blob: 50b1719299b19c2103d1230be81d7333069f4b8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/limits.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
// PageManager backs our fake heap implementation, managing blocks of
// pages allocated by the OS.
// Its implementation is complicated by |cmpct_trim()|, which allows for the
// freeing of strict heads and tails of the blocks; otherwise, we could just
// implement |heap_page_alloc()| and |heap_page_free()| as thin wrappers around
// |new[]| and |delete[]|, respectively.
class PageManager {
PageManager() = default;
~PageManager() = default;
void* AllocatePages(size_t num_pages);
void FreePages(void* p, size_t num_pages);
// Tells the PageManager to fail the next |count| |AllocatePages| calls.
void FailNext(size_t count);
// Called by cmpctmalloc via |heap_report_alloc_failure|.
void IncFailuresReported();
// Returns the number of times |IncFailureCount| was called.
size_t GetFailuresReported() const;
struct PageAlignedDeleter {
void operator()(char* ptr) const { operator delete[](ptr, std::align_val_t{ZX_PAGE_SIZE}); }
// Represents an OS-allocated block of pages that tracks the contiguous
// subset of pages of it still available for use.
// Newly constructred objects or newly freed subregions within it are
// expected to have their contents filled with Block::kCleanFill.
struct Block {
Block(size_t num_pages)
: size_bytes(num_pages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE),
contents(new(std::align_val_t{ZX_PAGE_SIZE}) char[size_bytes], PageAlignedDeleter()),
available_start(contents.get()) {
memset(contents.get(), kCleanFill, size_bytes);
~Block() {
if (contents == nullptr) { // Block was 'moved from'.
// A block might be destroyed with a non-trivial available region still
// in use. We can only make guarantees that its complement as remained
// unallocated since being freed.
ZX_ASSERT(RangeIsCleanFilled(contents.get(), available_start));
ZX_ASSERT(RangeIsCleanFilled(available_end() + 1, contents.get() + size_bytes));
Block(Block&& other) = default;
Block& operator=(Block&& other) = default;
char* available_end() const {
ZX_ASSERT(contents != nullptr);
return available_start + available_bytes;
static bool RangeIsCleanFilled(char* begin, char* end) {
for (char* it = begin; it < end; it++) {
if (*it != kCleanFill) {
return false;
return true;
// Frees the given number of pages from the head of the available subregion.
void FreeHead(size_t num_pages) {
ZX_ASSERT(contents != nullptr);
size_t size = num_pages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
ZX_ASSERT(size > 0 && size <= available_bytes);
memset(available_start, kCleanFill, size);
available_start += size;
available_bytes -= size;
// Frees the given number of pages from the tail of the available subregion.
void FreeTail(size_t num_pages) {
ZX_ASSERT(contents != nullptr);
size_t size = num_pages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
ZX_ASSERT(size > 0 && size <= available_bytes);
memset(available_end() - size, kCleanFill, size);
available_bytes -= size;
// See Block documentation.
static constexpr char kCleanFill = 0x41;
// The total size of the block, in bytes.
size_t size_bytes;
// The size of the available subregion, in bytes.
size_t available_bytes;
// The contents of the block.
std::unique_ptr<char[], PageAlignedDeleter> contents;
// The start of the available region.
char* available_start;
// Maps the left-most pointer in an OS-allocated block of pages to
// information about that block.
// The choice of comparator ensures that std::map::lower_bound() returns
// a pointer to the block that contains it, if one exists.
using BlockMap = std::map<char*, Block, std::greater<char*>>;
BlockMap blocks_;
// The number of |AllocatePages| calls that should fail.
size_t num_calls_to_fail_{};
// The number of observed failures as reported via |IncFailureCount|.
size_t num_failures_reported_{};