blob: 593348acfc0d2d752f8ee27cd05815d30cca271c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/enclosing_environment.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
namespace sys::testing {
using fuchsia::sys::TerminationReason;
// A Wrapper class which implements a basic version of
// |fuchsia::sys::ComponentController| and gives owner control over lifetime of
// this component.
class InterceptedComponent : public fuchsia::sys::ComponentController {
// Called when this component is killed.
using OnKill = fit::function<void()>;
InterceptedComponent(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::sys::ComponentController> request,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// resets |on_kill_| to nullptr and calls |Kill()|.
~InterceptedComponent() override;
void Exit(int64_t exit_code, TerminationReason reason = TerminationReason::EXITED);
void set_on_kill(OnKill on_kill) { on_kill_ = std::move(on_kill); }
// |ComponentController|.
void Detach() override;
// |ComponentController|.
// Calls |on_kill_| and call Terminated event on component before clearing the
// bindings
void Kill() override;
void KillImpl();
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::sys::ComponentController> binding_;
TerminationReason termination_reason_;
int64_t exit_code_;
OnKill on_kill_;
// ComponentInterceptor is a utility that helps users construct an
// EnvironmentService (to be used alongside EnclosingEnvironment) that is able
// to intercept and mock components launched under the EnclosingEnvironment.
// This class is thread-safe. Underlying FIDL communication is processed on the
// async dispatcher supplied to this class.
class ComponentInterceptor : fuchsia::sys::Loader, fuchsia::sys::Runner {
using ComponentLaunchHandler =
fit::function<void(fuchsia::sys::StartupInfo, std::unique_ptr<InterceptedComponent>)>;
ComponentInterceptor(fuchsia::sys::LoaderPtr fallback_loader,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
virtual ~ComponentInterceptor() override;
// Constructs a fallback loader from the given |env|.
static ComponentInterceptor CreateWithEnvironmentLoader(const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& env,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Creates an |EnvironmentServices| which contains custom Loader and
// Runner services which intercept component launch URLs configured using
// |InterceptURL|. Calls to |InterceptURL| are effective regardless of if
// they're called before or after calls to this method.
// Restrictions:
// * Users must not override the fuchsia::sys::Loader and
// fuchsia::sys::Runner services.
// * An instance of |ComponentInterceptor| must outlive instances of
// vended |EnvironmentServices|
std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> MakeEnvironmentServices(
const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& env);
// Intercepts |component_url| from being launched under this environment, and
// calls the supplied |handler| to handle the runtime of this component.
// |extra_cmx_contents| contains additional component manifest contents
// supplied for this component.
// * If |extra_cmx_contents| is empty a default one is used:
// * {"program": {"binary": ""}}
// * The "runner" is always overwritten.
// Returns |false| if |extra_cmx_contents| contains invalid JSON.
[[nodiscard]] bool InterceptURL(std::string component_url, std::string extra_cmx_contents,
ComponentLaunchHandler handler);
// Returns a faked fuchsia.sys.Package with a custom runner which forwards
// the StartComponent request to environment's fuchsia::sys::Runner
// service hosted by this object instance.
// |fuchsia::sys::Loader|
void LoadUrl(std::string url, LoadUrlCallback response) override;
// We arrive here if our fuchsia::sys::Loader sends a component launch to
// the test harness runner component, which forwards it to here.
// |fuchsia::sys::Runner|
void StartComponent(
fuchsia::sys::Package package, fuchsia::sys::StartupInfo startup_info,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::sys::ComponentController> controller) override;
// Ensures that calls to intercepting URLs remains thread-safe.
std::mutex intercept_urls_mu_;
struct ComponentLoadInfo {
ComponentLaunchHandler handler;
// Fake component package directory where we host our fake manifest.
std::unique_ptr<vfs::PseudoDir> pkg_dir;
std::map<std::string, ComponentLoadInfo> intercepted_component_load_info_
fuchsia::sys::LoaderPtr fallback_loader_;
std::shared_ptr<vfs::Service> loader_svc_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::sys::Loader> loader_bindings_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::sys::Runner> runner_bindings_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
std::unique_ptr<EnclosingEnvironment> env_;
} // namespace sys::testing