and if that stops being true then we'll
// observe a hang in the particular test where it fails rather than at the
// end of the full run.
final stderrData = await stderr;
// Print something about the process in case it fails.
if (code != 0) {
_log..warning('$cmd; exit code: $code')..warning('stderr: $stderrData');
await sink.close();
// Set up a future that will kill the ssh process if it takes too long.
unawaited(finishDiagnostic.timeout(_diagnosticTimeout, onTimeout: () async {
_log.warning('$cmd; did not complete after $_diagnosticTimeout');
await stdoutSubscription.cancel();
await stderrSubscription.cancel();
return finishDiagnostic;
/// Sends an empty http request to the server to verify if it's listening on
/// [port].
/// By default it tries to connect just once, but that can be changed with
/// [tries]. In which case it will wait [delay] time between tries.
/// The server must respond within [timeout] before its considered to be
/// unreachable.
Future<bool> isRunning(
{int tries = 1,
Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 2),
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 10)}) async {
if (tries <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError.value(tries, 'tries', 'Must be a positive integer');
// TODO(isma): We should refactor the retry logic into its own higher-order
// function.
for (var attempt = 0; attempt < tries; attempt++) {
if (attempt > 0) {
await Future.delayed(delay);
try {
await _doRequest('').timeout(timeout);
return true;
} on Exception catch (e) {
_log.warning('SL4F isRunning request errored: $e.');
return false;