blob: 22bf20da4355f76821274d9c755e969ec1341d68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/affine/ratio.h>
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/jtrace/jtrace.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <kernel/auto_preempt_disabler.h>
#include <kernel/cpu.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <pretty/hexdump.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
namespace jtrace {
static constexpr zx_koid_t kUnknownTid = ktl::numeric_limits<zx_koid_t>::max();
// fwd decl of our tests structure. This allows the JTrace class to be friends with the tests.
struct tests;
// A small utility function, used only locally.
// TODO(johngro): Add this to ktl?
template <typename T, typename U>
static inline constexpr T saturate(U val) {
return (val > ktl::numeric_limits<T>::max()) ? ktl::numeric_limits<T>::max()
: (val < ktl::numeric_limits<T>::min()) ? ktl::numeric_limits<T>::min()
: static_cast<T>(val);
// The definition of an interface used to abstract printing operations used when
// dumping trace buffers. This implementation is replaced during testing in
// order to verify that trace dumps are working as expected.
class TraceHooks {
TraceHooks() = default;
virtual ~TraceHooks() = default;
virtual void PrintWarning(const char* fmt, ...) __PRINTFLIKE(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void PrintInfo(const char* fmt, ...) __PRINTFLIKE(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void Hexdump(const void* data, size_t size) = 0;
virtual void PerCpuDumpStarted() {}
virtual void PrintTraceEntry(const Entry<UseLargeEntries::Yes>& e, TraceBufferType buf_type,
zx_time_t ts, zx_duration_t delta = 0) = 0;
virtual void PrintTraceEntry(const Entry<UseLargeEntries::No>& e, TraceBufferType buf_type,
zx_time_t ts, zx_duration_t delta = 0) = 0;
// A traits struct which holds the configuration of an instance of the debug trace subsystem.
template <size_t _kTargetBufferSize, size_t _kLastEntryStorage,
::jtrace::IsPersistent _kIsPersistent, ::jtrace::UseLargeEntries _kUseLargeEntries>
struct Config {
static constexpr size_t kTargetBufferSize = _kTargetBufferSize;
static constexpr size_t kLastEntryStorage = _kLastEntryStorage;
static constexpr ::jtrace::IsPersistent kIsPersistent = _kIsPersistent;
static constexpr ::jtrace::UseLargeEntries kUseLargeEntries = _kUseLargeEntries;
using Entry = ::jtrace::Entry<kUseLargeEntries>;
template <typename Config>
struct Header {
using Entry = typename Config::Entry;
static constexpr uint32_t kNoMagic = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kMagic = fbl::magic("Jtrc");
uint32_t magic{kMagic};
ktl::atomic<uint32_t> wr{0};
Entry last_cpu_entries_[Config::kLastEntryStorage];
Entry entries[];
template <typename Config>
class JTrace {
using Entry = typename Config::Entry;
using Header = ::jtrace::Header<Config>;
static inline constexpr size_t kRequiredBufferAlignment = alignof(Header);
JTrace(TraceHooks& hooks) : hooks_(hooks) {}
// No copy, no move.
JTrace(const JTrace&) = delete;
JTrace& operator=(const JTrace&) = delete;
JTrace(JTrace&&) = delete;
JTrace& operator=(JTrace&&) = delete;
void SetAfterThreadInitEarly() { after_thread_init_early_ = true; }
void SetLocation(ktl::span<uint8_t> storage) {
// The location of the trace buffer should only ever get set once, either
// during the init call for a non-persistent log, or later on during the
// allocation of persistent RAM during ZBI processing. If an attempt is
// made to set the location twice, simply ignore it. Do not attempt to
// debug assert, as we are very likely to be so early in boot that it would
// be very difficult to debug such an assert.
if (( != nullptr) || !storage_.empty()) {
// Reject the buffer if it is null/empty for any reason, or if the pointer
// provided does not meet the alignment requirements of our header.
if (( == nullptr) || storage.empty() ||
(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>( % alignof(decltype(*hdr())))) {
// If the supplied storage is not enough to hold the header and even a
// single trace entry, then just disable debug tracing by setting the header
// location and the number of entries to nothing. In theory, these should
// already be nullptr and 0, but we explicitly set them anyway since (again)
// ASSERTing is not really an option given how early on in boot we are
// likely to be right now.
if (storage.size() < sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Entry)) {
// If this is a persistent trace and we have a recovery buffer, attempt to
// recover the log from our storage before proceeding to re-init our trace
// storage.
storage_ = storage;
if constexpr (kRecoveryBufferSize > 0) {
::memcpy(recovered_buf_,, ktl::min(sizeof(recovered_buf_), storage_.size()));
// Go ahead and initialize our header and the number of entries we can hold
// in our log, then flush this out to physical RAM if this is a persistent
// trace buffer.
new ( Header();
entry_cnt_ = static_cast<uint32_t>((saturate<uint32_t>(storage_.size()) - sizeof(Header)) /
CleanCache(, storage_.size());
ktl::span<uint8_t> GetLocation() const { return storage_; }
void Invalidate() {
if (hdr() != nullptr) {
hdr()->magic = Header::kNoMagic;
CleanCache(hdr(), sizeof(*hdr()));
void Log(Entry& entry) {
if (hdr() == nullptr) {
// Record the fact that there is now a trace operation in progress, making
// sure that we remember to decrement this count when we exit this method.
trace_ops_in_flight_.fetch_add(1, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel);
auto cleanup =
fit::defer([this]() { trace_ops_in_flight_.fetch_add(-1, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel); });
// Try to reserve a slot to write a record into. This should only fail if
// the tracing is temporarily disabled for dumping.
ktl::optional<uint32_t> opt_wr = ReserveSlot();
if (!opt_wr.has_value()) {
// Go ahead and finish filling out the entry, then copy the entry into the
// main trace buffer, and (if enabled) into the per-cpu last entry slot in
// the header. Please note 2 potentially subtle points about this:
// 1) We mutate the log entry passed to us by the caller to finish filling
// it out, then record that entry in both places. It is important that
// we don't copy the record into the main trace buffer and _then_ finish
// filling out the record (copying it from the main trace buffer to the
// per-cpu header slot afterwards). There is a small chance that between
// these operations, the log ends up wrapping and our currently assigned
// slot gets stomped (causing the per-cpu record to be corrupted).
// 2) We need to disable preemption for the time period between when we
// record the CPU ID in the trace entry, and when write that entry into
// the per-cpu slot. Failure to do this could result in us recording CPU
// X in the entry, but then being moved to CPU Y before writing to the
// per-cpu slot for X (and setting up a potential race between us and
// whoever is running on CPU X now). Note that we cannot disable
// preemption until after thread_init_early has been called, but at that
// point in boot, interrupts are disabled and the secondary CPUs are not
// running yet, so that should be OK. Also, we don't want to disable and
// later attempt to re-enable preemption if interrupts are currently off
// (as they would be when a spinlock is held) as it _could_ trip an
// assert in the consistency checks for the preempt-disabler. If
// interrupts are already disabled, we should be fine. We can't change
// CPUs at that point in time anyway.
const uint32_t wr = opt_wr.value();
const bool disable_preemption = after_thread_init_early_ && !arch_ints_disabled();
if (disable_preemption) {
entry.ts_ticks = current_ticks();
if (entry.ts_ticks == 0) {
entry.ts_ticks = kZeroReplacement;
entry.cpu_id = arch_curr_cpu_num();
if constexpr (Config::kUseLargeEntries == UseLargeEntries::Yes) {
entry.tid = after_thread_init_early_ ? Thread::Current::Get()->tid() : kUnknownTid;
hdr()->entries[wr] = entry;
if constexpr (Config::kLastEntryStorage > 0) {
if (entry.cpu_id < ktl::size(hdr()->last_cpu_entries_)) {
hdr()->last_cpu_entries_[entry.cpu_id] = entry;
if (disable_preemption) {
// Flush the header and the entry if this is a persistent trace.
CleanCache(hdr(), sizeof(*hdr()));
CleanCache(hdr()->entries + wr, sizeof(Entry));
// |timeout| controls how long this method will wait (spin) for other threads
// to complete in progress writes before continuing on and dumping the buffer.
void Dump(zx_duration_t timeout) {
if (hdr() == nullptr) {
hooks_.PrintWarning("No debug trace buffer was ever configured\n");
// Disable tracing and give any thread currently in the process of writing a
// record some time to get out of the way. Note that this is a best effort
// approach to disabling the tracing during our dump. It is important that
// debug tracing remain lockless at all times. The worst case scenario here
// is that we end up with a partially garbled trace record.
const affine::Ratio ticks_to_mono_ratio = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio();
const zx_ticks_t deadline =
zx_ticks_add_ticks(current_ticks(), ticks_to_mono_ratio.Inverse().Scale(timeout));
while ((trace_ops_in_flight_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire) > 0) &&
(current_ticks() < deadline)) {
// just spin while we wait.
// Print a warning if we never saw the in flight op-count hit zero, then go
// ahead and dump the current buffer.
if (current_ticks() >= deadline) {
"Warning: ops in flight was never observed at zero while waiting to dump the current "
"trace buffer. Some trace records might be corrupt.\n");
ktl::span<const uint8_t> data{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(hdr()),
sizeof(*hdr()) + (sizeof(Entry) * entry_cnt_)};
Dump(data, TraceBufferType::Current);
// Finally, go ahead and re-enable tracing.
void DumpRecovered() {
if constexpr (kRecoveryBufferSize > 0) {
Dump({recovered_buf_, sizeof(recovered_buf_)}, TraceBufferType::Recovered);
} else {
"Debug tracing is not configured for persistent tracing. There is no recovered buffer "
"to dump.\n");
// Tests are allowed to peek at our private state.
friend struct ::jtrace::tests;
static constexpr uint32_t kTraceDisabledFlag = 0x80000000;
static constexpr uint32_t kRecoveryBufferSize =
(Config::kIsPersistent == jtrace::IsPersistent::Yes) ? Config::kTargetBufferSize : 0;
static inline void CleanCache(void* ptr, size_t len) {
// Trace data only needs to be flushed to physical RAM if the trace is meant
// to be persistent.
if constexpr (Config::kIsPersistent == jtrace::IsPersistent::Yes) {
arch_clean_cache_range(reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(ptr), len);
inline Header* hdr() { return reinterpret_cast<Header*>(; }
ktl::optional<uint32_t> ReserveSlot() {
uint32_t wr, next_wr;
do {
wr = hdr()->wr.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
if (wr & kTraceDisabledFlag) {
return ktl::nullopt;
next_wr = (wr + 1) % entry_cnt_;
} while (!hdr()->wr.compare_exchange_weak(wr, next_wr, ktl::memory_order_acq_rel));
return wr;
void SetTraceEnabled(bool enabled) {
uint32_t wr, next_wr;
do {
wr = hdr()->wr.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
next_wr = enabled ? (wr & ~kTraceDisabledFlag) : (wr | kTraceDisabledFlag);
} while (!hdr()->wr.compare_exchange_weak(wr, next_wr));
void Dump(ktl::span<const uint8_t> buf, TraceBufferType buf_type) {
auto dump_corrupted_log = fit::defer([this, buf]() {
hooks_.PrintWarning("JTRACE: Dumping corrupted log\n");
hooks_.Hexdump(, buf.size());
const size_t total_size = (sizeof(*hdr()) + (entry_cnt_ * sizeof(Entry)));
if (total_size > buf.size()) {
hooks_.PrintWarning("JTRACE: recovery buffer too small (%zu) to hold %u entries\n",
buf.size(), entry_cnt_);
const Header* hdr = reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(;
const Entry* entries = hdr->entries;
if (hdr->magic == Header::kNoMagic) {
hooks_.PrintInfo("JTRACE: Log appears clean, not dumping it (recoverd %p main %p len %zu)\n",, this->hdr(), total_size);
const uint32_t wr = hdr->wr.load() & ~kTraceDisabledFlag;
if ((hdr->magic != Header::kMagic) || (wr >= entry_cnt_)) {
hooks_.PrintWarning("JTRACE: Bad header: Magic 0x%08x Wr %u Entries %u\n", hdr->magic,
hdr->wr.load(), entry_cnt_);
// Figure out how many entries we will dump, and where to start dumping
// from. We skip any initial entries which have a timestamp of zero. We
// never deliberately write a timestamps of zero, meaning that the entries
// are skipping were never written, because the trace never wrapped.
uint32_t rd = wr;
uint32_t todo = entry_cnt_;
while (todo) {
const auto& e = entries[rd];
if (e.ts_ticks != 0) {
rd = (rd + 1) % entry_cnt_;
auto ConvertTimestamp = [](const Entry& e) -> zx_time_t {
const affine::Ratio ticks_to_mono_ratio = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio();
const zx_ticks_t ts = (e.ts_ticks == kZeroReplacement) ? 0 : e.ts_ticks;
return ticks_to_mono_ratio.Scale(ts);
if (todo) {
hooks_.PrintInfo("JTRACE: Recovered %u/%u entries\n", todo, entry_cnt_);
zx_time_t prev_ts = ConvertTimestamp(entries[rd]);
for (; todo != 0; --todo) {
const auto& e = entries[rd];
const zx_time_t ts = ConvertTimestamp(entries[rd]);
hooks_.PrintTraceEntry(e, buf_type, ts, ts - prev_ts);
prev_ts = ts;
rd = (rd + 1) % entry_cnt_;
// If we are configured to track per-cpu last events, go ahead and print
// them out.
if constexpr (Config::kLastEntryStorage > 0) {
hooks_.PrintInfo("JTRACE: Last recorded per-CPU events.\n");
if (Config::kLastEntryStorage != arch_max_num_cpus()) {
"JTRACE: Warning! Configured per-cpu last entry count (%zu) does not match target's "
"number of CPUs (%u)\n",
Config::kLastEntryStorage, arch_max_num_cpus());
for (const Entry& e : hdr->last_cpu_entries_) {
zx_time_t ts = ConvertTimestamp(e);
hooks_.PrintTraceEntry(e, buf_type, ts);
const int64_t last_sec = prev_ts / ZX_SEC(1);
const int64_t last_nsec = prev_ts % ZX_SEC(1);
hooks_.PrintInfo("JTRACE: Last log timestamp [%4ld.%09ld]\n", last_sec, last_nsec);
} else {
hooks_.PrintInfo("JTRACE: no entries\n");
// We never want to deliberately log a timestamp of zero. The buffer is
// filled with zeros at the start, and we skip entries with zero time stamps
// when trying to find the read pointer during a dump operation.
// Unfortunately, if JTRACE entries are being created before the clock has
// been selected, the time they are going to get is always 0. So, instead, we
// replace that value with this constant instead, and substitute back again
// during the dump.
static inline constexpr zx_ticks_t kZeroReplacement = ktl::numeric_limits<zx_ticks_t>::min();
TraceHooks& hooks_;
ktl::span<uint8_t> storage_{};
uint32_t entry_cnt_{0};
ktl::atomic<uint32_t> trace_ops_in_flight_{0};
bool after_thread_init_early_ = false;
alignas(Header) uint8_t recovered_buf_[kRecoveryBufferSize];
} // namespace jtrace