blob: 884ee7099def522d456ca5e7981bee435667331d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/variant.h>
#include <lib/trace-engine/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
namespace trace {
// Holds a process koid and thread koid as a pair.
// Sorts by process koid then by thread koid.
class ProcessThread final {
constexpr ProcessThread() : process_koid_(ZX_KOID_INVALID), thread_koid_(ZX_KOID_INVALID) {}
constexpr explicit ProcessThread(zx_koid_t process_koid, zx_koid_t thread_koid)
: process_koid_(process_koid), thread_koid_(thread_koid) {}
constexpr ProcessThread(const ProcessThread& other)
: process_koid_(other.process_koid_), thread_koid_(other.thread_koid_) {}
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return thread_koid_ != 0u || process_koid_ != 0u; }
constexpr bool operator==(const ProcessThread& other) const {
return process_koid_ == other.process_koid_ && thread_koid_ == other.thread_koid_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const ProcessThread& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
constexpr bool operator<(const ProcessThread& other) const {
if (process_koid_ != other.process_koid_) {
return process_koid_ < other.process_koid_;
return thread_koid_ < other.thread_koid_;
constexpr zx_koid_t process_koid() const { return process_koid_; }
constexpr zx_koid_t thread_koid() const { return thread_koid_; }
ProcessThread& operator=(const ProcessThread& other) {
process_koid_ = other.process_koid_;
thread_koid_ = other.thread_koid_;
return *this;
fbl::String ToString() const;
zx_koid_t process_koid_;
zx_koid_t thread_koid_;
// A typed argument value.
class ArgumentValue final {
static ArgumentValue MakeNull() { return ArgumentValue(); }
static ArgumentValue MakeBool(bool value) { return ArgumentValue(Bool{value}); }
static ArgumentValue MakeInt32(int32_t value) { return ArgumentValue(value); }
static ArgumentValue MakeUint32(uint32_t value) { return ArgumentValue(value); }
static ArgumentValue MakeInt64(int64_t value) { return ArgumentValue(value); }
static ArgumentValue MakeUint64(uint64_t value) { return ArgumentValue(value); }
static ArgumentValue MakeDouble(double value) { return ArgumentValue(value); }
static ArgumentValue MakeString(fbl::String value) { return ArgumentValue(std::move(value)); }
static ArgumentValue MakePointer(uint64_t value) { return ArgumentValue(Pointer{value}); }
static ArgumentValue MakeKoid(zx_koid_t value) { return ArgumentValue(Koid{value}); }
~ArgumentValue() = default;
ArgumentValue(const ArgumentValue&) = default;
ArgumentValue& operator=(const ArgumentValue&) = default;
ArgumentValue(ArgumentValue&& other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); }
ArgumentValue& operator=(ArgumentValue&& other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
value_ = std::move(other.value_);
return *this;
ArgumentType type() const { return static_cast<ArgumentType>(value_.index()); }
uint32_t GetBool() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kBool);
return cpp17::get<Bool>(value_).value;
int32_t GetInt32() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kInt32);
return cpp17::get<int32_t>(value_);
uint32_t GetUint32() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kUint32);
return cpp17::get<uint32_t>(value_);
int64_t GetInt64() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kInt64);
return cpp17::get<int64_t>(value_);
uint64_t GetUint64() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kUint64);
return cpp17::get<uint64_t>(value_);
double GetDouble() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kDouble);
return cpp17::get<double>(value_);
const fbl::String& GetString() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kString);
return cpp17::get<fbl::String>(value_);
uint64_t GetPointer() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kPointer);
return cpp17::get<Pointer>(value_).value;
zx_koid_t GetKoid() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type() == ArgumentType::kKoid);
return cpp17::get<Koid>(value_).value;
fbl::String ToString() const;
// Strong wrapper types for argument types that have no value or have ambiguous implicit
// conversions.
struct Null {};
struct Bool {
bool value;
struct Pointer {
uint64_t value;
struct Koid {
zx_koid_t value;
ArgumentValue() : value_{Null{}} {}
explicit ArgumentValue(Bool b) : value_(b) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(int32_t int32) : value_(int32) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(uint32_t uint32) : value_(uint32) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(int64_t int64) : value_(int64) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(uint64_t uint64) : value_(uint64) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(double d) : value_(d) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(fbl::String string) : value_(std::move(string)) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(Pointer pointer) : value_(pointer) {}
explicit ArgumentValue(Koid koid) : value_(koid) {}
using Variant = cpp17::variant<Null, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, double, fbl::String,
Pointer, Koid, Bool>;
Variant value_;
// Ensure the variant size and type order matches the type enum values.
template <typename T, size_t I>
static constexpr bool TypeIndexCheck =
std::is_same_v<T, cpp17::variant_alternative_t<I, Variant>>;
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<Bool, TRACE_ARG_BOOL>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<int32_t, TRACE_ARG_INT32>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<uint32_t, TRACE_ARG_UINT32>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<int64_t, TRACE_ARG_INT64>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<uint64_t, TRACE_ARG_UINT64>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<double, TRACE_ARG_DOUBLE>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<fbl::String, TRACE_ARG_STRING>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<Pointer, TRACE_ARG_POINTER>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<Koid, TRACE_ARG_KOID>);
static_assert(TypeIndexCheck<Bool, TRACE_ARG_BOOL>);
// Named argument and value.
class Argument final {
explicit Argument(fbl::String name, ArgumentValue value)
: name_(std::move(name)), value_(std::move(value)) {}
Argument(const Argument&) = default;
Argument& operator=(const Argument&) = default;
Argument(Argument&&) = default;
Argument& operator=(Argument&&) = default;
const fbl::String& name() const { return name_; }
const ArgumentValue& value() const { return value_; }
ArgumentType type() const { return value_.type(); }
fbl::String ToString() const;
static const Argument* Find(const fbl::String& name, const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
for (const Argument& argument : arguments) {
if ( == name) {
return &argument;
return nullptr;
fbl::String name_;
ArgumentValue value_;
// Trace Info type specific data
class TraceInfoContent final {
// Magic number record data
struct MagicNumberInfo {
uint32_t magic_value;
explicit TraceInfoContent(MagicNumberInfo magic_number_info)
: type_(TraceInfoType::kMagicNumber), magic_number_info_(std::move(magic_number_info)) {}
const MagicNumberInfo& GetMagicNumberInfo() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == TraceInfoType::kMagicNumber);
return magic_number_info_;
TraceInfoContent(TraceInfoContent&& other) : type_(other.type_) { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
~TraceInfoContent() { Destroy(); }
TraceInfoContent& operator=(TraceInfoContent&& other) {
return *this;
TraceInfoType type() const { return type_; }
fbl::String ToString() const;
void Destroy();
void MoveFrom(TraceInfoContent&& other);
TraceInfoType type_;
union {
MagicNumberInfo magic_number_info_;
// Metadata type specific data.
class MetadataContent final {
// Provider info event data.
struct ProviderInfo {
ProviderId id;
fbl::String name;
// Provider section event data.
struct ProviderSection {
ProviderId id;
// Provider event event data.
struct ProviderEvent {
ProviderId id;
ProviderEventType event;
// Trace info record data
struct TraceInfo {
TraceInfoType type() const { return content.type(); }
TraceInfoContent content;
explicit MetadataContent(ProviderInfo provider_info)
: type_(MetadataType::kProviderInfo), provider_info_(std::move(provider_info)) {}
explicit MetadataContent(ProviderSection provider_section)
: type_(MetadataType::kProviderSection), provider_section_(std::move(provider_section)) {}
explicit MetadataContent(ProviderEvent provider_event)
: type_(MetadataType::kProviderEvent), provider_event_(std::move(provider_event)) {}
explicit MetadataContent(TraceInfo trace_info)
: type_(MetadataType::kTraceInfo), trace_info_(std::move(trace_info)) {}
const ProviderInfo& GetProviderInfo() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == MetadataType::kProviderInfo);
return provider_info_;
const ProviderSection& GetProviderSection() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == MetadataType::kProviderSection);
return provider_section_;
const ProviderEvent& GetProviderEvent() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == MetadataType::kProviderEvent);
return provider_event_;
MetadataContent(MetadataContent&& other) : type_(other.type_) { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
~MetadataContent() { Destroy(); }
MetadataContent& operator=(MetadataContent&& other) {
return *this;
MetadataType type() const { return type_; }
fbl::String ToString() const;
void Destroy();
void MoveFrom(MetadataContent&& other);
MetadataType type_;
union {
ProviderInfo provider_info_;
ProviderSection provider_section_;
ProviderEvent provider_event_;
TraceInfo trace_info_;
// Event type specific data.
class EventData final {
// Instant event data.
struct Instant {
EventScope scope;
// Counter event data.
struct Counter {
trace_counter_id_t id;
// Duration begin event data.
struct DurationBegin {};
// Duration end event data.
struct DurationEnd {};
// Duration complete event data.
struct DurationComplete {
trace_ticks_t end_time;
// Async begin event data.
struct AsyncBegin {
trace_async_id_t id;
// Async instant event data.
struct AsyncInstant {
trace_async_id_t id;
// Async end event data.
struct AsyncEnd {
trace_async_id_t id;
// Flow begin event data.
struct FlowBegin {
trace_flow_id_t id;
// Flow step event data.
struct FlowStep {
trace_flow_id_t id;
// Flow end event data.
struct FlowEnd {
trace_flow_id_t id;
explicit EventData(Instant instant) : type_(EventType::kInstant), instant_(std::move(instant)) {}
explicit EventData(Counter counter) : type_(EventType::kCounter), counter_(std::move(counter)) {}
explicit EventData(DurationBegin duration_begin)
: type_(EventType::kDurationBegin), duration_begin_(std::move(duration_begin)) {}
explicit EventData(DurationEnd duration_end)
: type_(EventType::kDurationEnd), duration_end_(std::move(duration_end)) {}
explicit EventData(DurationComplete duration_complete)
: type_(EventType::kDurationComplete), duration_complete_(std::move(duration_complete)) {}
explicit EventData(AsyncBegin async_begin)
: type_(EventType::kAsyncBegin), async_begin_(std::move(async_begin)) {}
explicit EventData(AsyncInstant async_instant)
: type_(EventType::kAsyncInstant), async_instant_(std::move(async_instant)) {}
explicit EventData(AsyncEnd async_end)
: type_(EventType::kAsyncEnd), async_end_(std::move(async_end)) {}
explicit EventData(FlowBegin flow_begin)
: type_(EventType::kFlowBegin), flow_begin_(std::move(flow_begin)) {}
explicit EventData(FlowStep flow_step)
: type_(EventType::kFlowStep), flow_step_(std::move(flow_step)) {}
explicit EventData(FlowEnd flow_end)
: type_(EventType::kFlowEnd), flow_end_(std::move(flow_end)) {}
EventData(EventData&& other) { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
~EventData() { Destroy(); }
EventData& operator=(EventData&& other) {
return *this;
const Instant& GetInstant() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kInstant);
return instant_;
const Counter& GetCounter() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kCounter);
return counter_;
const DurationBegin& GetDurationBegin() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kDurationBegin);
return duration_begin_;
const DurationEnd& GetDurationEnd() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kDurationEnd);
return duration_end_;
const DurationComplete& GetDurationComplete() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kDurationComplete);
return duration_complete_;
const AsyncBegin& GetAsyncBegin() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kAsyncBegin);
return async_begin_;
const AsyncInstant& GetAsyncInstant() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kAsyncInstant);
return async_instant_;
const AsyncEnd& GetAsyncEnd() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kAsyncEnd);
return async_end_;
const FlowBegin& GetFlowBegin() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kFlowBegin);
return flow_begin_;
const FlowStep& GetFlowStep() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kFlowStep);
return flow_step_;
const FlowEnd& GetFlowEnd() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == EventType::kFlowEnd);
return flow_end_;
EventType type() const { return type_; }
fbl::String ToString() const;
void Destroy();
void MoveFrom(EventData&& other);
EventType type_;
union {
Instant instant_;
Counter counter_;
DurationBegin duration_begin_;
DurationEnd duration_end_;
DurationComplete duration_complete_;
AsyncBegin async_begin_;
AsyncInstant async_instant_;
AsyncEnd async_end_;
FlowBegin flow_begin_;
FlowStep flow_step_;
FlowEnd flow_end_;
// Large record specific data
class LargeRecordData final {
struct BlobEvent {
fbl::String category;
fbl::String name;
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
ProcessThread process_thread;
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
const void* blob;
uint64_t blob_size;
struct BlobAttachment {
fbl::String category;
fbl::String name;
const void* blob;
uint64_t blob_size;
// Large blob record data.
// The blob data pointer is actually just a pointer into the trace
// reader's buffer. As such, the record consumer should not attempt
// to free it. The record consumer must finish processing the
// blob data within the callback, as the pointer may not be valid
// after the completion of that callback.
using Blob = cpp17::variant<BlobEvent, BlobAttachment>;
explicit LargeRecordData(Blob blob) : type_(LargeRecordType::kBlob), blob_(std::move(blob)) {}
const Blob& GetBlob() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == LargeRecordType::kBlob);
return blob_;
LargeRecordData(LargeRecordData&& other) : type_(other.type_) { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
~LargeRecordData() { Destroy(); }
LargeRecordData& operator=(LargeRecordData&& other) {
return *this;
LargeRecordType type() const { return type_; }
fbl::String ToString() const;
void Destroy();
void MoveFrom(LargeRecordData&& other);
LargeRecordType type_;
union {
Blob blob_;
// A decoded record.
class Record final {
// Metadata record data.
struct Metadata {
MetadataType type() const { return content.type(); }
MetadataContent content;
// Initialization record data.
struct Initialization {
trace_ticks_t ticks_per_second;
// String record data.
struct String {
trace_string_index_t index;
fbl::String string;
// Thread record data.
struct Thread {
trace_thread_index_t index;
ProcessThread process_thread;
// Event record data.
struct Event {
EventType type() const { return data.type(); }
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
ProcessThread process_thread;
fbl::String category;
fbl::String name;
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
EventData data;
// Blob record data.
// Since blobs can be rather large we avoid unnecessary copying of them.
// This then means that the consumer must process the blob's payload
// before the next record is read.
struct Blob {
trace_blob_type_t type;
fbl::String name;
const void* blob;
size_t blob_size;
// Kernel Object record data.
struct KernelObject {
zx_koid_t koid;
zx_obj_type_t object_type;
fbl::String name;
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
// Scheduler Event record data.
struct SchedulerEvent {
struct LegacyContextSwitch {
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
trace_cpu_number_t cpu_number;
ThreadState outgoing_thread_state;
ProcessThread outgoing_thread;
ProcessThread incoming_thread;
trace_thread_priority_t outgoing_thread_priority;
trace_thread_priority_t incoming_thread_priority;
struct ContextSwitch {
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
trace_cpu_number_t cpu_number;
ThreadState outgoing_thread_state;
zx_koid_t outgoing_tid;
zx_koid_t incoming_tid;
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
const Argument* FindArgument(const fbl::String& name) const {
return Argument::Find(name, arguments);
struct ThreadWakeup {
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
trace_cpu_number_t cpu_number;
zx_koid_t incoming_tid;
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
const Argument* FindArgument(const fbl::String& name) const {
return Argument::Find(name, arguments);
explicit SchedulerEvent(LegacyContextSwitch record)
: event_type{SchedulerEventType::kLegacyContextSwitch}, event{std::move(record)} {}
explicit SchedulerEvent(ContextSwitch record)
: event_type{SchedulerEventType::kContextSwitch}, event{std::move(record)} {}
explicit SchedulerEvent(ThreadWakeup record)
: event_type{SchedulerEventType::kThreadWakeup}, event{std::move(record)} {}
SchedulerEvent(const SchedulerEvent&) = default;
SchedulerEvent& operator=(const SchedulerEvent&) = default;
SchedulerEvent(SchedulerEvent&&) = default;
SchedulerEvent& operator=(SchedulerEvent&&) = default;
SchedulerEventType type() const { return event_type; }
const LegacyContextSwitch& legacy_context_switch() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event_type == SchedulerEventType::kLegacyContextSwitch);
return cpp17::get<LegacyContextSwitch>(event);
const ContextSwitch& context_switch() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event_type == SchedulerEventType::kContextSwitch);
return cpp17::get<ContextSwitch>(event);
const ThreadWakeup& thread_wakeup() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event_type == SchedulerEventType::kThreadWakeup);
return cpp17::get<ThreadWakeup>(event);
SchedulerEventType event_type;
cpp17::variant<LegacyContextSwitch, ContextSwitch, ThreadWakeup> event;
// Log record data.
struct Log {
trace_ticks_t timestamp;
ProcessThread process_thread;
fbl::String message;
// Large record data.
using Large = LargeRecordData;
explicit Record(Metadata record) : type_(RecordType::kMetadata), metadata_(std::move(record)) {}
explicit Record(Initialization record)
: type_(RecordType::kInitialization), initialization_(std::move(record)) {}
explicit Record(String record) : type_(RecordType::kString) {
new (&string_) String(std::move(record));
explicit Record(Thread record) : type_(RecordType::kThread) {
new (&thread_) Thread(std::move(record));
explicit Record(Event record) : type_(RecordType::kEvent) {
new (&event_) Event(std::move(record));
explicit Record(Blob record) : type_(RecordType::kBlob) { new (&blob_) Blob(std::move(record)); }
explicit Record(KernelObject record) : type_(RecordType::kKernelObject) {
new (&kernel_object_) KernelObject(std::move(record));
explicit Record(SchedulerEvent record) : type_(RecordType::kScheduler) {
new (&scheduler_event_) SchedulerEvent(std::move(record));
explicit Record(Log record) : type_(RecordType::kLog) { new (&log_) Log(std::move(record)); }
explicit Record(Large record) : type_(RecordType::kLargeRecord) {
new (&large_) Large(std::move(record));
Record(Record&& other) { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
~Record() { Destroy(); }
Record& operator=(Record&& other) {
return *this;
const Metadata& GetMetadata() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kMetadata);
return metadata_;
const Initialization& GetInitialization() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kInitialization);
return initialization_;
const String& GetString() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kString);
return string_;
const Thread& GetThread() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kThread);
return thread_;
const Event& GetEvent() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kEvent);
return event_;
const Blob& GetBlob() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kBlob);
return blob_;
const KernelObject& GetKernelObject() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kKernelObject);
return kernel_object_;
const SchedulerEvent& GetSchedulerEvent() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kScheduler);
return scheduler_event_;
const Log& GetLog() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kLog);
return log_;
const Large& GetLargeRecord() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type_ == RecordType::kLargeRecord);
return large_;
RecordType type() const { return type_; }
fbl::String ToString() const;
std::optional<fbl::String> GetName() const;
void Destroy();
void MoveFrom(Record&& other);
RecordType type_;
union {
Metadata metadata_;
Initialization initialization_;
String string_;
Thread thread_;
Event event_;
Blob blob_;
KernelObject kernel_object_;
SchedulerEvent scheduler_event_;
Log log_;
Large large_;
} // namespace trace