blob: 828648c3881abadcbf129b6f41c2f77251c720d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
board_name = "cleo"
custom_signing_script =
custom_signing_script_deps = [ "//zircon/kernel/target/arm64/boot-shim:cleo" ]
custom_signing_script_tools = [
board_system_image_deps += [ "//garnet/packages/prod:magma-img-rgx-mt8167" ]
_common_bootfs_deps = [
board_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_zedboot_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_recovery_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
use_vbmeta = true
avb_key =
avb_atx_metadata =
zvb_partition_name = "boot"
# partitions for fx flash to flash
zircon_a_partition = "boot_a"
zircon_b_partition = "boot_b"
vbmeta_a_partition = "vbmeta_a"
vbmeta_b_partition = "vbmeta_b"
active_partition = "a"
fastboot_product = "mt8167s"