blob: 630607b85c9cc6d1abfb2c0b6aa3c223b2d66c68 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a Rust unit test, without also compiling a separate binary or library
# target.
# Parameters
# output_name (optional)
# name (optional, deprecated)
# Name of the test binary, also used as the crate name as defined in its
# manifest file. If not specified, it is assumed to be the same as the
# target name.
# version
# Semver version of the crate as seen on
# edition (optional)
# Edition of the Rust language to be used.
# Options are "2015" and "2018". Defaults to "2018".
# configs (optional)
# A list of config labels applying to this target.
# enforce_source_listing (optional)
# When true, enforces that any source files used by the Rust compiler are
# listed in `sources`. Defaults to true.
# sources (optional)
# List of source files which this crate is allowed to compile. Only
# allowed when `enforce_source_listing = true`.
# The Rust compiler discovers source files by following `mod` declarations
# starting at the `source_root`. The discovered source files must match this
# list.
# inputs (optional)
# List of additional non-source files read by the compiler. These are typically
# configuration or test-data files included in the build with the `include_str!`
# macro. Only allowed when `enforce_source_listing = true`.
# deps (optional)
# List of rust_library GN targets on which this crate depends.
# Third party crates can be included through paths like
# "//third_party/rust_crates:<cratename>",
# non_rust_deps (optional)
# List of non-rust_library GN targets on which this crate depends.
# test_environments (optional)
# What environments the unit test should target. Only used here
# for linux and mac tests, with a default value of a general linux/mac
# environment (as a function of $current_os).
# See environments parameter on //build/testing/test_spec.gni for more
# details.
# args (optional)
# List of flags to pass directly to the test binary, e.g.
# ["--nocapture"].
# source_root (optional)
# Location of the crate root (e.g. `src/` or `src/`).
# This should usually be 'src/ for libraries (the default)
# and `src/` for binaries.
# features (optional)
# A list of conditional compilation flags to enable. This can be used to set features for crates
# built in-tree which are also published to This would be passed to rustc as
# '--cfg feature=XXX'
# output_dir (optional)
# Directory that the resulting test should be placed in.
# See: `gn help output_dir`
# Example of usage:
# rustc_test("foo_test") {
# source_root = "src/",
# deps = [
# "//garnet/public/rust/bar",
# "//third_party/rust_crates:clap",
# "//third_party/rust_crates:serde",
# "//third_party/rust_crates:slab",
# ]
# sources = [ "src/" ]
# }
template("rustc_test") {
# default location for rust libraries
source_root = "src/"
if (defined(invoker.source_root)) {
source_root = invoker.source_root
# use the target name unless another name is specified
assert(!(defined(invoker.output_name) && defined(,
"Only one of output_name and name may be specified.")
package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
package_name = invoker.output_name
} else if (defined( {
package_name =
# built-in gn rules do not support dashes
crate_name = string_replace(package_name, "-", "_")
exe_target_name = target_name
if (is_host) {
exe_target_name = "${target_name}_executable"
all_deps = [ ":${exe_target_name}" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
all_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.non_rust_deps)) {
all_deps += invoker.non_rust_deps
host_test(target_name) {
binary_path = "${root_out_dir}/${crate_name}"
deps = all_deps
if (defined(invoker.test_environments)) {
environments = invoker.test_environments
} else {
# if not a host-side target, we don't need this since it doesn't
# propogate to package.gni
not_needed(invoker, [ "test_environments" ])
# enable these features for the target
features = []
if (defined(invoker.features)) {
foreach(i, invoker.features) {
features += [ "--cfg=feature=\"${i}\"" ]
_sources = []
_deps = []
if (!defined(invoker.enforce_source_listing) ||
invoker.enforce_source_listing == true) {
# fail early when the user forgets to list sources
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "sources must be listed")
_sources = invoker.sources
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "sources" ])
# This is a hack to workaround the fact that a GN `tool` invocation can't receive arbitrary input.
# Add a sentinel value so that enforcement is skipped.
_sources = [ "//build/rust/" ]
# Opting out of strict sources check requires that the package is present
# in a global allow-list.
_deps += [ "//build/rust:disable_strict_sources_check_allowlist" ]
executable(exe_target_name) {
# anything defined with rustc_test MUST be a test target
testonly = true
configs = []
configs = invoker.configs
crate_root = source_root
output_name = crate_name
crate_name = crate_name
# tell rustc to compile in the test harness
rustflags = features + [ "--test" ]
deps = _deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.non_rust_deps)) {
deps += invoker.non_rust_deps
# test_deps specified in the parent template (if not used directly)
# should also be treated as normal dependencies
if (defined(invoker.test_deps)) {
deps += invoker.test_deps
data_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps = invoker.data_deps
if (is_fuchsia) {
# Dynamic linking applies to not only to libstd but to libtest as well,
# which means we must depend on it as a data_dep to get it in our
# package.
_dynamic_rust_config =
[ "//build/config/fuchsia:dynamic_rust_standard_library" ]
if (configs + _dynamic_rust_config - _dynamic_rust_config != configs) {
data_deps += [ "//build/toolchain/runtime:shared-rust-libtest-deps" ]
} else {
data_deps += [ "//build/toolchain/runtime:static-rust-libtest-deps" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//build/test:rust_test_metadata" ]
metadata = {
cmx_patches_walk = [ "//build/test:rust_test_metadata" ]
sources = _sources
# in-tree default in 2018 edition
if (defined(invoker.edition) && invoker.edition == "2015") {
configs -= [ "//build/config:rust_edition_2018" ]
configs += [ "//build/config:rust_edition_2015" ]