blob: bf01221ca1f7d72b4b76c5f5e00460a1bba8a031 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_UART_GENI_H_
#define LIB_UART_GENI_H_
#include <lib/stdcompat/array.h>
#include <lib/zbi-format/driver-config.h>
#include <lib/zbi-format/zbi.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
#include "lib/uart/uart.h"
namespace uart::geni {
struct FifoRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<FifoRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(31, 0, data);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<FifoRegister>(offset); }
struct TxFifoRegister {
static auto Get() { return FifoRegister::Get(0x700); }
struct RxFifoRegister {
static auto Get() { return FifoRegister::Get(0x780); }
struct ByteFifoRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<ByteFifoRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 0, byte);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<ByteFifoRegister>(offset); }
struct TxByteFifoRegister {
static auto Get() { return ByteFifoRegister::Get(0x700); }
struct RxByteFifoRegister {
static auto Get() { return ByteFifoRegister::Get(0x780); }
struct GeniStatusRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GeniStatusRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(0, m_command_active);
DEF_FIELD(8, 4, m_command_interface_state);
DEF_BIT(12, s_command_active);
DEF_FIELD(20, 16, s_command_interface_state);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GeniStatusRegister>(0x40); }
struct ClockRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<ClockRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(0, enable);
DEF_FIELD(31, 4, div);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<ClockRegister>(offset); }
struct MainClockRegister {
static auto Get() { return ClockRegister::Get(0x48); }
struct SecondaryClockRegister {
static auto Get() { return ClockRegister::Get(0x4c); }
struct FifoStatusRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<FifoStatusRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(27, 0, count); // in words
DEF_FIELD(30, 28, last_byte);
DEF_BIT(31, partial); // determines if last_byte is valid.
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<FifoStatusRegister>(offset); }
struct TxFifoStatusRegister {
static auto Get() { return FifoStatusRegister::Get(0x800); }
struct RxFifoStatusRegister {
static auto Get() { return FifoStatusRegister::Get(0x804); }
struct IrqStatusRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<IrqStatusRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(0, command_done);
DEF_BIT(1, command_overrun);
DEF_BIT(2, command_illegal);
DEF_BIT(3, command_failure);
DEF_BIT(4, command_cancel);
DEF_BIT(5, command_abort);
DEF_BIT(6, timestamp);
DEF_BIT(7, tx_irq);
// ...
DEF_BIT(20, hardware_irq);
DEF_BIT(21, tx_fifo_not_empty);
DEF_BIT(22, cts_deassert); // "IO_DATA_DEASSERT"
DEF_BIT(23, cts_assert);
DEF_BIT(24, rx_fifo_read_error);
DEF_BIT(25, rx_fifo_write_error);
DEF_BIT(26, rx_fifo_watermark);
DEF_BIT(27, rx_fifo_last);
// The secondary sequencer cannot transmit.
DEF_BIT(28, tx_read_error);
DEF_BIT(29, tx_write_error);
DEF_BIT(30, tx_fifo_watermark);
// In the main sequencer, indicates any bit has been set.
DEF_BIT(31, sec_irq);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<IrqStatusRegister>(offset); }
struct MainIrqStatusRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x610); }
// Enables any bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// All bits will impact what is enabled.
struct MainIrqEnableRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x614); }
// Clear any bits from the irq status -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// For instance, Get().FromValue(main_irq_status_value).WriteTo(...) will clear
// all status values.
struct MainIrqStatusClearRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x618); }
// Enables any IRQ bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// Only set bits will be propagated to IrqEnable
struct MainIrqEnableSetRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x61c); }
// Disables any IRQ bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// Only set bits will be cleared from IrqEnable
struct MainIrqEnableClearRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x620); }
struct SecondaryIrqStatusRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x640); }
// Enables any bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// All bits will impact what is enabled.
struct SecondaryIrqEnableRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x644); }
// Clear any bits from the irq status -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// For instance, Get().FromValue(main_irq_status_value).WriteTo(...) will clear
// all status values.
struct SecondaryIrqStatusClearRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x648); }
// Enables any IRQ bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// Only set bits will be propagated to IrqEnable
struct SecondaryIrqEnableSetRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x64c); }
// Disables any IRQ bits -- always use Get().FromValue(...) as it is a write register
// Only set bits will be cleared from IrqEnable
struct SecondaryIrqEnableClearRegister {
static auto Get() { return IrqStatusRegister::Get(0x650); }
struct WatermarkRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<WatermarkRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(5, 0, length); // Length at which the watermark fires
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<WatermarkRegister>(offset); }
// IRQ fires when the length goes below the watermark
// (meaning there is free space in the FIFO to write.)
struct TxWatermarkRegister {
static auto Get() { return WatermarkRegister::Get(0x80c); }
// IRQ fires when the length goes above the watermark
// (meaning there is data in the FIFO to write.)
struct RxWatermarkRegister {
static auto Get() { return WatermarkRegister::Get(0x814); }
struct UartTransmitLengthRegister
: public hwreg::RegisterBase<UartTransmitLengthRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(23, 0, length); // Number of words to transmit in the next TX command
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<UartTransmitLengthRegister>(0x270); }
enum MainCommandOpCode {
// UART specific op codes
StartTx = 1,
StartBreak = 3,
StopBreak = 5,
struct MainCommandRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<MainCommandRegister, uint32_t> {
// 26, 0 not used by uart
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MainCommandOpCode, 31, 27, command);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<MainCommandRegister>(0x600); }
struct SecondaryCommandRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<SecondaryCommandRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(0, enable_search_char);
DEF_BIT(4, enable_skip_char_with_parity_error);
DEF_BIT(5, enable_skip_char_with_framing_error);
DEF_BIT(6, enable_skip_break_char);
DEF_BIT(27, start_read);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SecondaryCommandRegister>(0x630); }
struct CommandControlRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<CommandControlRegister, uint32_t> {
// 26, 0 not used by uart
DEF_BIT(0, disable);
DEF_BIT(1, abort_command);
DEF_BIT(2, cancel_command);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<CommandControlRegister>(offset); }
struct MainCommandControlRegister {
static auto Get() { return CommandControlRegister::Get(0x604); }
struct SecondaryCommandControlRegister {
static auto Get() { return CommandControlRegister::Get(0x634); }
struct SerialHwParametersRegister
: public hwreg::RegisterBase<SerialHwParametersRegister, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(11, fifo_enabled);
DEF_FIELD(14, 12, async_fifo_depth);
DEF_FIELD(21, 16, fifo_depth);
DEF_FIELD(29, 24, fifo_width);
static auto Get(uint32_t offset) {
return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SerialHwParametersRegister>(offset);
struct TxParametersRegister {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SerialHwParametersRegister>(0xe24); }
struct RxParametersRegister {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SerialHwParametersRegister>(0xe28); }
// This corresponds to the size of the MMIO region from a provided base address.
// In common configurations, each serial engine gets 16kB of register maps.
// Unfortunately, this approach is not ideal for accessing the common QUP SE
// registers for determining hardware version, etc. This slot would envelope all
// engines to reach 0x40000+, so a secondary driver would be needed to simply
// check the GENI FW version register.
static constexpr size_t kIoSlots = 0x4000;
struct Driver : public DriverBase<Driver, ZBI_KERNEL_DRIVER_GENI_UART, zbi_dcfg_simple_t,
IoRegisterType::kMmio8, kIoSlots> {
static constexpr auto kDevicetreeBindings =
template <typename... Args>
explicit Driver(Args&&... args)
: DriverBase<Driver, ZBI_KERNEL_DRIVER_GENI_UART, zbi_dcfg_simple_t, IoRegisterType::kMmio8,
kIoSlots>(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {
rx_fifo_depth = kRxFifoDepth;
tx_fifo_depth = kTxFifoDepth;
rx_fifo_width = kFifoWidth;
tx_fifo_width = kFifoWidth;
static constexpr std::string_view config_name() { return "geni"; }
// Common clocking values
// As needed, these can be discovered rather than hard coded.
static constexpr uint32_t kFrequency = 7372800;
static constexpr uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
static constexpr uint32_t kOversampling = 16; // 16 on newer boards, 32 before geni fw 2.5
static constexpr uint32_t kClockRate = kBaudRate * kOversampling;
static constexpr uint32_t kClockDiv = kFrequency / kClockRate;
// FIFO fill watermark in terms of FIFO words (kFifoWidth bytes)
static constexpr uint32_t kTxFifoWatermark = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kRxFifoWatermark = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kFifoWidth = 4; // in bytes
static constexpr uint32_t kRxFifoDepth = 16; // in fifos
static constexpr uint32_t kTxFifoDepth = 16;
uint32_t rx_fifo_depth;
uint32_t tx_fifo_depth;
uint32_t rx_fifo_width;
uint32_t tx_fifo_width;
template <class IoProvider>
void Init(IoProvider& io) {
auto tx_hw_params = TxParametersRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
tx_fifo_depth = tx_hw_params.fifo_depth();
// Store width in bytes, not bits.
tx_fifo_width = tx_hw_params.fifo_width() >> 3;
if (tx_fifo_width > kFifoWidth) {
tx_fifo_width = kFifoWidth;
auto rx_hw_params = RxParametersRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
rx_fifo_depth = rx_hw_params.fifo_depth();
rx_fifo_width = rx_hw_params.fifo_width() >> 3;
if (rx_fifo_width > kFifoWidth) {
rx_fifo_width = kFifoWidth;
// Note, this is a very lightweight initialization. Without the bootloader
// preconfiguring the debug UART, this code would need to check for GENI
// engine activity, abort all pending work, and reset the configs:
// determining clocking, set packing expectations, etc.
// Configure the clocks
auto m_clk = MainClockRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto s_clk = SecondaryClockRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
// If needed, add RFR watermark configuration.
// Setup watermarks for future interrupt use.
auto rx_wm = RxWatermarkRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto tx_wm = TxWatermarkRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
template <class IoProvider>
uint32_t TxReady(IoProvider& io) {
// If the engine is busy with the last call, don't bother
// checking the FIFO status.
auto geni_status = GeniStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
if (geni_status.m_command_active()) {
return 0;
auto fifo_count = TxFifoStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
// Block until it drops below the watermark.
if (fifo_count >= kTxFifoWatermark) {
return 0;
if (fifo_count > tx_fifo_depth) {
return 0;
// Return available bytes to be filled in the FIFO.
return (tx_fifo_depth - fifo_count) * tx_fifo_width;
template <class IoProvider, typename It1, typename It2>
auto Write(IoProvider& io, uint32_t ready_space, It1 it, const It2& end) {
ptrdiff_t remaining = std::distance(it, end);
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining >= INT_MAX) {
return it;
uint32_t bytes = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(remaining), ready_space);
auto txl = UartTransmitLengthRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto m_cmd = MainCommandRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
do {
auto tx = TxFifoRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
uint32_t value = 0;
uint32_t fifo_len = std::min(tx_fifo_width, bytes);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fifo_len; ++i, it++, bytes--) {
// Fill out the value
value |= (*it & 0xff) << (i * CHAR_BIT);
} while (it != end && bytes > 0);
return it;
template <class IoProvider>
std::optional<uint8_t> Read(IoProvider& io) {
if (RxFifoStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom( == 0) {
return {};
return RxFifoRegister::Get().ReadFrom( & 0xff;
template <class IoProvider>
void EnableTxInterrupt(IoProvider& io, bool enable = true) {
if (enable) {
auto enable_set = MainIrqEnableSetRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
} else {
auto m_en_clear = MainIrqEnableClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
// Only disable the watermark interrupt when a given stream is done.
// One shots are left active in case there are other blocked writers.
template <class IoProvider>
void EnableRxInterrupt(IoProvider& io, bool enable = true) {
if (enable) {
// RX work is handled on the secondary engine, but it is recommended to
// enable interrupts across both even though they won't be checked or
// cleared explicitly on the main engine.
auto m_enable_set = MainIrqEnableSetRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto s_enable_set = SecondaryIrqEnableSetRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
} else {
auto m_en_clear = MainIrqEnableClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto s_en_clear = SecondaryIrqEnableClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto m_clear = MainIrqStatusClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
auto s_clear = SecondaryIrqStatusClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0);
// These are unused at present.
// s_clear.set_command_cancel(1);
// s_clear.set_command_abort(1);
template <class IoProvider, typename EnableInterruptCallback>
void InitInterrupt(IoProvider& io, EnableInterruptCallback&& enable_interrupt_callback) {
// Clear any pre-existing enabled interrupts.
auto m_clear = MainIrqEnableClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0xffffffff);
auto s_clear = SecondaryIrqEnableClearRegister::Get().FromValue(0xffffffff);
// Enable receive interrupts.
// Transmit interrupts are enabled only when there is a blocked writer.
EnableRxInterrupt(io, true);
template <class IoProvider, typename Lock, typename Waiter, typename Tx, typename Rx>
void Interrupt(IoProvider& io, Lock& lock, Waiter& waiter, Tx&& tx, Rx&& rx) {
auto m_status = MainIrqStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
auto s_status = SecondaryIrqStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
// Clear the flags we're handling.
auto m_clear = MainIrqStatusClearRegister::Get().FromValue(m_status.reg_value());
auto s_clear = SecondaryIrqStatusClearRegister::Get().FromValue(s_status.reg_value());
// As this driver is for debug output only, there is no handling of errors,
// illegal commands, etc.
// Drain characters in the fifo.
if (s_status.rx_fifo_watermark() || s_status.rx_fifo_last()) {
auto rx_fifo_status = RxFifoStatusRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
bool ignore_rx = false;
// If an abort or cancel is raised, then the data should be trashed.
if (s_status.command_cancel() || s_status.command_abort()) {
ignore_rx = true;
// If needed, parity, char hunt, and other status can be checked here
// using the general purpose IRQs (GP). For debug uart use, they seem
// unnecessary.
// Compute the total bytes up front and then we can check on the last
// fifo if we should expect fewer bytes.
uint32_t to_drain = rx_fifo_status.count() * rx_fifo_width;
if (rx_fifo_status.partial()) {
// Remove the full fifo size and re-add up to the last byte
to_drain -= rx_fifo_width;
to_drain += rx_fifo_status.last_byte();
bool rx_disabled = false;
// Loop once per full fifo (4 bytes) and let the remainder catch the
// partial().
while (to_drain > 0) {
uint32_t fifo_len = std::min(rx_fifo_width, to_drain);
uint32_t value = RxFifoRegister::Get().ReadFrom(;
to_drain -= fifo_len;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < fifo_len && !rx_disabled; ++c) {
lock, [&]() { return ignore_rx ? 0 : (value >> (c * CHAR_BIT)) & 0xff; },
[&]() {
// If the buffer is full, disable the receive interrupt instead
// and stop checking.
EnableRxInterrupt(io, false);
rx_disabled = true;
// If any of the conditions below have been raised, attempting to transmit is ok.
if (m_status.tx_fifo_watermark() || m_status.command_done() || m_status.command_cancel() ||
m_status.command_abort()) {
tx(lock, waiter, [&]() { EnableTxInterrupt(io, false); });
} // namespace uart::geni
#endif // LIB_UART_GENI_H_