blob: c06293fb7b6583001290ccc2f3cae38f71783982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {arbitrary::Arbitrary, fuzz::fuzz};
// This is the "library code" tested in this example.
struct ToyStruct {
n: u8,
s: String,
fn toy_example(input: ToyStruct) -> Result<u8, &'static str> {
if input.n != 42 {
return Err("n must be 42");
let mut chars = input.s.chars();
if == Some('H') {
if == Some('I') {
if == Some('!') {
panic!("it works!");
return Ok(0);
// This is the "fuzzer code" for the library code above.
// It can typically be placed alongside that code and will only be compiled when fuzzing.
// "Automatic" transform: Use one or more immutable types that implement `Arbitrary` as inputs.
fn toy_example_arbitrary(input1: ToyStruct, input2: ToyStruct) -> Result<u8, &'static str> {
let _ = toy_example(input1);
toy_example(input2) // Arbitrary return values are okay.
// "Manual" transform: convert a reference to an immutable byte slice to inputs.
fn toy_example_u8(input: &[u8]) {
if input.len() == 0 {
return; // Early returns are okay.
let n = input[0];
if let Ok(s) = std::str::from_utf8(&input[1..]) {
let _ = toy_example(ToyStruct { n, s: s.to_string() });
// You can reuse the same name with `[#fuzz]` in different modules. Compare this function with
// `helper::toy_example_same_name`.
fn toy_example_same_name(input: String) {
use helper;