blob: e3567ff1b78e26bd68df49cbdf08d8b1e9a46a76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testparser
import (
const (
moblyTestPreamblePatternStr = `^======== Mobly config content ========$`
moblyTestResultYAMLHeaderPatternStr = `^\[=====MOBLY RESULTS=====\]$`
moblyTestCaseType = "Record"
var (
moblyTestPreamblePattern = regexp.MustCompile(moblyTestPreamblePatternStr)
moblyTestResultYAMLHeaderPattern = regexp.MustCompile(moblyTestResultYAMLHeaderPatternStr)
type moblyTestCase struct {
BeginTimeMillis int `yaml:"Begin Time,omitempty"`
// Description of the cause for test case termination.
// This is set to empty string for passed test cases.
Details string `yaml:"Details,omitempty"`
EndTimeMillis int `yaml:"End Time,omitempty"`
Result string `yaml:"Result,omitempty"`
TestClass string `yaml:"Test Class,omitempty"`
TestName string `yaml:"Test Name,omitempty"`
// TerminationSignal is name of the Python exception class raised on crash/failure.
TerminationSignal string `yaml:"Termination Signal Type,omitempty"`
// Type describes the Mobly YAML document entry type which is in the set of
// (Record, TestNameList, Summary, ControllerInfo, UserData)
Type string `yaml:"Type,omitempty"`
func matchYAMLHeader(lines [][]byte) [][]byte {
for num, line := range lines {
if moblyTestResultYAMLHeaderPattern.Match(line) {
// Skip the matched YAML header line.
return lines[num+1:]
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unepxected Mobly output, Mobly result YAML header line missing: %s\n", moblyTestResultYAMLHeaderPatternStr)
return nil
func parseMoblyTest(lines [][]byte) []runtests.TestCaseResult {
var res []runtests.TestCaseResult
if len(lines) < 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unexpected Mobly stdout, preamble line missing: %s\n", moblyTestPreamblePatternStr)
return res
// Find YAML header and decode YAML document.
yamlLines := matchYAMLHeader(lines)
data := bytes.Join(yamlLines, []byte{'\n'})
reader := bytes.NewReader(data)
d := yaml.NewDecoder(reader)
// Mobly's result YAML file contains multiple YAML documents.
// Since yaml.Unmarshal() is only capable of parsing a single document,
// here we use a for-loop and yaml.Decoder() to handle multiple documents.
for {
var tc moblyTestCase
if err := d.Decode(&tc); err != nil {
// Break the loop at EOF.
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error unmarshaling YAML: %s\n", err)
return res
// Skip records that are not test cases.
if tc.Type != moblyTestCaseType {
var status runtests.TestResult
switch tc.Result {
case "PASS":
status = runtests.TestSuccess
case "FAIL":
status = runtests.TestFailure
case "SKIP":
status = runtests.TestSkipped
case "ERROR":
status = runtests.TestCrashed
failureReason := tc.Details
if len(tc.TerminationSignal) != 0 {
failureReason = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", tc.TerminationSignal, failureReason)
res = append(res, runtests.TestCaseResult{
DisplayName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tc.TestClass, tc.TestName),
FailReason: failureReason,
SuiteName: tc.TestClass,
CaseName: tc.TestName,
Status: status,
Duration: time.Duration(tc.EndTimeMillis-tc.BeginTimeMillis) * time.Millisecond,
Format: "Mobly",
return res