blob: e27fad2fb846deaadfae4112961868545277b3a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/concurrent/common.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <atomic>
namespace concurrent {
class ChainLock; // fwd decl
// Note: In a perfect world, Token would be an inner class of chainlock.
// Unfortunately, we want to declare a static constexpr instance of a Token
// inside of ChainLock to represent the "unlocked" state. To do this, there
// needs to be a defined constexpr constructor used to create the constexpr
// instance of the token. The problem is that even though the inner class
// definition is finished, the compiler does not see to think that the uint64_t
// based constructor is properly defined until the outer class definition is
// finished as well.
// So, to simulate the inner class syntax, we stuff the token definition into an
// internal namespace outside of ChainLock (guaranteeing that Token will be
// fully defined by the time we construct the unlocked token), and then define
// ChainLock::Token using a simple using statement alias.
namespace chain_lock_internal {
class Token {
Token() : token_(token_generator_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {}
// Copy construction is allowed, but assignment is not. Generally speaking,
// users should not be re-assigning the values of token instances (and if they
// ever need to, it mandates some extra checks which are not possible in a
// trivial assignment operator)
constexpr Token(const Token&) = default;
Token& operator=(const Token& other) = delete;
// A "valid" token is one which does not hold the unlocked sentinel value. A
// "reserved" token is one whose value is on the range (0, kReservedTokens]
// (which will never be generated by the token generator).
bool is_valid() const { return token_ != kUnlockedTokenValue; }
bool is_reserved() const { return is_valid() && (token_ <= kReservedTokens); }
// Report the raw value of the token, typically used for debug logging.
uint64_t value() const { return token_; }
friend class ::concurrent::ChainLock;
explicit inline constexpr Token(uint64_t token_val) : token_{token_val} {}
// Comparison operators used as shorthand for comparing token values during
// acquire operations. Note, these are deliberately private. The internal
// value for a token and how it is used to determine who has priority during
// lock acquisition is considered to be an internal implementation detail.
// Users should really not be comparing token values, and if they ever fine
// them in a situation of legitimately needing to do so, it would a hint that
// the user-facing API is missing some functionality somewhere.
bool operator==(const Token& other) const { return token_ == other.token_; }
bool operator!=(const Token& other) const { return token_ != other.token_; }
bool operator<(const Token& other) const { return token_ < other.token_; }
bool operator>(const Token& other) const { return token_ > other.token_; }
static inline constexpr uint64_t kUnlockedTokenValue{0};
static inline constexpr uint64_t kReservedTokens{0x10000};
static inline std::atomic<uint64_t> token_generator_{kReservedTokens + 1};
uint64_t token_;
} // namespace chain_lock_internal
class __TA_CAPABILITY("mutex") ChainLock {
using Token = chain_lock_internal::Token;
enum class LockResult {
// Lock was successfully acquired
// Lock is held by someone with a higher priority (their_token < our_token)
// token. We need to invoke the backoff protocol, dropping all of the locks
// we currently hold before trying again.
// Lock is already held by our token. This is an error, and perhaps a fatal
// one depending on the situation.
// Lock is held by someone with a lower priority token (their_token >
// our_token). We can immediately try again, but some users (like the
// kernel) might sometimes need to see this result in order to perform
// accounting for contention times.
constexpr ChainLock() = default;
~ChainLock() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(const Token lock_token = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
lock_token == kUnlockedToken,
"Destroying locked ChainLock (lock token 0x%lx).", lock_token.value());
// No copy, no move
ChainLock(const ChainLock&) = delete;
ChainLock(ChainLock&&) = delete;
ChainLock& operator=(const ChainLock&) = delete;
ChainLock& operator=(ChainLock&&);
// Exclusive locking.
// Attempt to acquire the lock, aborting in the presence of a higher priority
// lock holder, or if a cycle is detected. Note that there are no annotations
// present on this method; use AssertHeld after successfully acquiring the
// lock in order to make the static analyzer happy.
LockResult Acquire(const Token token) {
// The token the user is passing cannot be invalid.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(token.is_valid(), "Attempting to Acquire using an invalid token.");
// Run any OS/environment specific checks before acquiring.
return AcquireInternal(token).result;
// Unconditionally acquire the lock. Do not stop trying, even in the presence
// of a higher priority lock holder. ASSERT in the case that a cycle is
// detected. Primarily meant to be used when when attempting to acquire a
// single ChainLock, while no other ChainLocks are currently held.
void AcquireUnconditionally(const Token token) __TA_ACQUIRE() {
// The token the user is passing cannot be invalid.
"Attempting to AcquireUnconditionally using an invalid token.");
while (true) {
if (const LockResult result = AcquireInternal(token).result; result == LockResult::kOk) {
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(result != LockResult::kCycleDetected,
"Cycle detected during AcquireUnconditionally");
// Attempt to acquire the lock, but do not ever spin trying. This method will
// immediately fail if the lock is contested in any way, and will ASSERT if a
// lock cycle is detected.
bool TryAcquire(const Token token) __TA_TRY_ACQUIRE(true) {
// Try to claim the lock with our CMPX. If this fails *and* the observed
// token is our token, ASSERT.
Token expected{kUnlockedToken};
if (state_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, token, std::memory_order_acquire,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
return true;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(expected != token, "Cycle detected during TryAcquire");
return false;
// Unconditionally release the lock. ASSERTs if the lock is not currently
// held by anyone, but performs no checks against the token used to acquire
// the chain.
void Release() __TA_RELEASE() {
// Run any OS/environment specific checks before releasing.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != kUnlockedToken,
"Attempting to unlock an already unlocked ChainLock.");, std::memory_order_release);
// AssertHeld/AssertAcquired both verify that the lock is held by the provided
// token in a way which satisfies the static analyzer, however their semantics
// and intended uses are slightly different.
// AssertHeld will assert that the ChainLock instance is currently held by the
// provided token. It does not actually claim to acquire the lock, merely
// asserts that the lock is held. It is intended to be used in places where
// the lock should have already been acquired, but where it is not reasonable
// to be able to prove this at compile time based on Clang static thread
// analysis's scoping rules.
// AssertAcquired is meant to be used in conjunction with Acquire, and claims
// to be the function which actually acquires the lock, not just asserts that
// the lock is held. This stronger statement will cause the static analyzer
// to provide useful checks (such as demanding that the lock is eventually
// released) in places where use of AssertAcquired is appropriate. An example
// use might look something like this:
// ```
// ChainLock::Token token;
// while (true) {
// lock1.AcquireUnconditionally(token);
// if (const ChainLock::LockResult res = lock2.Acquire(token);
// res == ChainLock::LockResult::kBackoff) {
// // The ACQUIRE annotation on AcquireUnconditionally
// // means we cannot forget to do this.
// lock1.Release();
// continue;
// }
// // AssertAcquired provides the same ACQUIRE annotation as we have in
// // AcquireUnconditionally, and also ensures that we didn't fail the Acquire
// // op due to a detected cycle.
// lock2.AssertAcquired(token);
// /* Do stuff now that we hold both locks. */
// // Can't forget to drop these locks now, because of the acquire
// // annotations.
// lock1.Release();
// lock2.Release();
// }
// ```
void AssertHeld(const Token token) const __TA_ASSERT() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(Token lock_token = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
lock_token == token,
"Failed to assert ChainLock is held (lock token 0x%lx, our token 0x%lx).",
lock_token.value(), token.value());
void AssertAcquired(const Token token) const __TA_ACQUIRE() { AssertHeld(token); }
// A no-op version of assert held. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. This tells the
// static analyzer that we are holding the lock, but makes no actual runtime
// effort to verify this.
// There are very few places where it is OK to use this method, but here are
// two examples.
// Example 1: We just verified that we have the lock.
// ```
// if (const ChainLock::LockResult res = my_obj.lock_.Acquire(token);
// res != ChainLock::LockResult::kOk) {
// return SomeError;
// }
// my_obj.lock_MarkHeld();
// ```
// It is OK to skip the actual assert operations here because we just checked
// to make sure that the operation succeeded. There is not much point in
// wasting cycles to do any more.
// Example 2: The analyzer is confused about which lock is which because of
// some tricky code, like a dynamic downcast.
// ```
// Obj* GetObj(BaseClass* base) TA_REQ(base->lock_) {
// DerivedClass* derived = DowncastToDerived(base);
// if (derived) {
// derived->lock_.MarkHeld();
// derived->protected_obj_;
// }
// return nullptr;
// }
// ```
// In this case, we have a base class with a lock, and a derived class with a
// member which is protected by the base class's lock. We are also operating
// in an environment where RTTI is disabled, so we cannot use dynamic_cast.
// Instead, we need to write our own dynamic downcast function using some
// internal mechanism to ensure that we can do so safely.
// We are attempting to fetch the protected member from the derived class, but
// only if exists, which is may not if the base class pointer we have does not
// actually point to an instance of the derived class.
// We have already statically required that the base class instance be locked,
// but when we perform our downcast, the static analyzer is not smart enough
// to understand that base->lock_ is the same thing as derived->lock_, we we
// use the no-op form of AssertHeld to satisfy it instead.
void MarkHeld() const __TA_ASSERT() {}
void MarkNeedsRelease() const __TA_ACQUIRE() {}
// Similar to MarkHeld/NeedRelease, MarkReleased pretends to release the
// lock, but actually does nothing. The only place this is currently used is
// to satisfy the analyzer during the edge case of context switching in the
// zircon kernel.
void MarkReleased() const __TA_RELEASE() {}
// A simple runtime check to see if the lock is currently held by the provided
// token. Provides no memory ordering guarantees; mostly meant to be used
// when releasing locks in a partially acquired chain.
bool is_held(const Token token) const { return state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == token; }
// Test to see if the lock is in the unlocked state. Provides acquire
// semantics, allowing this method to be used (by thread A) in a polling
// fashion to test to see if another thread (B) has finally released the lock,
// guaranteeing that A will have seen all of the writes performed by B before
// releasing the lock.
bool is_unlocked() const { return state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == kUnlockedToken; }
// Similar to the difference between AssertHeld and AssertAcquired, is_held
// and MarkNeedsReleaseIfHeld are related, but MarkNeedsReleaseIfHeld carries
// an extra TRY annotation so that if a user discovers that the lock is
// actually held, the analyzer knows this and will demand that the lock be
// released in the scope of the if-statement whose predicate established this
// fact.
bool MarkNeedsReleaseIfHeld(const Token token) const __TA_TRY_ACQUIRE(true) {
return state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == token;
// Returns the current token of the lock. Useful in some situations where
// obtaining the next lock in a chain requires knowing the previous lock's
// token, but the structure of the code makes it difficult or inefficient to
// carry this value outside of the scope of the previous locks' state.
// Requires that the caller be able to statically assert that the lock is
// currently held by them.
Token get_token() const __TA_REQUIRES(*this) { return state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
struct AcquireInternalResult {
AcquireInternalResult(LockResult r, Token ot) : result(r), observed_token(ot) {}
LockResult result;
Token observed_token;
static Token CreateToken(uint32_t val) { return Token{val}; }
static void ReplaceToken(ChainLock::Token& old_token, ChainLock::Token new_token) {
old_token.token_ = new_token.token_;
// Attempt to acquire the lock, automatically retrying if we detect that the
// lock is held by someone with a lower priority token.
inline AcquireInternalResult AcquireInternal(const Token token) {
while (true) {
const AcquireInternalResult result = AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(token);
if (result.result != LockResult::kRetry) {
return result;
// The lock's token must be strictly greater than ours, meaning that the
// individual holding the lock must have come after us. Just spin, waiting
// for them to either complete their operation, or attempt to grab a lock
// that we hold, and back off as a result.
// Attempt to acquire the lock, but make only a single attempt. Do not
// attempt to automatically retry, even if the lock is currently held by
// someone with a lower priority than ours.
inline AcquireInternalResult AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(const Token token) {
// Try to CMPX Unlocked for our token. If this succeeds, great! We have
// the lock and can get out. Otherwise, what we do next will depend on the
// token id we observed during the failed CMPX.
Token expected{kUnlockedToken};
if (state_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, token, std::memory_order_acquire,
std::memory_order_acquire)) {
return AcquireInternalResult{LockResult::kOk, expected};
// If the lock's token is strictly greater then our token, then the individual
// holding the lock came after us and we should retry the attempt to acquire the lock.
if (expected > token) {
return AcquireInternalResult{LockResult::kRetry, expected};
// If the lock's token is strictly less then our token, then the individual
// holding the lock came before us. We need to back off and give them a
// chance to complete.
if (expected < token) {
return AcquireInternalResult{LockResult::kBackoff, expected};
// The lock's token must be equal to ours. We are attempting to obtain a lock
// we already hold. Report this as a detected cycle.
return AcquireInternalResult{LockResult::kCycleDetected, expected};
static constexpr Token kUnlockedToken{Token::kUnlockedTokenValue};
static constexpr Token kMaxToken{std::numeric_limits<decltype(Token::token_)>::max()};
"Error! atomic ChainLock tokens must always be lock free!");
std::atomic<Token> state_{kUnlockedToken};
} // namespace concurrent