blob: 8c5718a95c9993f35b29142f6e8035e9df88fab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Availability attributes.
#if defined(__Fuchsia_API_level__) && defined(__clang__)
// An API that was added to the platform.
// Annotates the API level at which the API was added to the platform. Use
// ZX_DEPRECATED_SINCE if the API is later deprecated.
// Example:
// void fdio_spawn(...) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(4);
#define ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(level_added) \
__attribute__((availability(fuchsia, strict, introduced = level_added)))
// An API that was added the platform and later deprecated.
// Annotates the API level at which the API added the platform and the API
// level at which the API was deprecated.
// Deprecated API can still be called by clients. The deprecation annotation
// is a warning that the API is likely to be removed in the future. APIs should
// be deprecated for at least one API level before being removed.
// Use the `msg` parameter to explain why the API was deprecated and what
// clients should do instead of using the API.
// Example:
// void fdio_fork(...) ZX_DEPRECATED_SINCE(1, 4,
// "Root cause of security vulnerabilities due to implicit handle "
// "transfer. Use fdio_spawn instead.");
#define ZX_DEPRECATED_SINCE(level_added, level_deprecated, msg) \
__attribute__((availability(fuchsia, strict, introduced = level_added, \
deprecated = level_deprecated, message = msg)))
// An API that was added to the platform and later removed.
// Annotates the API level at which the API added the platform, the API
// level at which the API was deprecated, and the API level at which the API
// was removed.
// Clients can no longer call APIs if they are compiled to target an API
// level at, or beyond, the level at which the API was removed. APIs should be
// deprecated for at least one API level before being removed.
// Example:
// void fdio_fork(...) ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(1, 4, 8,
// "Root cause of security vulnerabilities due to implicit handle "
// "transfer. Use fdio_spawn instead.");
#define ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(level_added, level_deprecated, level_removed, msg) \
__attribute__((availability(fuchsia, strict, introduced = level_added, \
deprecated = level_deprecated, obsoleted = level_removed, \
message = msg)))
#else // __Fuchsia_API_level__
#define ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(level_added)
#define ZX_DEPRECATED_SINCE(level_added, level_deprecated, msg)
#define ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(level_added, level_deprecated, level_removed, msg)
#endif // __Fuchsia_API_level__
// To avoid mistakenly using a non-existent name or unpublished API level, the levels specified in
// the following macros are converted to calls to a macro containing the specified API level in its
// name. If the macro does not exist, the build will fail. See
#define FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_CAT_INDIRECT_(prefix, level) prefix##level##_
#define FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_CAT_(prefix, level) FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_CAT_INDIRECT_(prefix, level)
// Macros for conditionally compiling code based on the target API level.
// Prefer the attribute macros above for declarations.
// Use to guard code that is added and/or removed at specific API levels.
// `level` must be a one of:
// * a positive decimal integer literal no greater than the largest current stable API level
// * Supported levels are defined in availability_levels.h.
// * Support for older retired API levels may be removed over time.
// * `NEXT` - for code to be included in the next stable API level.
// * TODO( Add support for NEXT as a parameter.
// * `HEAD` - for either of the following:
// * In-development code that is not ready to be exposed in an SDK
// * * Code that should only be in Platform builds.
// The target API level is `level` or greater.
#define FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_AT_LEAST(level) (__Fuchsia_API_level__ >= FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_(level))
// The target API level is less than `level`.
#define FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_LESS_THAN(level) (__Fuchsia_API_level__ < FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_(level))
// The target API level is `level` or less.
#define FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_AT_MOST(level) (__Fuchsia_API_level__ <= FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_(level))
// Do NOT use this value directly. Use one of the macros above instead.
// The value of __Fuchsia_API_level__ when the target API level is HEAD.
// Obsolete mechanism for determining whether the target API level is HEAD.
// Use one of the macros above instead.
// TODO( Remove FUCHSIA_HEAD once all code is using
// the macros above. In the short term, consider defining it as a string like
// "do not use" so uses of it will fail to compile.
// The macros referenced by the output of `FUCHSIA_API_LEVEL_()` must be defined for each API level.
// They are defined in the following file, which must be included after the macros above because it
// may use those macros.
#include <zircon/>