blob: c7181f49eae0fe50c8c17ac693affb9796bf211b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/concurrent/chainlock.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace test {
using concurrent::ChainLock;
TEST(ChainLock, UncontestedAcquire) {
// The lock itself.
ChainLock lock;
// To lock the lock, we are going to need a token, and a specific result code.
ChainLock::Token token;
ChainLock::LockResult result = lock.Acquire(token);
// We should always get the lock, there is no one to contest it.
ASSERT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kOk, result);
// We need to prove to the static analyzer that we hold the lock before we release it.
TEST(ChainLock, BackoffAcquire) {
ChainLock lock;
ChainLock::Token token1;
ChainLock::Token token2;
// Obtain the lock with the first token.
ChainLock::LockResult result = lock.Acquire(token1);
ASSERT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kOk, result);
// Now, attempt to acquire the lock with the second token. The second token
// was created after the first, so the first token should have priority. When
// we see that the lock is contested, and contested by someone with priority,
// we should be told that we need to backoff and try again later.
result = lock.Acquire(token2);
EXPECT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kBackoff, result);
// We are holding the lock, however, just using token 1, not token 2. We need
// to assert this before the static analyzer will allow is to drop the lock.
TEST(ChainLock, CyclicAcquire) {
ChainLock lock;
ChainLock::Token token;
// Obtain the lock.
ChainLock::LockResult result = lock.Acquire(token);
ASSERT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kOk, result);
// Now try to obtain it again with the same token. The result should be that
// we detect a cycle.
result = lock.Acquire(token);
EXPECT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kCycleDetected, result);
// We still need to drop the lock that we are holding, however.
TEST(ChainLock, SpinAcquire) {
// This test is a bit more complicated than all of the other tests, because it
// will require us to use at least one more thread. We are going to set up a
// situation where someone with a lower priority is holding the lock, and a
// higher priority acquisition operation ends up needing to wait for the lock.
ChainLock lock;
ChainLock::Token high_prio_token;
ChainLock::Token low_prio_token;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
// Obtain the lock using the lower priority token.
ChainLock::LockResult result = lock.Acquire(low_prio_token);
ASSERT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kOk, result);
enum class State {
std::atomic<State> state{State::Initial};
// Create a thread to contest the lock, and have it use the higher priority
// token.
std::thread t1{[&lock, token = high_prio_token, &state]() -> void {
// Indicate that we are ready for the test to begin.;
// Now attempt to obtain the lock. This will _eventually_ succeed, but
// not before the main test thread drops the lock.
ChainLock::LockResult result = lock.Acquire(token);
EXPECT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kOk, result);
// Indicate that we have successfully acquired the lock, then wait until
// it is time to drop the lock.;
while (state.load() != State::DropLock) {
// Test finished, drop the lock and get out.
// Wait until the test thread is about to acquire the lock, then wait just a
// little longer to ensure that the test thread is actually spinning inside of
// the lock. Note that there is a very small chance that we don't actually
// encounter contention with the test thread, and end up giving a false
// positive, however it a very small chance. Given the number of CI/CQ runs
// we execute, and error here will not stay undetected for long.
while (state.load() != State::WaitingForLock) {
// Go ahead and drop the lock, then wait until the thread has entered.
while (state.load() != State::LockAcquired) {
// Now, if we attempt to acquire the lock with our lower-priority token, we
// should be told that we need to back off.
result = lock.Acquire(low_prio_token);
EXPECT_EQ(ChainLock::LockResult::kBackoff, result);
// Signal the thread that it is time to drop the lock and exit, then cleanup
// and get out.;
} // namespace test