blob: d84825d2de5391409199254f6ae54352a1202f2c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Three copies of libtrace-provider are built:
# (1) trace-provider: Main version that is used by in tree components and drivers
# This copy uses
# (2) trace-provider-so: Same as trace-provider, but exported to SDK
# as a shared library. This copy uses
# (3) trace-provider-with-static-engine: A special stripped down
# static version for magma
template("trace_provider_library") {
zx_library(target_name) {
sdk = "source"
public_deps = []
sources = []
deps = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
sdk_headers = [
public_deps += [
# <trace-provider/provider.h> has #include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>.
# <trace-provider/provider.h> has #include <lib/zx/channel.h>.
sources += [
# Source dependencies, not including the trace engine.
deps += [
if (enable_fdio_support) {
sdk_headers += [ "lib/trace-provider/fdio_connect.h" ]
sources += [
deps += [ "//sdk/lib/fdio" ]
# The default version for the normal case.
trace_provider_library("trace-provider") {
sdk = "source"
enable_fdio_support = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/trace-engine" ]
# Shared version for the SDK.
# Unlike trace-engine which keeps a large amount of state that needs to be merged between libraries,
# trace-provider, as the controlling layer on top of trace engine, doesn't keep state that needs to
# be shared. Only the main binary, not any of the libraries, need to link against trace-provider.
# Trace-provider was originally added to the sdk as a shared object due to limitations of the fidl
# build system which are no longer relevant. It should be possible to include the source version
# directly in the sdk -- modulo the migration required to do so.
# TODO( Add to this library in order to match the
# non-shared version of the library.
trace_provider_library("trace-provider-so") {
# We've got a wonky name here because zx_library forces us to use the target name as the
# output and trace-provider is already taken above. We could fix this by directly calling into
# `sdk_shared_library` and defining an output_name, ensuring that all the arguments are passed the
# same, and then migrating all the out of tree usages of ``. Alternatively, as
# mentioned above, we may be able to drop the shared version entirely.
sdk_publishable = "partner"
sdk = "shared"
enable_fdio_support = true
defines = [ "SHARED_LIBRARY" ]
public_deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/trace-engine" ]
runtime_deps = [ "//sdk/lib/fdio:fdio_sdk" ]
# We produce a static library version of tracing for (currently) one special case: magma.
# Unlike components which get packaged and run with the shared libraries they were built with,
# the vulkan icds get loaded at runtime into an application with mostly-arbitrary library
# versions. Since there's no guarantee of the trace library abi in this environment, magma
# instead statically links against the trace libraries so that it can safely trace with a known
# implementation.
# In addition, magma has a very limited set of allowable dependencies, fdio not being one of them.
# We exclude fdio_connect support in this version.
trace_provider_library("trace-provider-with-static-engine") {
sdk = "static"
public_deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/trace-engine:trace-engine-static" ]
# This is used by magma client drivers, so it can't depend on fdio (or other shared libraries
# besides libc).
enable_fdio_support = false
assert_no_deps = [
# For apps that use the trace engine, but not via a trace provider.
# These are usually test and benchmarking apps.
# Normal apps are not expected to use this.
zx_library("trace-handler") {
sdk = "static"
sdk_headers = [ "lib/trace-provider/handler.h" ]
public_deps = [
# It is up to the client to choose which engine (shared, static),
# just reference the headers here.
sources = [ "" ]
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "test:tests" ]