blob: d53e5014d558741afef716a1d25e54f81b7a11de [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a Dart application that can be run in the Dart content handler
# Parameters
# meta (required)
# A list of exactly one scope with the path to the cmx file associated with
# the dart app.
# fuchsia_package_name (optional)
# Name of the Fuchsia package.
# resources (optional)
# Resources for the package (see //build/package.gni)
# pubspec (optional)
# Path to the pubspec file. Must be "pubspec.yaml".
# analysis_options (optional)
# Path to the analysis options file. Must be "analysis_options.yaml".
# components (required)
# [list of one scope] Defines the component in the package. Either main_dart
# or components must be defined, but not both.
# The entry in a scope in the resources list:
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the component.
# component_name (required)
# Name of the component.
# component_type (optional)
# Always "dart".
# sources (optional)
# Relative path of source files to be included in the dart package for
# the component at $package_root/lib.
# deps (optional)
# List of Dart packages the application depends on.
# main_dart (required)
# Name of the Dart file containing the main function. Either main_dart or
# components must be defined, but not both.
# package_name (optional)
# Name of the Dart package. Can only be defined if main_dart is defined.
# sources (optional)
# Can only be defined if main_dart is defined.
# deps (optional)
# List of Dart packages the application depends on. Can only be defined if
# main_dart is defined.
template("dart_app") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "Must define meta")
_invoker_meta = invoker.meta
assert(_invoker_meta != [] && _invoker_meta == [ _invoker_meta[0] ],
"meta must have exactly 1 element!")
_meta = _invoker_meta[0]
assert(defined(_meta.path), "Must define meta[0].path")
assert(!defined(invoker.pubspec) || invoker.pubspec == "pubspec.yaml",
"pubspec must be 'pubspec.yaml'")
assert(!defined(invoker.options_file) ||
invoker.options_file == "analysis_options.yaml",
"options_file must be 'analysis_options.yaml'")
_package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
_package_name = invoker.package_name
_sources = []
_deps = []
_fuchsia_package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.fuchsia_package_name)) {
_fuchsia_package_name = invoker.fuchsia_package_name
if (defined(invoker.main_dart)) {
"either components or main_dart should be defined, but not both")
_main_dart = invoker.main_dart
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
_sources = invoker.sources
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_deps = invoker.deps
} else {
"either components or main_dart should be defined, but not both")
"package_name cannot be defined if components is defined")
"sources cannot be defined if components is defined")
"deps cannot be defined if components is defined")
_components = invoker.components
assert(_components == [ _components[0] ],
"components should contain exactly one scope")
_component = _components[0]
assert(defined(_component.main_dart) && defined(_component.component_name),
"components[0] should define main_dart and component_name")
assert(!defined(_component.component_type) ||
_component.component_type == "dart",
"components[0].component_type must be 'dart'")
_main_dart = _component.main_dart
if (defined(_component.component_name)) {
_package_name = _component.component_name
if (defined(_component.sources)) {
_sources = _component.sources
if (defined(_component.deps)) {
_deps = _component.deps
if (defined(invoker.source_dir)) {
_source_dir = invoker.source_dir
} else {
_split_main_dart = string_split(_main_dart, "lib/")
if (_split_main_dart[0] == "") {
_main_dart = string_replace(_main_dart, "lib/", "", 1)
_source_dir = "lib"
} else {
_source_dir = "."
resource_gn_labels = []
if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
i = 0
foreach(res, invoker.resources) {
current_gn_label = target_name + "_resource_" + i
resource(current_gn_label) {
sources = [ res.path ]
outputs = [ "data/" + res.dest ]
resource_gn_labels += [ ":$current_gn_label" ]
i += 1
dart_library_gn_label = target_name + "_dart_library"
dart_library(dart_library_gn_label) {
package_name = _package_name
sources = _sources
source_dir = _source_dir
deps = _deps + resource_gn_labels
dart_component_gn_label = target_name + "_dart_component"
dart_component(dart_component_gn_label) {
main_package = _package_name
component_name = string_replace(_fuchsia_package_name, "_", "-")
main_dart = _main_dart
manifest = _meta.path
deps = [ ":$dart_library_gn_label" ]
fuchsia_package_gn_label = string_replace(target_name, "_", "-")
fuchsia_package(fuchsia_package_gn_label) {
package_name = string_replace(_fuchsia_package_name, "_", "-")
deps = [
# @TODO(fxb/62741): For purposes of soft transition.
if (target_name != fuchsia_package_gn_label) {
group(target_name) {
deps = [ ":$fuchsia_package_gn_label" ]