blob: 5b88e204f206b9f81c38c4a2cfcee38103b2c7c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/asm.h>
#include "phys32.h"
#include "linuxboot-asm.h"
// The phys.ld linker script places this first in the image.
// The linuxboot.ld linker script arranges that this means it
// it is "before" the actual fixed load address of the bzImage
// 32-bit code (which includes the start32.S entry point).
.section .boot.header, "awx", %progbits
// This is the putative boot_params object at the start of the image.
// See linuxboot.h for full details about the protocol. In fact, this
// just corresponds to the boot_params layout for purposes of locating
// the boot_params::setup_header, below.
.org 0
.label zero_page
// This is not used by the Linux/x86 boot protocol. Historically,
// this format could be used directly as a Master Boot Record image.
// This ancient protocol consists of simply loading the first sector
// into a well-known location in memory and jumping to it in 16-bit
// real mode. This is not supported by Linux kernels any more, but a
// legacy stub is provided to panic nicely if loaded in the original
// x86 PC way by firmware supporting the old 16-bit x86 BIOS ABI.
.function MbrEntry, nosection=nosection
// This is the traditional physical load address. Make sure
// it's the exact start of the %cs segment.
ljmp $0x07c0, $(0f - MbrEntry)
// Reset segment registers to be safe and don't trust any stack pointer.
mov %cs, %ax
mov %ax, %ds
mov %ax, %es
mov %ax, %ss
mov %ax, %ss
xor %sp, %sp
// Normalize flags that might affect the BIOS or instructions used here.
// cf
mov $(MbrEntryMessage - MbrEntry), %si
mov $MbrEntryMessageSize, %cx
lodsb // %ax = *%si++
mov $0xe, %ah // Write character in TTY mode.
mov $0xd, %bx // Color (light magenta).
int $0x10 //
loop .Lbios_write_char
xor %ax, %ax
int $0x16
int $0x19 // Ask the BIOS to reboot. Should not return.
ljmp $0xf000, $0xfff0 // If it does, jump directly to the BIOS entry point.
.object MbrEntryMessage, nosection=nosection
.ascii "Legacy x86 MBR booting is not supported.\r\n"
.ascii "Install a boot loader that supports Linux/x86 bzImage format.\r\n"
.ascii "Hit any key to reboot...\r\n"
MbrEntryMessageSize = . - MbrEntryMessage
// The space before boot_params::hdr is not examined by the boot loader. A
// boot loader using the 16-bit entry protocol reads hdr.setup_sects and then
// loads this whole file's contents into memory at zero_page before entering
// at setup_header::jump, below.
.object setup_header, nosection=nosection
// This tells the boot loader how many 512-byte sectors after this first
// one to load. LINUXBOOT_SETUP_SIZE is defined at the end of the file.
.byte ((LINUXBOOT_SETUP_SIZE >> 9) - 1)
// This tells the boot loader how many 16-byte units (Intelspeak paragraphs)
// to load at the fixed load address for the 32-bit kernel image. The
// linuxboot.ld linker script calculates the value of LINUXBOOT_SYSSIZE.
// This is a required magic number the boot loader checks for.
// This is offset 512, where the 16-bit entry point is. Since there's a
// required header field right after, this must be a two-byte instruction.
// So we make it a jump to past the end of the fixed header layout, where
// we define the real-mode 16-bit entry path.
// This must be a 1-byte displacement to make a 2-byte instruction that
// fits before the next field. That makes a maximum jump distance of 127,
// to 0x202 + 127 = 0x281.
jmp Phys16Entry
// This is a required magic number the boot loader checks for.
.ascii "HdrS"
// This tells the boot loader which precise version of the protocol for
// encoding bits in these headers this kernel image is compatible with.
// Version 2.06 is not the newest, but none of the Zircon shim code needs
// to take advantange of any of the newer features.
.short 0x0206
// This indicates "bzImage" format: load the 32-bit code at 1MiB.
// This gives the boot loader license to place the initrd RAMDISK image
// anywhere in the 4G address space.
.int 0xffffffff
// Load addresses must be aligned to 4KiB.
.int 0x1000
// This constrains the maximum size of kernel command line data passed.
.int 0xffffffff
// The rest of setup_header contains fields a boot loader might examine
// or modify though they're not meaningful to the version of the protocol
// we support if they have zero-initialized values.
// This is close to the farthest the two-byte jump above can reach.
// The boot loader enters at offset 512, which is that short jump here.
.function Phys16Entry, nosection=nosection
// Normalize flags that might affect the BIOS or instructions used here.
// To be safe, only trust %ds to have been set by the boot loader.
mov %ds, %ax
mov %ax, %es
// Copy the setup_header, as modified by the boot loader, into the
// boot_params struct to be provided to the 32-bit entry path.
mov $(boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_HDR - zero_page), %di
mov $(setup_header - zero_page), %si
rep movsb
// boot_params::e820_table needs to be populated using the legacy BIOS ABI.
xor %ebx, %ebx // Cleared for first BIOS call.
movb %bl, (boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_E820_ENTRIES - zero_page)
// If you've been wondering where the name came from...
mov $0xe820, %eax
// %ebx is zero for the first iteration and is updated by the BIOS
// to new, unspecified, nonzero values with each iteration.
// This gives the buffer size: we read only one entry at a time.
mov $SIZEOF_E820ENTRY, %ecx
// This is a second magic number that must be set exactly.
mov $E820_MAGIC, %edx
// Use a single temporary buffer so as not to trust the BIOS to handle
// an address advancing through the table properly.
mov $(gE820Buffer - zero_page), %di
// Call the BIOS. The carry flag indicates the call failed.
// Otherwise a few registers have results.
int $0x15
jc .Le820_end
// Ignore the whole table if the BIOS is not following the protocol.
cmp $E820_MAGIC, %eax
je 0f
movb $0, (boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_E820_ENTRIES - zero_page)
jmp .Le820_end
// Copy the entry.
mov $SIZEOF_E820ENTRY, %cx
mov $(gE820Buffer - zero_page), %si
mov $(boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_E820_TABLE - zero_page), %di
movb (boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_E820_ENTRIES - zero_page), %al
mov %al, %dl
mul %cl
add %ax, %di
rep movsb
// Update the boot_params::e820_entries counter.
inc %dl
movb %dl, (boot_params + BOOT_PARAMS_E820_ENTRIES - zero_page)
// Bail out if the table is full.
cmpb $MAX_E820_TABLE_ENTRIES, %dl
jle .Le820_end
// The BIOS returns zero in %ebx when there are no more entries.
test %ebx, %ebx
jnz .Le820_loop
// Make sure interrupts are disabled just in case.
// Materialize the linear address of the code below, which will be the
// new PC in the flat 32-bit code segment.
mov %ds, %eax
shl $4, %eax
add $(Protected32Entry - zero_page), %eax
// Push the long return address that will be popped below.
pushl $PHYS32_CODE32_SEL
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
pushl %eax
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
// Now point %esi at the boot_params being filled out here.
// This is the argument register for the 32-bit entry path.
mov %ds, %esi
shl $4, %esi
add $(boot_params - zero_page), %esi
// Linux booting protocol requires these all be cleared. It doesn't really
// matter to our code, but it makes it consistent with what a boot loader
// doing direct 32-bit entry will do.
xor %ebx, %ebx
xor %ecx, %ecx
xor %edx, %edx
xor %ebp, %ebp
xor %edi, %edi
// Build a temporary descriptor pointing at the GDT to load it.
// We reuse the setup that start32.S will load again later.
// But we need it loaded first so we can enable 32-bit protected mode.
movl $gPhys32Gdt, -4(%esp)
movw $(PHYS32_GDT_SIZE - 1), -6(%esp)
lgdtl -6(%esp)
// Enable protected mode. The Intel manual recommends doing a far jump
// into a new %cs segment immediately after setting the PE bit.
mov %cr0, %eax
orb $X86_CR0_PE, %al
mov %eax, %cr0
// Immediately return into the new 32-bit code segment.
// Execution resumes here, now in 32-bit protected mode.
// This code still has to be purely position-independent.
.function Protected32Entry, align=16, nosection=nosection
// Reload all the segment registers (except %cs). The Intel manual
// recommends doing this immediately after jumping into the new %cs segment.
mov $PHYS32_DATA32_SEL, %ax // Flat data segment for %ds, %es, and %ss.
mov %ax, %ds
mov %ax, %es
mov %ax, %ss
mov %bx, %fs // Null segment selector for %fs and %gs.
mov %bx, %gs
// Now jump to the linux entry point.
mov $Linux32Entry, %eax
jmp *%eax
// When the 16-bit entry path is used, it passes this to the 32-bit path after
// copying setup_header, as previously modified by the boot loader, into it.
// The 16-bit setup code here is the only source of information other than what
// the boot loader wrote into setup_header. When the boot loader uses the
// 32-bit entry path, it passes its own pointer to a boot_params struct it has
// allocated elsewhere and filled with appropriate data, including copying our
// setup_header into that struct. In that case this space is not used at all.
.balign 16, 0
.object boot_params, nosection=nosection
.object gE820Buffer, align=4, nosection=nosection
.space SIZEOF_E820ENTRY, 0
// Pad out to a whole number of 512-byte sectors and record that total size (in
// bytes) as the value of the LINUXBOOT_SETUP_SIZE symbol (a SHN_ABS symbol
// that's a size, not an address). The setup_header::setup_sects field
// initializer is calculated from this value above. The linuxboot.ld linker
// script also uses this symbol to compute the LINUXBOOT_SYSSIZE symbol that's
// needed for the setup_header::syssize field initializer above.
.balign 512, 0
.label LINUXBOOT_SETUP_SIZE, global, notype, . - zero_page
// This is the entrypoint for bootloaders using the 32-bit linux boot
// protocol.
.function Linux32Entry, nosection=nosection
// Jump to the start32.S entry point at its fixed address.
mov $Phys32Entry, %eax
jmp *%eax
# Add the in-kernel config file, which is gzipped.
# Some emulators look for this file using extract-ikconfig before booting.
.ascii "IKCFG_ST"
.ascii "IKCFG_ED"