blob: ceb338ab8396345ad8fd635cd68bd7ef596c688e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "lib/virtual_alloc.h"
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/align.h>
#ifdef _KERNEL
#include <trace.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
#include <vm/arch_vm_aspace.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// Host systems may not have fixed page size definitions at user space and so we declare a page size
// here and will check it at run time.
#define PAGE_SIZE (1ul << PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)
#define LTRACEF(...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#include <algorithm>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
VirtualAlloc::VirtualAlloc(vm_page_state allocated_page_state)
: allocated_page_state_(allocated_page_state) {
#ifndef _KERNEL
// Check that the system page size is what we assume the page size to be. This is necessary as
// mprotect etc require page aligned ranges.
// allocated_page_state_ is only used in kernel builds so add a synthetic
// reference to prevent compilation warnings in host builds.
VirtualAlloc::~VirtualAlloc() { Destroy(); }
zx_status_t VirtualAlloc::Init(vaddr_t base, size_t size, size_t alloc_guard, size_t align_log2) {
if (alloc_base_ != 0) {
// This has already been initialized.
if (align_log2 < PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) {
align_log2_ = align_log2;
const size_t vaddr_align = 1ul << align_log2_;
if (size == 0 || !ZX_IS_ALIGNED(size, vaddr_align) || !ZX_IS_ALIGNED(base, vaddr_align) ||
base + size < base) {
// Work how how many pages we need for the bitmap.
const size_t total_pages = size / PAGE_SIZE;
constexpr size_t kBitsPerPage = PAGE_SIZE * CHAR_BIT;
const size_t bitmap_pages = ZX_ROUNDUP(total_pages, kBitsPerPage) / kBitsPerPage;
// Validate that there will be anything left after allocating the bitmap for an actual allocation.
// A single allocation needs padding on both sides of it. This ignores alignment problems caused
// by the bitmap, and so it's still possible for non page size alignments that if this check
// passes that no allocations are possible, but this is not meant to be an exhaustive guard.
if (bitmap_pages + alloc_guard * 2 >= total_pages) {
// Allocate and map the bitmap pages into the start of the range we were given.
zx_status_t status = AllocMapPages(base, bitmap_pages);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
bitmap_.StorageUnsafe()->Init(reinterpret_cast<void *>(base), bitmap_pages * PAGE_SIZE);
// Initialize the bitmap, reserving its own pages.
alloc_base_ = base;
bitmap_.Set(0, bitmap_pages);
// Set our first search to happen after the bitmap.
next_search_start_ = bitmap_pages;
alloc_guard_ = alloc_guard;
return ZX_OK;
zx::result<size_t> VirtualAlloc::BitmapAllocRange(size_t num_pages, size_t start, size_t end) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(end >= start);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(num_pages > 0);
const size_t align_pages = 1ul << (align_log2_ - PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT);
// Want to find a run of num_pages + padding on either end. By over-searching we can ensure there
// is always alloc_guard_ unused pages / unset-bits between each allocation.
const size_t find_pages = num_pages + alloc_guard_ * 2;
// Helper to finalize an allocated range once found. This just allows for structuring the code in
// a slightly more readable way for the two different kinds of searches.
auto complete_alloc = [this, num_pages](size_t start_index) {
// Increase our start to skip the padding we want to leave.
start_index += alloc_guard_;
// Record the end of this allocation as our next search start. We set the end to not include the
// padding so that the padding at the end of this allocation becomes the padding at the start of
// the next one.
next_search_start_ = start_index + num_pages;
// Set the bits for the 'inner' allocation, leaving the padding we found unset.
bitmap_.Set(start_index, start_index + num_pages);
return zx::ok(start_index);
// If requested less pages than the alignment then do not bother finding an aligned range, just
// find anything. The assumption here is that the block of pages we map in later will not be large
// enough to benefit from any alignment, so might as well avoid fragmentation and do a more
// efficient search.
if (num_pages >= align_pages && align_pages > 1) {
size_t current_start = start;
while (true) {
// Construct a candidate range from the start. This candidate needs to be chosen such that
// after skipping the allocation padding it is aligned.
size_t candidate = ZX_ROUNDUP(current_start, align_pages);
if (candidate - current_start < alloc_guard_) {
// Add on sufficient alignment multiples that we will be able to subtract alloc_guard_
// without ending up below start.
candidate += ZX_ROUNDUP(alloc_guard_, align_pages);
candidate -= alloc_guard_;
// If the range from the candidate would exceed our search range, then no aligned range.
if (candidate + find_pages > end) {
// Scan from the candidate and see if all the bits are clear.
size_t set_bit = 0;
if (bitmap_.Scan(candidate, candidate + find_pages, false, &set_bit)) {
return complete_alloc(candidate);
// Search from the bit that was set to find the next unset bit. This will become our next
// starting search location.
size_t next_start = 0;
if (bitmap_.Scan(set_bit, end, true, &next_start)) {
// If all the bits are set then no aligned range.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_start > current_start);
current_start = next_start;
// See if there's an unaligned range that will satisfy.
size_t alloc_start = 0;
zx_status_t status = bitmap_.Find(false, start, end, find_pages, &alloc_start);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
return complete_alloc(alloc_start);
zx::result<size_t> VirtualAlloc::BitmapAlloc(size_t num_pages) {
// First search from our saved recommended starting location.
zx::result<size_t> result = BitmapAllocRange(num_pages, next_search_start_, bitmap_.size());
if (result.is_error()) {
// Try again from the beginning (skipping the bitmap itself). Still search to the end just in
// case the original search start was in the middle of a free run.
return BitmapAllocRange(num_pages, BitmapPages(), bitmap_.size());
return result;
zx::result<vaddr_t> VirtualAlloc::AllocPages(size_t pages) {
if (unlikely(alloc_base_ == 0)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (unlikely(pages == 0)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Allocate space from the bitmap, it will set the bits and ensure padding is left around the
// allocation.
zx::result<size_t> alloc_result = BitmapAlloc(pages);
if (unlikely(alloc_result.is_error())) {
return alloc_result.take_error();
const size_t start = alloc_result.value();
// Turn the bitmap index into a virtual address and allocate the pages there.
const vaddr_t vstart = alloc_base_ + start * PAGE_SIZE;
zx_status_t status = AllocMapPages(vstart, pages);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Return the range back to the bitmap.
BitmapFree(start, pages);
return zx::error(status);
LTRACEF("Allocated %zu pages at %p\n", pages, (void *)vstart);
return zx::ok(vstart);
void VirtualAlloc::BitmapFree(size_t start, size_t num_pages) {
ZX_ASSERT(start >= BitmapPages());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(bitmap_.Scan(start, start + num_pages, true, nullptr));
bitmap_.Clear(start, start + num_pages);
if (start < next_search_start_) {
next_search_start_ = start;
// To attempt to keep allocations compact check alloc_guard_ bits backwards, and move our
// search start if unset. This ensures that if we alloc+free that our search_start_ gets reset
// to the original location, otherwise it will constantly creep by alloc_guard_.
if (next_search_start_ >= alloc_guard_) {
size_t candidate = 0;
if (bitmap_.ReverseScan(next_search_start_ - alloc_guard_, next_search_start_, false,
&candidate)) {
LTRACEF("Reverse scan moved search from %zu all the way to %zu\n", next_search_start_,
next_search_start_ - alloc_guard_);
next_search_start_ -= alloc_guard_;
} else {
LTRACEF("Reverse scan moved search from %zu part way to %zu\n", next_search_start_,
candidate + 1);
next_search_start_ = candidate + 1;
void VirtualAlloc::FreePages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t pages) {
ZX_ASSERT(alloc_base_ != 0);
ZX_ASSERT(pages > 0);
LTRACEF("Free %zu pages at %p\n", pages, (void *)vaddr);
// Release the bitmap range prior to unmapping to ensure any attempts to free an invalid range are
// caught before attempting to unmap 'random' memory.
BitmapFree((vaddr - alloc_base_) / PAGE_SIZE, pages);
UnmapFreePages(vaddr, pages);
void VirtualAlloc::UnmapFreePages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t pages) {
#ifdef _KERNEL
list_node_t free_list = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(free_list);
LTRACEF("Unmapping %zu pages at %" PRIxPTR "\n", pages, vaddr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pages; i++) {
paddr_t paddr;
zx_status_t status =
VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().Query(vaddr + i * PAGE_SIZE, &paddr, nullptr);
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
vm_page_t *page = paddr_to_vm_page(paddr);
list_add_tail(&free_list, &page->queue_node);
size_t unmapped = 0;
// As this is the kernel aspace we cannot tolerate enlarging the operation, as other CPUs may be
// accessing the nearby portions and we cannot trigger faults.
zx_status_t status = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().Unmap(
vaddr, pages, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::No, &unmapped);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "Failed to unmap %zu pages at %" PRIxPTR "", pages, vaddr);
ZX_ASSERT(unmapped == pages);
int result = mprotect(reinterpret_cast<void *>(vaddr), pages * PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE);
ZX_ASSERT(result == 0);
result = madvise(reinterpret_cast<void *>(vaddr), pages * PAGE_SIZE, MADV_DONTNEED);
ZX_ASSERT(result == 0);
zx_status_t VirtualAlloc::AllocMapPages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t num_pages) {
#ifdef _KERNEL
constexpr uint kMmuFlags =
ZX_ASSERT(num_pages > 0);
list_node_t alloc_pages = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(alloc_pages);
size_t mapped_count = 0;
auto cleanup = fit::defer([&mapped_count, &alloc_pages, vaddr]() {
if (mapped_count > 0) {
size_t unmapped = 0;
zx_status_t status = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().Unmap(
vaddr, mapped_count, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::No, &unmapped);
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
ZX_ASSERT(unmapped == mapped_count);
// Ideally we would like to create the chance of using large pages with aligned allocations and
// MapContiguous, but we can only do this if we can later safely unmap without enlarging the
// range.
if (VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().UnmapOnlyEnlargeOnOom()) {
const size_t align_pages = 1ul << (align_log2_ - PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT);
if (align_pages > 1) {
while (mapped_count + align_pages <= num_pages) {
paddr_t paddr;
list_node_t contiguous_pages = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(contiguous_pages);
// Being in this path we know that align_pages is >1, which can only happen if our
// align_log_2 is greater than the system PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT. As such we need to allocate
// multiple contiguous pages at a greater than system page size alignment, and so we must
// use the general pmm_alloc_contiguous.
zx_status_t status =
pmm_alloc_contiguous(align_pages, 0, (uint8_t)align_log2_, &paddr, &contiguous_pages);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Failing to allocate a contiguous block isn't an error, as the pmm could just be
// fragmented. Drop out of this loop and attempt to finish with the single page mappings.
vm_page_t *p, *temp;
list_for_every_entry_safe (&contiguous_pages, p, temp, vm_page_t, queue_node) {
list_splice_after(&contiguous_pages, &alloc_pages);
size_t mapped = 0;
status = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().MapContiguous(
vaddr + mapped_count * PAGE_SIZE, paddr, align_pages, kMmuFlags, &mapped);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
ZX_ASSERT(mapped == align_pages);
mapped_count += align_pages;
if (mapped_count == num_pages) {
return ZX_OK;
// Allocate any remaining pages.
list_node_t remaining_pages = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(remaining_pages);
zx_status_t status = pmm_alloc_pages(num_pages - mapped_count, 0, &remaining_pages);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
vm_page_t *current_page = list_peek_head_type(&remaining_pages, vm_page_t, queue_node);
// Place them specifically at the end of any already allocated pages. This ensures that if we
// should iterate too far we will hit a null page and not one of our contiguous pages to ensure we
// can never attempt to map something twice. Due to how list_node's work this does not affect the
// current_page pointer we already retrieved.
if (list_is_empty(&alloc_pages)) {
list_move(&remaining_pages, &alloc_pages);
} else {
list_splice_after(&remaining_pages, list_peek_tail(&alloc_pages));
while (mapped_count < num_pages) {
constexpr size_t kBatchPages = 128;
paddr_t paddrs[kBatchPages] __UNINITIALIZED;
const size_t map_pages = std::min(kBatchPages, num_pages - mapped_count);
ZX_ASSERT(map_pages > 0);
for (size_t page = 0; page < map_pages; page++) {
paddrs[page] = current_page->paddr();
current_page = list_next_type(&alloc_pages, &current_page->queue_node, vm_page_t, queue_node);
size_t mapped = 0;
status = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->arch_aspace().Map(
vaddr + mapped_count * PAGE_SIZE, paddrs, map_pages, kMmuFlags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Error, &mapped);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
ZX_ASSERT(mapped == map_pages);
mapped_count += map_pages;
// If we successfully mapped everything we should have iterated all the way to the end of the
// pages we allocated.
LTRACEF("Mapped %zu pages at %" PRIxPTR "\n", num_pages, vaddr);
int result =
mprotect(reinterpret_cast<void *>(vaddr), num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
ZX_ASSERT(result == 0);
memset(reinterpret_cast<void *>(vaddr), 0, num_pages * PAGE_SIZE);
return ZX_OK;
void VirtualAlloc::Destroy() {
// No need to destroy if not yet initialized.
if (alloc_base_ == 0) {
const size_t bitmap_pages = BitmapPages();
// Check that all allocated blocks were freed. Outstanding allocations indicate something is still
// holding a reference that they will try and use later, so we have no choice but to fail.
// There are more optimal ways to track outstanding allocations, but as destroying allocators is
// considered an extremely uncommon operation (largely just when running tests) this O(N) scan is
// fine. This check needs to ignore the pages for the bitmap itself, as they should still be set.
ZX_ASSERT(bitmap_.Scan(bitmap_pages, bitmap_.size(), false, nullptr));
// Release the pages backing the bitmap.
UnmapFreePages(alloc_base_, bitmap_pages);
alloc_base_ = 0;
void VirtualAlloc::DebugFreeAllAllocations() {
const size_t bitmap_pages = BitmapPages();
size_t allocated_page = bitmap_pages;
while (!bitmap_.Scan(allocated_page, bitmap_.size(), false, &allocated_page)) {
FreePages(alloc_base_ + allocated_page * PAGE_SIZE, 1);
void VirtualAlloc::DebugAllocateVaddrRange(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t num_pages) {
ZX_ASSERT(num_pages > 0);
ZX_ASSERT(vaddr >= alloc_base_ + BitmapPages() * PAGE_SIZE);
const size_t index = (vaddr - alloc_base_) >> PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
ZX_ASSERT(bitmap_.Scan(index, index + num_pages, false, nullptr));
bitmap_.Set(index, index + num_pages);
AllocMapPages(vaddr, num_pages);
size_t VirtualAlloc::BitmapPages() const {
ZX_ASSERT(alloc_base_ != 0);
return bitmap_.StorageUnsafe()->GetSize() / PAGE_SIZE;