blob: c219200115929b69861d84b8f90fcda4bc7d2ae7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/sync/internal/mutex-internal.h>
namespace condition_impl_internal {
// A template implementation of a condition variable.
// The algorithm is borrowed from MUSL.
// The 'Condition' struct must contain the following fields:
// int lock;
// void* head;
// void* tail;
// The following struct template must be specialized for the mutex type 'Mutex'
// in order to instantiate the template:
template <typename Mutex>
struct MutexOps {
// Return a pointer to the futex that backs the |mutex|
static zx_futex_t* get_futex(Mutex* mutex);
// Lock the |mutex|. If an error occurs while locking the mutex,
// ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE must be returned. An implementation-defined
// error code can be returned via |mutex_lock_err| if it's not null.
static zx_status_t lock(Mutex* mutex, int* mutex_lock_err);
// Similar to lock(), but also update the waiter information in the mutex.
// If the mutex implements waiter counting, then the count must be adjusted
// by |waiters_delta|. Otherwise, the mutex must be marked as potentially
// having waiters.
static zx_status_t lock_with_waiters(Mutex* mutex, int waiters_delta, int* mutex_lock_err);
// Unlock the mutex
static void unlock(Mutex* mutex);
// Requeue all of the memebrs waiting in |completion| to the futex backing |mutex|.
static void signal_requeue(sync_completion_t* completion, Mutex* mutex);
// Note that this library is used by libc, and as such needs to use
// '_zx_' function names for syscalls and not the regular 'zx_' names.
static inline void spin() {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__riscv_zihintpause)
__asm__ __volatile__("pause" : : : "memory");
#elif defined(__riscv)
// If -march doesn't include Zihintpause, there's nothing to do.
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#error Please define spin() for your architecture
static inline bool cas(int* ptr, int* expected, int desired) {
return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(ptr, expected, desired, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST,
static inline void wait(int* futex, int current_value) {
int spins = 100;
while (spins--) {
if (__atomic_load_n(futex, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) == current_value) {
} else {
while (__atomic_load_n(futex, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) == current_value) {
_zx_futex_wait(futex, current_value, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
enum {
struct Waiter {
Waiter* prev = nullptr;
Waiter* next = nullptr;
int state = WAITING;
sync_completion_t ready;
int* notify = nullptr;
// Return value:
// - ZX_OK if the condition variable was signaled;
// - ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT if deadline was reached;
// - ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if there was an error locking the mutex.
// In this case, |mutex_lock_err|, if not null, will be populated with an error code
// provided by the mutex implementation.
template <typename Condition, typename Mutex>
static inline zx_status_t timedwait(Condition* c, Mutex* mutex, zx_time_t deadline,
int* mutex_lock_err) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
Waiter node;
// Add our waiter node onto the condition's list. We add the node to the
// head of the list, but this is logically the end of the queue. = static_cast<Waiter*>(c->head);
c->head = &node;
if (!c->tail) {
c->tail = &node;
} else {>prev = &node;
// Wait to be signaled. There are multiple ways this wait could finish:
// 1) After being woken by signal().
// 2) After being woken by a mutex unlock, after we were
// requeued from the condition's futex to the mutex's futex (by
// timedwait() in another thread).
// 3) After a timeout.
// In the original Linux version of this algorithm, this could also exit
// when interrupted by an asynchronous signal, but that does not apply on Zircon.
sync_completion_wait_deadline(&node.ready, deadline);
int oldstate = WAITING;
if (cas(&node.state, &oldstate, LEAVING)) {
// The wait timed out. So far, this thread was not signaled by
// signal() -- this thread was able to move state.node out of the
// WAITING state before any signal() call could do that.
// This thread must therefore remove the waiter node from the
// list itself.
// Access to cv object is valid because this waiter was not
// yet signaled and a new signal/broadcast cannot return
// after seeing a LEAVING waiter without getting notified
// via the futex notify below.
// Remove our waiter node from the list.
if (c->head == &node) {
c->head =;
} else if (node.prev) {
node.prev->next =;
if (c->tail == &node) {
c->tail = node.prev;
} else if ( {>prev = node.prev;
// It is possible that signal() saw our waiter node after we set
// node.state to LEAVING but before we removed the node from the
// list. If so, it will have set node.notify and will be waiting
// on it, and we need to wake it up.
// This is rather complex. An alternative would be to eliminate
// the |node.state| field and always claim |lock| if we could have
// got a timeout. However, that presumably has higher overhead
// (since it contends |lock| and involves more atomic ops).
if (node.notify) {
if (__atomic_fetch_add(node.notify, -1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) == 1) {
_zx_futex_wake(node.notify, 1);
// We don't need lock_with_waiters() here: we haven't been signaled, and will
// never be since we managed to claim the state as LEAVING. This means that
// we could not have been woken up by unlock_requeue() + mutex unlock().
if (MutexOps<Mutex>::lock(mutex, mutex_lock_err) != ZX_OK) {
// Since the CAS above failed, we have been signaled.
// It could still be the case that sync_completion_wait_deadline() above timed out,
// so we need to make sure to wait for the completion to control the wake order.
// If the completion has already been signaled, this will return immediately.
sync_completion_wait_deadline(&node.ready, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// By this point, our part of the waiter list cannot change further.
// It has been unlinked from the condition by signal().
// Any timed out waiters would have removed themselves from the list
// before signal() signaled the first node.ready in our list.
// It is therefore safe now to read and node.prev without
// holding c->lock.
// As an optimization, we only update waiter count at the beginning and
// end of the signaled list.
int waiters_delta = 0;
if (!node.prev) {
if (! {
// We must leave the mutex in the "locked with waiters" state here
// (or adjust its waiter count, depending on the implementation).
// There are two reasons for that:
// 1) If we do the unlock_requeue() below, a condition waiter will be
// requeued to the mutex's futex. We need to ensure that it will
// be signaled by mutex unlock() in future.
// 2) If the current thread was woken via an unlock_requeue() +
// mutex unlock, there *might* be another thread waiting for
// the mutex after us in the queue. We need to ensure that it
// will be signaled by zxr_mutex_unlock() in future.
zx_status_t status = MutexOps<Mutex>::lock_with_waiters(mutex, waiters_delta, mutex_lock_err);
if (node.prev) {
// Signal the completion that's holding back the next waiter, and
// requeue it to the mutex so that it will be woken when the
// mutex is unlocked.
MutexOps<Mutex>::signal_requeue(&node.prev->ready, mutex);
// Even if the first call to sync_completion_wait_deadline() timed out,
// we still have been signaled. Thus we still return ZX_OK rather than
// ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT. This provides the following guarantee: if multiple
// threads are waiting when signal() is called, at least one waiting
// thread will be woken *and* get a ZX_OK from timedwait() (unless there
// is an error locking the mutex). This property does not appear to be
// required by pthread condvars, although an analogous property is
// required for futex wake-ups. We also require this property for
// sync_condition_t.
return status;
// This will wake up to |n| threads that are waiting on the condition,
// or all waiting threads if |n| is set to -1
template <typename Condition>
static inline void signal(Condition* c, int n) {
Waiter* p;
Waiter* first = nullptr;
int ref = 0;
int cur;
for (p = static_cast<Waiter*>(c->tail); n && p; p = p->prev) {
int oldstate = WAITING;
if (!cas(&p->state, &oldstate, SIGNALED)) {
// This waiter timed out, and it marked itself as in the
// LEAVING state. However, it hasn't yet claimed |lock|
// (since we claimed the lock first) and so it hasn't yet
// removed itself from the list. We will wait for the waiter
// to remove itself from the list and to notify us of that.
__atomic_fetch_add(&ref, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
p->notify = &ref;
} else {
if (!first) {
first = p;
// Split the list, leaving any remainder on the cv.
if (p) {
if (p->next) {
p->next->prev = 0;
p->next = 0;
} else {
c->head = 0;
c->tail = p;
// Wait for any waiters in the LEAVING state to remove
// themselves from the list before returning or allowing
// signaled threads to proceed.
while ((cur = __atomic_load_n(&ref, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))) {
wait(&ref, cur);
// Allow first signaled waiter, if any, to proceed.
if (first) {
} // namespace condition_impl_internal