blob: e2ead5a64cb282d89728429a0b12f84a7caecd54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/concurrent/copy.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <array>
#include <random>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace test {
class ConcurrentCopyFixture : public zxtest::Test {
ConcurrentCopyFixture() = default;
virtual ~ConcurrentCopyFixture() = default;
void SetUp() override {
static constexpr size_t kTestBufferSize = 256;
template <typename T>
struct SimpleObj {
SimpleObj() = default;
explicit SimpleObj(T val) : val(val) {}
T val{0};
void ResetBuffer() {
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist{0x00, 0x0FF};
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst_.size(); ++i) {
dst_[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(dist(generator_));
src_[i] = ~dst_[i];
template <typename T>
struct UniformDistType {
using Type = T;
std::is_integral_v<T> && sizeof(T) > 1,
"std::uniform_int_distribution can only handle integral types larger than a byte.");
template <>
struct UniformDistType<uint8_t> {
using Type = uint16_t;
template <typename T>
T GetNonZeroRandom() {
std::uniform_int_distribution<typename UniformDistType<T>::Type> dist{
1, std::numeric_limits<T>::max()};
return static_cast<T>(dist(generator_));
template <typename T, concurrent::SyncOpt kSyncOpt>
void DoWrapperCopyTest() {
using concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable;
const T val = GetNonZeroRandom<T>();
// Exercise the classic "template" syntax for selecting the synchronization
// options for the Copy(To|From) operation.
WellDefinedCopyable<SimpleObj<T>> wrapped;
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped{val};
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(0, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
wrapped.template Update<kSyncOpt>(unwrapped);
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped;
ASSERT_EQ(0, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
wrapped.template Read<kSyncOpt>(unwrapped);
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
// Exercise the type-tagging syntax for selecting the synchronization
// options for the Copy(To|From) operation.
using SyncOptTypeTag = concurrent::SyncOptType<kSyncOpt>;
WellDefinedCopyable<SimpleObj<T>> wrapped;
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped{val};
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(0, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
wrapped.Update(unwrapped, SyncOptTypeTag{});
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped;
ASSERT_EQ(0, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
wrapped.Read(unwrapped, SyncOptTypeTag{});
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
// Make sure we exercise the default sync type as well
WellDefinedCopyable<SimpleObj<T>> wrapped;
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped{val};
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(0, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
SimpleObj<T> unwrapped;
ASSERT_EQ(0, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, unwrapped.val);
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
template <typename T>
void DoWrapperTest() {
using concurrent::SyncOpt;
using concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable;
// Default Construction
WellDefinedCopyable<SimpleObj<T>> wrapped;
ASSERT_EQ(0, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
// Explicit Construction
T val = GetNonZeroRandom<T>();
WellDefinedCopyable<SimpleObj<T>> wrapped{val};
ASSERT_EQ(val, wrapped.unsynchronized_get().val);
// Copy with various sync options.
DoWrapperCopyTest<T, SyncOpt::AcqRelOps>();
DoWrapperCopyTest<T, SyncOpt::Fence>();
DoWrapperCopyTest<T, SyncOpt::None>();
std::array<uint8_t, kTestBufferSize> src_{0};
std::array<uint8_t, kTestBufferSize> dst_{0};
static constexpr uint64_t kConstSeed = 0xa5f084a2c3de6b75;
std::mt19937_64 generator_{kConstSeed};
TEST_F(ConcurrentCopyFixture, CopyTo) {
using concurrent::SyncOpt;
using concurrent::WellDefinedCopyTo;
ASSERT_EQ(src_.size(), dst_.size());
// Test all of the combinations of alignment at the start and end of the operation.
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < sizeof(uint64_t); ++offset) {
for (size_t remainder = 1; remainder <= sizeof(uint64_t); ++remainder) {
const size_t op_len = src_.size() - offset - (sizeof(uint64_t) - remainder);
ASSERT_LE(op_len + offset, src_.size());
// Perform a copy-to using the default fence/element-atomic semantics.
WellDefinedCopyTo(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Perform a copy-to using release semantics for each element transfer,
// and no fence, then check the results.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Same test, but this time use a release fence at the start of the
// operation, and relaxed atomic semantics on the individual element
// transfers.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::Fence>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Same test, but this time do not use either a fence or release semantics
// on each element. Instead, simply do everything with relaxed atomic
// stores.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::None>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Finally, perform one more test using each of the fence options, but
// guaranteeing that we have at least uint64_t alignment.
using concurrent::internal::kMaxTransferGranularity;
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&dst_) & (kMaxTransferGranularity - 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&src_) & (kMaxTransferGranularity - 1), 0);
// Release on the ops.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
// Use a release fence before the transfer.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::Fence, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
// Relaxed atomics on the ops, no fence.
WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::None, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
TEST_F(ConcurrentCopyFixture, CopyFrom) {
using concurrent::SyncOpt;
using concurrent::WellDefinedCopyFrom;
ASSERT_EQ(src_.size(), dst_.size());
// Test all of the combinations of alignment at the start and end of the operation.
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < sizeof(uint64_t); ++offset) {
for (size_t remainder = 1; remainder <= sizeof(uint64_t); ++remainder) {
const size_t op_len = src_.size() - offset - (sizeof(uint64_t) - remainder);
ASSERT_LE(op_len + offset, src_.size());
// Perform a copy-from using the default fence/element-atomic semantics.
WellDefinedCopyFrom(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Perform a copy-from using acquire semantics for each element transfer,
// and no fence, then check the results.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Same test, but this time use an acquire fence at the end of the
// operation, and relaxed atomic semantics on the individual element
// transfers.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::Fence>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Same test, but this time do not use either a fence or acquire semantics
// on each element. Instead, simply do everything with relaxed atomic
// loads.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::None>(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_[offset], &src_[offset], op_len);
// Finally, perform one more test using each of the fence options, but
// guaranteeing that we have at least uint64_t alignment.
using concurrent::internal::kMaxTransferGranularity;
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&dst_) & (kMaxTransferGranularity - 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&src_) & (kMaxTransferGranularity - 1), 0);
// Acquire on the ops.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
// Use an acquire fence after the transfer.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::Fence, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
// Relaxed atomics on the ops, no fence.
WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::None, kMaxTransferGranularity>(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(&dst_, &src_, dst_.size());
namespace {
struct NonTrivialCopy {
NonTrivialCopy() = default;
~NonTrivialCopy() = default;
NonTrivialCopy(const NonTrivialCopy& other) { memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this)); }
uint32_t val{0};
struct NonTrivialAssign {
NonTrivialAssign() = default;
~NonTrivialAssign() = default;
NonTrivialAssign& operator=(const NonTrivialAssign& other) {
memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this));
return *this;
uint32_t val{0};
struct NonTrivialDestructor {
NonTrivialDestructor() = default;
~NonTrivialDestructor() { printf("This destructor is non-trivial\n"); }
uint32_t val{0};
} // namespace
TEST_F(ConcurrentCopyFixture, WrapperCopy) {
// Make sure we cannot make wrappers around objects which are not trivially
// copyable.
{ [[maybe_unused]] concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable<NonTrivialCopy> not_allowed; }
{ [[maybe_unused]] concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable<NonTrivialAssign> not_allowed; }
{ [[maybe_unused]] concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable<NonTrivialDestructor> not_allowed; }
} // namespace test