blob: 45484876af0790940a41789b910f8ed3ac7e795c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler_state.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/wait.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/variant.h>
// Helpers used to identify which locks need to be held for various templated PI
// interactions which could be operating on a Thread->Thread, Thread->OWQ,
// OWQ->Thread or OWQ->OWQ.
namespace internal {
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const Thread& node);
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const WaitQueue& node);
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const OwnedWaitQueue& node);
} // namespace internal
// fwd decl so we can be friends with our tests.
struct OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests;
// Owned wait queues are an extension of wait queues which adds the concept of
// ownership for use when profile inheritance semantics are needed.
// An owned wait queue maintains an unmanaged pointer to a Thread in order to
// track who owns it at any point in time. In addition, it contains node state
// which can be used by the owning thread in order to track the wait queues that
// the thread is currently an owner of. This also makes use of unmanaged
// pointer.
// It should be an error for any thread to destruct while it owns an
// OwnedWaitQueue. Likewise, it should be an error for any wait queue to
// destruct while it has an owner. These invariants are enforced in the
// destructor for OwnedWaitQueue and Thread. This enforcement is considered
// to be the reasoning why holding unmanaged pointers is considered to be safe.
class OwnedWaitQueue : protected WaitQueue, public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<OwnedWaitQueue*> {
// We want to limit access to our base WaitQueue's methods, but not all of
// them. Make public the methods which should be safe for folks to use from
// the OwnedWaitQueue level of things.
// This list is pretty short right now, and there are probably other methods
// which could be added safely (WakeOne, WakeAll, Peek, etc...) we'd rather
// keep the list as short as possible for now, and only expand it when there
// is a tangible need, and a thorough review for safety.
// The general rule of thumb here is that code which knows that it using an
// OwnedWaitQueue should go through the OWQ specific APIs instead of
// attempting to use the base WaitQueue APIs.
using WaitQueue::Count;
using WaitQueue::get_lock;
using WaitQueue::IsEmpty;
struct IWakeRequeueHook {
IWakeRequeueHook() = default;
// Note; do not force a virtual destructor here. This interface exists
// only for the purpose of injecting into various wake operations to be
// used during thread selection and to update external bookkeeping.
// Instances of it are meant to be stack allocated and should always be
// destroyed in the scope where they were created. They are never meant to
// be heap allocated or have their lifecycle managed using an IWakeRequeueHook
// pointer.
IWakeRequeueHook(const IWakeRequeueHook&) = delete;
IWakeRequeueHook(IWakeRequeueHook&&) = delete;
IWakeRequeueHook& operator=(const IWakeRequeueHook&) = delete;
IWakeRequeueHook& operator=(IWakeRequeueHook&&) = delete;
// The Allow hook is called during the locking phase of a wake or a requeue
// operation. The locking code is holding the queue's lock at this point,
// but not the thread's lock yet. The thread is still a member of the
// queue, meaning we have read-only access to the thread's variables.
// The implementation may use this hook to decide if this thread should be
// woken or not, returning true if it should be and false otherwise. If
// true is returned, the locking operation will attempt to lock the thread
// in order to commit it to waking, backing of if needed. If false is
// returned, the thread will be left in the queue and the enumeration of
// threads in the queue ceases.
// Allow may be called multiple times for the same thread during a locking
// operation if the code needs to back off and attempt to obtain lock the
// set of threads to be woken multiple times.
virtual bool Allow(const Thread& t) TA_REQ_SHARED(t.get_lock()) { return true; }
// OnWakeOrRequeue is called in the second phase of a wake/requeue
// operation. At this point, all of the threads to wake have been
// identified and successfully locked. This hook is called _just_ before
// the thread is removed from its queue, and either unblocked (wake
// operation) or moved to a different queue (requeue).
virtual void OnWakeOrRequeue(Thread& t) TA_REQ(t.get_lock()) {}
~IWakeRequeueHook() = default;
static IWakeRequeueHook& default_wake_hooks() { return default_wake_hooks_; }
// A small struct which contains details about the locking used in order to
// prepare for a BlockAndAssignOwner operation. See the comments in
// LockForBAAOOperation for details.
struct BAAOLockingDetails {
explicit BAAOLockingDetails(Thread* initial_new_owner) : new_owner{initial_new_owner} {}
Thread* new_owner;
const void* stop_point{nullptr};
using ReplaceOwnerLockingDetails = struct BAAOLockingDetails;
struct WakeRequeueThreadDetails {
Thread::UnblockList wake_threads{};
Thread::UnblockList requeue_threads{};
struct RequeueLockingDetails {
// No copy, yes move (because of the unblock lists)
RequeueLockingDetails() = default;
RequeueLockingDetails(const RequeueLockingDetails&) = delete;
RequeueLockingDetails& operator=(const RequeueLockingDetails&) = delete;
RequeueLockingDetails(RequeueLockingDetails&&) = default;
RequeueLockingDetails& operator=(RequeueLockingDetails&&) = default;
Thread* new_requeue_target_owner{nullptr};
const void* new_requeue_target_owner_stop_point{nullptr};
const void* old_wake_queue_owner_stop_point{nullptr};
const void* old_requeue_target_owner_stop_point{nullptr};
WakeRequeueThreadDetails threads{};
// A structure which holds the state of the queue as observed just before the
// queue lock was dropped. Used by futex and kernel mutex implementations to
// update their bookkeeping before unwinding after a wake operation.
struct WakeThreadsResult {
uint32_t woken{0};
uint32_t still_waiting{0};
Thread* owner{nullptr};
// A enum which determines the specific behavior of the Propagate method.
enum class PropagateOp {
// Add a single edge from the upstream node to the downstream node, and
// propagate the effects. This happens either when a thread blocks in an
// OWQ, or when an owner is assigned to an OWQ.
// Remove a single edge from the upstream node to the downstream node. This
// happens either when a thread unblocks from an OWQ, or when an OWQ becomes
// unowned.
// The base profile of an upstream node has changed, causing a change to the
// profile pressure without an explicit join or split operation.
template <PropagateOp Op>
struct PropagateOpTag {
constexpr operator PropagateOp() const { return Op; }
// Behavior control for wake/requeue operations
enum class WakeOption { None, AssignOwner };
static constexpr PropagateOpTag<PropagateOp::AddSingleEdge> AddSingleEdgeOp{};
static constexpr PropagateOpTag<PropagateOp::RemoveSingleEdge> RemoveSingleEdgeOp{};
static constexpr PropagateOpTag<PropagateOp::BaseProfileChanged> BaseProfileChangedOp{};
static constexpr uint32_t kOwnedMagic = fbl::magic("ownq");
constexpr OwnedWaitQueue() : WaitQueue(kOwnedMagic) {}
// No copy or move is permitted.
// Release ownership of all wait queues currently owned by |t| and update
// bookkeeping as appropriate. This is meant to be called from the thread
// itself and therefore it is assumed that the thread in question is not
// blocked on any other wait queues.
static void DisownAllQueues(Thread* t) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, t->get_lock());
// Change a thread's base profile and deal with profile propagation side effects.
static void SetThreadBaseProfileAndPropagate(Thread& thread,
const SchedulerState::BaseProfile& profile)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, thread.get_lock());
// Attempt to lock the rest of a PI chain, starting from the (already locked)
// node given by |start|.
static ChainLock::LockResult LockPiChain(Thread& start)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, start.get_lock()) {
WaitQueue* wq = start.wait_queue_state().blocking_wait_queue_;
if (wq == nullptr) {
return ChainLock::LockResult::kOk;
// Note: If we refuse cycles, the only possible variant return type for
// LockPiChainCommon is ChainLock::LockResult.
return LockPiChainCommonRefuseCycle(*wq);
static ChainLock::LockResult LockPiChain(WaitQueue& start)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, start.get_lock()) {
Thread* t = GetQueueOwner(&start);
if (t == nullptr) {
return ChainLock::LockResult::kOk;
return LockPiChainCommonRefuseCycle(*t);
// const accessor for the owner member.
Thread* owner() const TA_REQ(get_lock()) { return owner_; }
// Debug Assert wrapper which skips the thread analysis checks just to
// assert that a specific queue is unowned. Used by FutexContext
void AssertNotOwned() const TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { DEBUG_ASSERT(owner_ == nullptr); }
// Assign ownership of this wait queue to |new_owner|, or explicitly release
// ownership if |new_owner| is nullptr. No change is made to ownership if it
// would result in a cycle in the inheritance graph.
// Note, if the new owner exists, but is dead or dying, it will not be
// permitted to become the new owner of the wait_queue. Any existing owner
// will be replaced with no owner in this situation.
// Returns ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if a cycle would have been produced, and ZX_OK
// otherwise.
zx_status_t AssignOwner(Thread* new_owner) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
void ResetOwnerIfNoWaiters() TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
// Block the current thread on this wait queue, and re-assign ownership to
// the specified thread (or remove ownership if new_owner is null); If a
// cycle would have been produced by this operation, no changes are made and
// ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE will be returned.
// Note, if the new owner exists, but is dead or dying, it will not be
// permitted to become the new owner of the wait_queue. Any existing owner
// will be replaced with no owner in this situation.
zx_status_t BlockAndAssignOwner(const Deadline& deadline, Thread* new_owner,
ResourceOwnership resource_ownership, Interruptible interruptible)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_REQ(preempt_disabled_token);
zx_status_t BlockAndAssignOwnerLocked(Thread* const current_thread, const Deadline& deadline,
const BAAOLockingDetails& details,
ResourceOwnership resource_ownership,
Interruptible interruptible)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock(), preempt_disabled_token)
// Cancel a block and assign owner operation that we have already locked for.
// Basically, just drop all of the locks and get out.
void CancelBAAOOperationLocked(Thread* const current_thread, const BAAOLockingDetails& details)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_REL(get_lock(), current_thread->get_lock());
// Obtain all of the locks needed for a BlockAndAssignOwner operation,
// handling the special case of new+old owner which share a PI graph target.
BAAOLockingDetails LockForBAAOOperation(Thread* const current_thread, Thread* new_owner)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_ACQ(get_lock(), current_thread->get_lock());
// Attempt to obtain all of the locks needed for a BAAO operation while
// already holding this queue's lock. On success, the current thread's lock
// will have been obtained in addition to any other locks in the PI chain
// which are needed, and the details of the locking operation will be
// returned. On failure, returns ktl::nullopt after dropping any locks which
// had been obtained.
ktl::optional<BAAOLockingDetails> LockForBAAOOperationLocked(Thread* const current_thread,
Thread* new_owner)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
// Wake the up to specified number of threads from the wait queue, removing
// any current queue owner in the process.
WakeThreadsResult WakeThreads(uint32_t wake_count,
IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks = default_wake_hooks_)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
// Attempt to wake exactly one thread, and assign ownership of the queue to
// the woken thread (if any).
WakeThreadsResult WakeThreadAndAssignOwner(IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks = default_wake_hooks_)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
WakeThreadsResult WakeThreadsLocked(Thread::UnblockList threads, IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks,
WakeOption option = WakeOption::None)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock(), preempt_disabled_token);
// Obtain all of the locks needed for a WakeThreads operation.
Thread::UnblockList LockForWakeOperation(uint32_t max_wake, IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_ACQ(get_lock());
ktl::optional<Thread::UnblockList> LockForWakeOperationLocked(uint32_t max_wake,
IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
WakeThreadsResult WakeAndRequeue(OwnedWaitQueue& requeue_target, Thread* new_requeue_owner,
uint32_t wake_count, uint32_t requeue_count,
IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks, IWakeRequeueHook& requeue_hooks,
WakeOption wake_option)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock(), requeue_target.get_lock());
// Accessor used only by the scheduler's PiNodeAdapter to handle bookkeeping
// during profile inheritance situations.
SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState* inherited_scheduler_state_storage() {
return inherited_scheduler_state_storage_;
// Give permission to the WaitQueue thunk to call the PropagateRemove method
friend zx_status_t WaitQueue::UnblockThread(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error);
friend struct OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests;
struct DefaultWakeHooks : public IWakeRequeueHook {};
static inline DefaultWakeHooks default_wake_hooks_;
// Behavior control for locking pi paths.
enum class LockingBehavior { RefuseCycle, StopAtCycle };
// Assert that a thread (which we have locked exclusively) owns a specific
// wait queue, meaning that we should be able to examine parts of that queue's
// state (like, whether or not it has any blocked threads, and what the IPVs
// of the queue currently are). See comments in ApplyIpvDeltaToThread for
// details.
static inline void AssertOwnsWaitQueue(const Thread& t, const OwnedWaitQueue& owq)
TA_REQ(t.get_lock()) TA_ASSERT_SHARED(owq.get_lock()) {
[&]() TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { DEBUG_ASSERT(owq.owner_ == &t); }();
// Note that the locks for the entire PI chain starting from this OWQ, as well
// as from the one starting from the new owner, need to be held at this point.
void AssignOwnerInternal(Thread* new_owner)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock(), preempt_disabled_token);
// A specialization of WakeThreads which will...
// 1) Wake the number of threads indicated by |wake_count|
// 2) Move the number of threads indicated by |requeue_count| to the |requeue_target|.
// 3) Update ownership bookkeeping as indicated by |owner_action| and |requeue_owner|.
// This method is used by futexes in order to implement futex_requeue. It
// is wrapped up into a specialized form instead of broken into individual
// parts in order to minimize any thrash in re-computing effective
// profiles for PI purposes. We don't want to re-evaluate ownership or PI
// pressure until after all of the changes to wait queue have taken place.
// Note, if the |requeue_owner| exists, but is dead or dying, it will not be
// permitted to become the new owner of the |requeue_target|. Any existing
// owner will be replaced with no owner in this situation.
WakeThreadsResult WakeAndRequeueInternal(RequeueLockingDetails& details,
OwnedWaitQueue& requeue_target,
IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks,
IWakeRequeueHook& requeue_hooks,
WakeOption wake_option = WakeOption::None)
TA_REL(get_lock(), requeue_target.get_lock())
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, preempt_disabled_token);
void ValidateSchedStateStorageUnconditional() TA_REQ(get_lock());
void ValidateSchedStateStorage() TA_REQ(get_lock()) {
if constexpr (kSchedulerExtraInvariantValidation) {
void UpdateSchedStateStorageThreadRemoved(Thread& t) TA_REQ(get_lock(), t.get_lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(inherited_scheduler_state_storage_ != nullptr);
SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState& old_iss =
if (&old_iss == inherited_scheduler_state_storage_) {
inherited_scheduler_state_storage_ = collection_.FindInheritedSchedulerStateStorage();
if (inherited_scheduler_state_storage_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(&old_iss != inherited_scheduler_state_storage_);
*inherited_scheduler_state_storage_ = old_iss;
void UpdateSchedStateStorageThreadAdded(Thread& t) TA_REQ(get_lock(), t.get_lock()) {
if (inherited_scheduler_state_storage_ == nullptr) {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(this->Count() == 1, "Expected count == 1, instead of %u", this->Count());
inherited_scheduler_state_storage_ = &t.wait_queue_state().inherited_scheduler_state_storage_;
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(this->Count() > 1, "Expected count > 1, instead of %u", this->Count());
// Helper function for propagating inherited profile value add and remove
// operations. Snapshots and returns the combination of a thread's currently
// inherited profile values along with its base profile, which should be the
// profile pressure it is transmitting to the next node in the graph.
static SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues SnapshotThreadIpv(Thread& thread)
// Apply a change in IPV to a thread. When non-null, |old_ipv| points to the
// IPV values which need to be removed from the thread's IPVs, while |new_ipv|
// points to the IPV vales which need to be added to the thread's IPVs.
// 1) When a graph edge is added, |old_ipv| will be nullptr as no IPV pressure
// was removed.
// 2) When a graph edge is removed, |new_ipv| will be nullptr as no IPV
// pressure was added.
// 3) When a thread's base profile changes, neither |old_ipv| nor |new_ipv|
// will be nullptr, since the change of a thread's base profile is
// equivalent to the removal of one set of IPV, and the addition of
// another.
// 4) It is never correct for both |old_ipv| and |new_ipv| to be nullptr.
static void ApplyIpvDeltaToThread(const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* old_ipv,
const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* new_ipv,
Thread& thread) TA_REQ(thread.get_lock());
// Apply a change in IPV to an owned wait queue. See ApplyIpvDeltaToThread
// for an explanation of the parameters.
static void ApplyIpvDeltaToOwq(const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* old_ipv,
const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* new_ipv,
OwnedWaitQueue& owq) TA_REQ(owq.get_lock());
// Begin a propagation operation starting from an upstream thread, and going
// through a downstream owned wait queue. Only for use during edge add/remove
// operations. Base profile changes call FinishPropagate directly when
// required. Note: Links between the upstream thread and downstream queue
// should have already been added/removed by the time that this method is
// called.
// The entire PI chain starting from the wait queue needs to be locked before
// calling this, and the contents of the chain after the starting thread will
// be released during the operation (the thread will remain locked).
template <PropagateOp Op>
static void BeginPropagate(Thread& upstream_node, OwnedWaitQueue& downstream_node,
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, preempt_disabled_token, upstream_node.get_lock(),
// Begin a propagation operation starting from an upstream owned wait queue,
// and going through a downstream thread. Only for use during edge add/remove
// operations. Base profile changes call FinishPropagate directly when
// required. Note: Links between the upstream queue and downstream thread
// should *not* have already been added/removed by the time that this method
// is called. The method will handle updating the links.
// The entire PI chain starting from the wait queue needs to be locked before
// calling this, and the entire chain will be released during the operation.
// Additionally, the upstream node must be an instance of an OwnedWaitQueue.
// It is passed as a simple WaitQueue instead of an OwnedWaitQueue just to
// work around some static analyzer issues.
template <PropagateOp Op>
static void BeginPropagate(OwnedWaitQueue& upstream_node, Thread& downstream_node,
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, preempt_disabled_token, upstream_node.get_lock(),
// Finishing handling a propagation operations started from either version of
// BeginPropagate, or from SetThreadBasePriority. Traverses the PI chain
// propagating IPV deltas, and calls into the scheduler to finish the
// operation once the end of the chain is reached.
template <PropagateOp Op, typename UpstreamNodeType, typename DownstreamNodeType>
static void FinishPropagate(UpstreamNodeType& upstream_node, DownstreamNodeType& downstream_node,
const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* added_ipv,
const SchedulerState::InheritedProfileValues* lost_ipv,
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, internal::GetPiNodeLock(upstream_node),
internal::GetPiNodeLock(downstream_node), preempt_disabled_token);
// Upcast from a WaitQueue to an OwnedWaitQueue if possible, using the magic
// number to detect the underlying nature of the object. Returns nullptr if
// the pointer passed is nullptr, or if the object is not an OwnedWaitQueue.
static OwnedWaitQueue* DowncastToOwq(WaitQueue* wq) {
return (wq != nullptr) && (wq->magic() == kOwnedMagic) ? static_cast<OwnedWaitQueue*>(wq)
: nullptr;
static Thread* GetQueueOwner(WaitQueue* wq) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, wq->get_lock()) {
const OwnedWaitQueue* owq = DowncastToOwq(wq);
if (owq != nullptr) {
// The static analyzer is not clever enough to know that wq->get_lock() is
// the same lock as owq->get_lock(), so we make it happy using a no-op
// assert.
return owq->owner_;
return nullptr;
RequeueLockingDetails LockForRequeueOperation(OwnedWaitQueue& requeue_target,
Thread* new_requeue_target_owner, uint32_t max_wake,
uint32_t max_requeue, IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks,
IWakeRequeueHook& requeue_hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_ACQ(get_lock(), requeue_target.get_lock());
ktl::variant<ChainLock::LockResult, ReplaceOwnerLockingDetails> LockForOwnerReplacement(
Thread* new_owner, const Thread* blocking_thread = nullptr,
bool propagate_new_owner_cycle_error = false) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
ktl::optional<Thread::UnblockList> LockAndMakeWaiterListLocked(zx_time_t now, uint32_t max_count,
IWakeRequeueHook& hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
ktl::optional<WakeRequeueThreadDetails> LockAndMakeWakeRequeueThreadListsLocked(
zx_time_t now, uint32_t max_wake_count, IWakeRequeueHook& wake_hooks,
uint32_t max_requeue_count, IWakeRequeueHook& requeue_hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
ktl::optional<Thread::UnblockList> TryLockAndMakeWaiterListLocked(zx_time_t now,
uint32_t max_count,
IWakeRequeueHook& hooks)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
void UnlockAndClearWaiterListLocked(Thread::UnblockList list)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, get_lock());
// Common handler for PI chain locking/unlocking
template <LockingBehavior Behavior, typename StartNodeType>
static ktl::variant<ChainLock::LockResult, const void*> LockPiChainCommon(StartNodeType& start)
template <typename StartNodeType>
static inline ChainLock::LockResult LockPiChainCommonRefuseCycle(StartNodeType& start)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) {
return ktl::get<ChainLock::LockResult>(LockPiChainCommon<LockingBehavior::RefuseCycle>(start));
template <typename StartNodeType>
static void UnlockPiChainCommon(StartNodeType& start, const void* stop_point = nullptr)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_REL(internal::GetPiNodeLock(start));
TA_GUARDED(get_lock()) Thread* owner_ = nullptr;
// A pointer to a thread (which _must_ be a current member of this owned wait queue's)
// collection which holds the current inherited scheduler state storage for
// this wait queue.
// Anytime that a thread is added to this queue, if the collection was
// empty, then the thread added becomes the new location for the storage.
// Anytime that a thread is removed from this queue, if the thread being
// removed was the active location of the storage, then a new thread needs to
// be selected and the values moved into the new storage location.
// The primary purpose of this indirection is to keep the OwnedWaitQueue object
// relatively-lightweight. The only time that a wait queue has defined
// inherited scheduler state is when there are one or more threads blocked in
// the queue, so storing this bookkeeping in a blocked thread object seems
// reasonable.
// TODO(johngro): An alternative approach would be to copy the token-ante
// system used by Theads and FutexContext.
// Pros: Easier to reason about code and reduced risk of accidental
// use-after-free. Also, no need to copy bookkeeping from one thread to
// another when the currently active thread leaves the OwnedWaitQueue.
// Cons: Storage of the free tokens would require some central pool system
// which would act as a central choke point, which might become a
// scalability issue on systems where the processor count is high.
SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState* inherited_scheduler_state_storage_{nullptr};
namespace internal {
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const Thread& node) TA_RET_CAP(node.get_lock()) {
return node.get_lock();
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const WaitQueue& node) TA_RET_CAP(node.get_lock()) {
return node.get_lock();
inline const ChainLock& GetPiNodeLock(const OwnedWaitQueue& node) TA_RET_CAP(node.get_lock()) {
return node.get_lock();
} // namespace internal