blob: 3f1dd6f5cfcdb436b20bce951b4de85b01c7cbd7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
trace_engine_headers = [
# keep-sorted: begin
# keep-sorted: end
trace_engine_header_deps = [
# <trace-engine/handler.h> has #include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>.
template("trace_engine_library") {
zx_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
sdk_headers = trace_engine_headers
public_deps = [ ":trace-engine-headersonly" ]
public_deps += trace_engine_header_deps
sources = [
deps = [
config("trace_engine_include") {
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
# Header-only source package for use by trace-provider:handler,
# which is engine-agnostic.
sdk_source_set("trace-engine-headersonly") {
sdk_name = "trace-engine-headersonly"
category = "partner"
stable = true
sources = [ "include/lib/trace-engine/buffer_internal.h" ]
public = []
foreach(header, trace_engine_headers) {
public += [ "include/" + header ]
public_deps = trace_engine_header_deps
public_configs = [ ":trace_engine_include" ]
# We build trace-engine in two different ways:
# 1) Shared library
# Most users should use this version. The trace-engine library keeps a fair amount of state:
# buffer management, the current state of the trace, several caches etc. If we distribute tracing
# only as a static library, each shared library that includes tracing will get its own copy of
# the tracing state. When we start a trace, only the trace-engine linked directly into the main
# executable would start.
# Distributing a shared library ensures that the dynamic linker will load the library once, and
# each library that uses tracing will point to the same trace-engine state.
# While most in tree components don't extensively use shared libraries that include tracing, the
# main exception is drivers. The driver host is capable of tracing, and multiple drivers, which
# are also capable of tracing, can be dynamically loaded into a single driver host. When a driver
# host starts tracing, we need to ensure the included drivers also start tracing.
trace_engine_library("trace-engine") {
sdk = "shared"
sdk_publishable = "partner"
# 2) Static library
# We produce a static library version of trace-engine for (currently) one special case: magma.
# Unlike components which get packaged and run with the shared libraries they were built with,
# the vulkan icds get loaded at runtime into an application with mostly-arbitrary library
# versions. Since there's no guarantee of the trace-engine abi in this environment, magma
# instead statically links against the trace-engine libraries so that it can safely trace with a
# known implementation of trace-engine.
trace_engine_library("trace-engine-static") {
sdk = "static"
defines = [ "STATIC_LIBRARY" ]
# Header-only source package for use by exported trace-reader package.
# This code also runs on the host.
zx_library("trace-engine-headers-for-reader") {
sdk = "source"
sdk_headers = [
sources = []
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "test:tests" ]