blob: a02e192afc591eebb805d196135a05c1912ac3b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/thread_sampler/per_cpu_state.h>
namespace sampler::internal {
zx::result<> PerCpuState::SetUp(const zx_sampler_config_t& config, PinnedVmObject pinned_memory) {
const char* name = "sampler_buffer";
auto mapping_result = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->RootVmar()->CreateVmMapping(
0 /* ignored */, pinned_memory.size(), 0 /* align pow2 */,
VMAR_FLAG_DEBUG_DYNAMIC_KERNEL_MAPPING, pinned_memory.vmo(), pinned_memory.offset(),
if (mapping_result.is_error()) {
dprintf(INFO, "Failed to map in aspace\n");
return mapping_result.take_error();
if (zx_status_t status =
mapping_result->mapping->MapRange(pinned_memory.offset(), pinned_memory.size(), true);
status != ZX_OK) {
dprintf(INFO, "Failed to map range\n");
return zx::error(status);
vaddr_t base = mapping_result->base;
vaddr_t end = base + config.buffer_size;
vaddr_t ptr = base;
writer = internal::BufferWriter{ptr, end, ktl::move(mapping_result->mapping),
period_ = config.period;
return zx::ok();
// Atomically mark a pending write to the write state iff writes are enabled and returns true.
// Returns false if a pending write was not set because writes are not enabled.
[[nodiscard]] bool PerCpuState::SetPendingWrite() {
// We could be racing with a "DisableWrites" here. We need to atomically set the kPendingWrite
// bit, but only if someone hasn't come along and reset the kWritesEnabled bit from under us.
// Once we set kPendingWrite, that will prevent the buffer state from being cleaned up until we
// ResetPendingWrite when we are done writing, even if the kWritesEnabled bit is reset after we
// claim the PendingWrite.
uint64_t expected = write_state_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
// Ensure we preserve the kPendingTimer bit
uint64_t desired = expected | kPendingWrite | kWritesEnabled;
do {
// We should never have multiple writes on the same cpu occur at once.
DEBUG_ASSERT((expected & kPendingWrite) == 0);
// Are writes enabled?
if ((expected & kWritesEnabled) != kWritesEnabled) {
return false;
} while (!write_state_.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel,
return true;
void PerCpuState::ResetPendingWrite() {
[[maybe_unused]] uint64_t previous_value =
write_state_.fetch_and(~kPendingWrite, ktl::memory_order_release);
DEBUG_ASSERT((previous_value & kPendingWrite) != 0);
void PerCpuState::EnableWrites() {
write_state_.fetch_or(kWritesEnabled, ktl::memory_order_release);
void PerCpuState::DisableWrites() {
write_state_.fetch_and(~kWritesEnabled, ktl::memory_order_release);
bool PerCpuState::WritesEnabled() const {
uint64_t state = write_state_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
return (state & kWritesEnabled) != 0;
bool PerCpuState::PendingWrites() const {
// Writers decrement pending writes with release semantics after writing their data. Using acquire
// semantics here ensures that if we see that there is no longer a pending write, we also see the
// full contents of what was written.
uint64_t state = write_state_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
return (state & kPendingWrite) != 0;
bool PerCpuState::PendingTimer() const {
uint64_t state = write_state_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
return (state & kPendingTimer) != 0;
void PerCpuState::SetTimer() {
// We need to be mindful here. We're effectively setting two delayed calls and we need to ensure
// that we don't accidentally destroy the state from under them if we end the sampling session
// while they are in flight.
// We set the timer to trigger Thread::SignalSampleStack after the period elapses. `this` needs
// to live until the timer goes off or is cancelled. We'd like to pass `this` around rather than
// going through the global sampler state since that would require acquiring the global sampler
// lock -- something we don't want to do during interrupt context. While we have access to
// `this`, we can check if writes are enabled and have state to know for how long to set the
// timer for.
// Once the timer goes off and `Thread::SignalSampleStack` is called, we:
// 1) Set a thread signal on the thread which will eventually call Thread::Current::DoSampleStack.
// 2) Set this timer again if Writing is still enabled for this PerCpuState.
// Since Thread::Current::DoSampleStack is called then the thread signal is checked in
// Thread::Current::ProcessPendingSignals, we have no guarantee that the sampling session still
// exists (the thread could have been first suspended), or that Thread::Current::DoSampleStack
// will eventually be called at all for that matter (the thread could be killed first). Thus we
// can't say, increment a ref count or SamplesInFlight counter and expect to decrement it after
// we successfully take the sample. Instead, taking the sample will have to acquire the global
// sampler lock and check if the state is still relevant. This is fine, because it will no
// longer be in interrupt context.
// However, for part 2, resetting the timer, we are in interrupt context still and will be
// calling back to here to set the timer again. To prevent clean up, we set the kPendingTimer bit
// and keep it set until we find that writes are no longer enabled.
// We could be racing with a "DisableWrites" here. We need to atomically set the kPendingTimer
// bit, but only if someone hasn't come along and reset the kWritesEnabled bit from under us.
uint64_t expected = write_state_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
// Even though there can only be one write at a time per cpu, and we set the timer on the same cpu
// as it triggers on, there could still be a pending write on this cpu. Since we are
// setting/handling this timer in interrupt context, we may have started writing on the cpu and
// then got interrupted by the timer and ended up here. Thus we need to be careful here to
// preserve the kPendingWrite bit.
uint64_t desired = expected | kPendingTimer | kWritesEnabled;
do {
// If writes aren't enabled, we need to reset the kPendingTimerBit so that the stop operation
// knows there are no more timers on this cpu.
if ((expected & kWritesEnabled) != kWritesEnabled) {
// WARNING: the kWritesEnabled and kPendingTimer bits are the only things stopping another
// thread from destroying this state. After we reset them here, `this` must not be touched.
// Another cpu could have received a request to destroy the per_cpu_state and created a new
// sampler.
write_state_.fetch_and(~kPendingTimer, ktl::memory_order_release);
} while (!write_state_.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel,
// We got it, we're safe to schedule the timer -- clean up will wait until we reset the
// kPendingTimer bit.
Deadline deadline = Deadline::after(period_);
timer.Set(deadline, Thread::SignalSampleStack, this);
bool PerCpuState::CancelTimer() {
bool canceled = timer.Cancel();
if (canceled) {
write_state_.fetch_and(~kPendingTimer, ktl::memory_order_release);
return canceled;
} // namespace sampler::internal