blob: 0a02d4b5a17f964d33cfb04aa583c8680f3003f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock.h>
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock_transaction.h>
namespace kconcurrent {
// Notes on the use of templates in the AcquireInternal and AcquireUnconditionallyInternal methods:
// Both of these methods (in addition to TryAcquireInternal) make use of
// AcquireInternalSingleAttempt, but only in the case that Trace Accounting is
// enabled. We never want anyone to be calling this method unless the compile
// time feature is enabled, and we want to give anyone who accidentally calls
// this method when the feature is disabled a clean error message at compile
// time. IOW - We'd rather they didn't have to discover the mistake until
// runtime, and we also don't want their error message to be a bunch of
// incomprehensible C++ template expansion errors.
// So, we have a static_assert in AcquireInternalSingleAttempt, and the method
// is templated (even though we make no use of the template argument), meaning
// that someone has to actually try to expand the templated method in order for
// the static_assert to be evaluated (and potentially fail).
// Everywhere we make use of the function, we always use the following pattern:
// ```
// void Func() {
// // stuff
// if constexpr (kCltTraceAccountingEnabled) {
// AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(clt);
// }
// // stuff
// }
// ```
// If accounting is disabled, then the predicate of the constexpr is false, and
// the body is checked for basic stuff like syntax, but none of the types inside
// are evaluated or expanded.
// Unfortunately, this is not 100% true. This behavior of `if constexpr` only
// holds when the statement is evaluated in a "templated entity", such as a
// templated class, or a templated function/method. If there is no template,
// then both halves of the `if constexpr` are fully checked. So, `Func` from the
// example above is not templated, which means that the body of the `if` is
// evaluated even with Trace Accounting disabled, triggering the static assert.
// To work around this unfortunate behavior, we have actually made
// AcquireInternal and AcquireUnconditionallyInternal templated entities
// (TryAcquireInternal was already) in order to prevent the compiler from fully
// checking the false half of any `if constexprs` inside of them. A few points
// on this:
// 1) The templates are all on private methods; none of this hot garbage is
// exposed to users.
// 2) The template arguments are actually never used. They are just there to
// make `if constexpr` behave the way we want.
// 3) The templated typename is always void, and only the void version are
// expanded at compile time. No one should ever try to do anything but call
// the default version of the method (which specifies void), but if they do,
// they should fail to link because of the limited explicit expansions.
template <typename>
inline ChainLock::LockResult ChainLock::AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(ChainLockTransaction& clt) {
"Calls to AcquireInternalSingleAttempt must only be made when ChainLock trace "
"accounting is enabled.");
if (clt.has_active_conflict()) {
return LockResult::kRetry;
const Base::AcquireInternalResult result = Base::AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(clt.active_token());
if (result.result == LockResult::kOk) {
} else {
// If we have been told to back off, and we fail to record the backoff
// conflict in the lock, it is because the lock's token must have changed,
// just now. Change our error from "backoff" to "retry" so we end up trying
// again instead of completely unwinding.
if ((result.result == LockResult::kBackoff) && !RecordBackoff(result.observed_token)) {
return LockResult::kRetry;
return result.result;
template <typename>
void ChainLock::AcquireUnconditionallyInternal() {
ChainLockTransaction& clt = ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef();
if constexpr (kCltTraceAccountingEnabled) {
if (AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(clt) == LockResult::kOk) {
template <ChainLock::FinalizedTransactionAllowed FTAllowed>
bool ChainLock::TryAcquireInternal() {
ChainLockTransaction& clt = ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef();
if constexpr (FTAllowed != FinalizedTransactionAllowed::Yes) {
if constexpr (kCltTraceAccountingEnabled) {
if (const LockResult result = AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(clt); result == LockResult::kOk) {
return true;
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(result != LockResult::kCycleDetected, "Cycle detected during TryAcquire");
if (const Base::AcquireInternalResult result =
result.result == LockResult::kOk) {
return true;
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(result.result != LockResult::kCycleDetected,
"Cycle detected during TryAcquire");
if (result.result == LockResult::kBackoff) {
return false;
template bool ChainLock::TryAcquireInternal<ChainLock::FinalizedTransactionAllowed::Yes>();
template bool ChainLock::TryAcquireInternal<ChainLock::FinalizedTransactionAllowed::No>();
void ChainLock::ReleaseInternal() {
ChainLockTransaction& clt = ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef();
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(clt.active_token().value() == Base::get_token().value(),
"Token mismatch during release (transaction token 0x%lx, lock token 0x%lx)",
clt.active_token().value(), Base::get_token().value());
// Take care with how we manage the release operation. We need to set the
// internal state of the lock to "unlocked", but we also need to observe the
// contention mask to know whether or not there are CPUs waiting for the
// signal that it is OK to try to restart their transaction.
// If we observe the contention mask before we set the internal state to
// Unlocked, we set up a race where we might fail to signal a CPU. The
// sequence would be:
// 1) T1 loads the contention mask into a local variable; it is currently 0 (no contention)
// 2) T2 Observes the lock state and sees that it needs to back off.
// 3) T2 Records its CPU's conflict ID.
// 4) T2 Records its CPU ID in the lock's contention mask.
// 5) T2 backs off and waits for its CPU's conflict ID to change.
// 6) T1 sets the lock state to unlocked.
// 7) T1's observed contention mask is 0, so it is finished. T2 is now stuck.
// Doing things the other way sets up a different problem. Say that the lock
// being release is the lock for a Thread object. During release, we
// 1) Set the state of the lock to unlocked.
// 2) Observe the contention mask.
// As soon as we have set the state of the lock to unlocked, the Thread it is
// protecting is free to exit. If it exits and destroys its memory before
// step #2, we will have a UAF situation.
// On of the properties we would really like to preserve for these locks is,
// "If the lock is unlocked, then there is no CPU which is going to touch any
// of the lock's internal storage for any reason except to acquire the lock".
// Obeying this rule eliminates the UAF potential described above (as well as
// many other potential variations).
// So, to ensure this, we go through a 2-step release process. We own the
// lock right now with some token value T. Anyone who attempts to obtain the
// lock with a token (A), where A > T is going to attempt to record a conflict
// an back off. So, we replace the lock's state with the maximum possible
// value for a token. This is not a token which is ever going to be generated
// or used (see the 64-bit-integers are Very Large argument for why), and we
// know that it is greater than all other possible lock token values. Any
// attempt to obtain the lock when the token value is Max is going to simply
// keep trying; they will not back off.
// Once we have replaced the token value with Max, we can observe the
// contention mask. If another thread observed the original token value and
// is trying to record a conflict, they will either finish their update before
// we swapped the token for Max (in which case we will see the contention
// bit), or they won't, in which case they will see that the lock's state has
// changed and will cancel their backoff.
// Finally, once we have observed the contention mask, we can update the
// lock's state to unlocked, poke any CPUs who are in the contention mask, and
// we are finished.
// TODO(johngro): Look into relaxing the memory ordering being used here. I
// _think_ that we can perform this store to the lock's state using relaxed
// semantics, but I'm not going to take that chance without having first built
// a model and run it through CDSChecker.
this->, ktl::memory_order_release);
cpu_mask_t wake_mask =, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel);
for (cpu_num_t cpu = 0; wake_mask; ++cpu, wake_mask >>= 1) {
if (wake_mask & 0x1) {
percpu::Get(cpu).chain_lock_conflict_id.fetch_add(1, ktl::memory_order_release);
bool ChainLock::RecordBackoff(Token observed_token) {
// We have observed that someone else is holding this lock and that we have
// lower priority, so we need to back off. Record this in the state of the
// lock. This allows the thread currently holding the lock to signal us once
// the lock has been dropped so we can try again.
// The mechanism works as follows.
// Each chain lock has a "contention mask". When the contention mask is
// non-zero at the time the lock is released, it means that one or more
// threads wanted this lock at some point in the past, but was forced to back
// off, and may be waiting in a ChainLockTransaction::Relax operation.
// To record a backoff, a thread will:
// 1) Observe its current CPU's conflict_id.
// 2) Set the contention mask bit corresponding to `current_cpu_id % NUM_BITS(mask)`
// 3) If the lock has not changed state, record the conflict ID it observed
// in (1) in the state of currently active chain lock transaction.
// 4) Back off to the Relax point, and wait until the current CPU's conflict
// ID has changed before proceeding to try again.
// To release a lock, a thread will:
// 1) Set the state of the lock to UNLOCKED
// 2) Exchange 0 with the contention mask.
// 3) For each bit, B, which was set in the contention mask, increment the
// conflict_id of each CPU for which (( % NUM_BITS(mask)) == B).
// So, when a thread (A) successfully records that it needed to back off in a
// lock, it knows that there is another thread (B) who will eventually release
// the lock, and that B will end up changing A's CPU's conflict in a way where
// the new conflict ID will never match the conflict ID which had been
// initially observed by A.
const cpu_num_t curr_cpu = arch_curr_cpu_num();
struct percpu* pcpu = arch_get_curr_percpu();
const cpu_mask_t contention_bit = (1u << curr_cpu);
const uint64_t conflict_id = pcpu->chain_lock_conflict_id.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
contention_mask_.fetch_or(contention_bit, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel);
const Token lock_token = this->state_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
if (lock_token.value() == observed_token.value()) {
pcpu->active_cl_transaction->conflict_id_ = conflict_id;
return true;
return false;
void ChainLock::AssertAcquiredInternal() const {
bool ChainLock::MarkNeedsReleaseIfHeldInternal() const {
return Base::MarkNeedsReleaseIfHeld(ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef().active_token());
template <typename>
ChainLock::LockResult ChainLock::AcquireInternal() {
ChainLockTransaction& clt = ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef();
if constexpr (kCltTraceAccountingEnabled) {
if (const LockResult result = AcquireInternalSingleAttempt(clt); result != LockResult::kRetry) {
return result;
while (true) {
const Base::AcquireInternalResult result = Base::AcquireInternal(clt.active_token());
if (result.result == LockResult::kOk) {
} else if ((result.result == LockResult::kBackoff) && !RecordBackoff(result.observed_token)) {
return result.result;
return LockResult::kOk;
void ChainLock::AssertHeld() const {
return Base::AssertHeld(ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef().active_token());
bool ChainLock::is_held() const {
return Base::is_held(ChainLockTransaction::ActiveRef().active_token());
// Force expansion. These are the only versions of this template which will
// ever be allowed.
template ChainLock::LockResult ChainLock::AcquireInternal<void>();
template void ChainLock::AcquireUnconditionallyInternal<void>();
} // namespace kconcurrent