blob: 727a15b0a7558e6f57b1469b36927c10ab71c674 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a package_config.json file containing all of the packages used
# to generate a kernel file.
# Package configs are files which describe metadata about a dart package.
# This includes information like the name, dart language version, where to
# find the files, etc. The file is required by the dart kernel compiler.
# Parameters
# deps, public_deps (optional)
# [list of labels] The targets to generate a manifest for.
# See `gn help` for more details.
# testonly, visibility, metadata (optional)
# See `gn help`.
# outputs (optional)
# Singleton list containing the path to the package_config file.
# Defaults to `[ "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}_package_config.json" ]`.
template("dart_package_config") {
main_target = target_name
generate_target = "${target_name}_generate"
# Build the name of the output file.
if (defined(invoker.outputs)) {
_outputs = invoker.outputs
assert(_outputs != [] && _outputs == [ _outputs[0] ],
"Outputs list must have exactly one element.")
package_config_file = _outputs[0]
} else {
package_config_file = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}_package_config.json"
intermediate_file = "$package_config_file.partial"
# Gather metadata about runtime objects.
generated_file(generate_target) {
visibility = [ ":$main_target" ]
data_keys = [
# A list of package configuration entries
# Each entry must contain these values:
# - `name`: The name of the package;
# - `root_uri`: Path to the package root relative to root_build_dir;
# - `package_uri`: The path in which the source lives
# The following entries may optionally be specified
# - `language_version`: The dart language version.
# - `pubspec_path`: The path to the pubspec file to find the language version
walk_keys = [ "package_config_entry_barrier" ]
outputs = [ intermediate_file ]
output_conversion = "json"
# Converts the intermediate to a real pacakge_config.json file.
action(main_target) {
script = "//build/dart/"
inputs = [ intermediate_file ]
outputs = [ package_config_file ]
args = [
rebase_path(intermediate_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(package_config_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$generate_target" ]
metadata = {
# Add a barrier here to avoid double of inclusion of elements listed in
# the generated package config.
package_config_entry_barrier = []
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")