blob: 1b08d7e135f719450035c252aaf65f21477a468f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fidlgen_cpp
import (
func onlyProtocol(t *testing.T, root *Root) *Protocol {
var protocols []*Protocol
for _, decl := range root.Decls {
if p, ok := decl.(*Protocol); ok {
protocols = append(protocols, p)
if len(protocols) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Must have a single protocol defined")
return protocols[0]
var exampleProtocol = func() func(t *testing.T) *Protocol {
var once sync.Once
var p *Protocol
return func(t *testing.T) *Protocol {
once.Do(func() {
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
closed protocol P {
strict OneWay();
strict TwoWay() -> ();
strict -> Event();
p = onlyProtocol(t, root)
return p
func toNames(methods []*Method) []string {
var s []string
for _, m := range methods {
s = append(s, m.HLCPP.Name())
return s
func TestMatchOneWayMethods(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, toNames(exampleProtocol(t).OneWayMethods), []string{"OneWay"})
func TestMatchTwoWayMethods(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, toNames(exampleProtocol(t).TwoWayMethods), []string{"TwoWay"})
func TestMatchClientMethods(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, toNames(exampleProtocol(t).ClientMethods), []string{"OneWay", "TwoWay"})
func TestMatchEvents(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, toNames(exampleProtocol(t).Events), []string{"Event"})
func TestFullyQualifiedName(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, exampleProtocol(t).OneWayMethods[0].FullyQualifiedName, "example/P.OneWay")
// Test natural argument rendering on the send path.
// E.g. value types should get decorated with "const &".
func TestNaturalArgumentRenderingSendPath(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
desc string
fidl string
actualChooser func(p *Protocol) string
expected string
desc: "value request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalRequestArg("r") },
expected: "const ::fidl::Request<::example::P::Method>& r",
desc: "resource request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(resource struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalRequestArg("r") },
expected: "::fidl::Request<::example::P::Method> r",
desc: "no request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalRequestArg("r") },
expected: "",
desc: "value response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "const ::fidl::Response<::example::P::Method>& r",
desc: "resource response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (resource struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "::fidl::Response<::example::P::Method> r",
desc: "no response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "",
desc: "flexible empty struct response",
fidl: "open protocol P { flexible Method() -> (); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "",
desc: "domain error empty struct response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> () error int32; };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "const ::fidl::Response<::example::P::Method>& r", // fit::result<int32_t>
desc: "value event",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict -> Event(struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "const ::example::PEventRequest& r",
desc: "resource event",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict -> Event(resource struct { a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "::example::PEventRequest r",
desc: "flexible event",
fidl: "open protocol P { flexible -> Event(); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) string { return p.Methods[0].NaturalResponseArg("r") },
expected: "",
for _, ex := range cases {
t.Run(ex.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single("library example; " + ex.fidl))
var protocols []*Protocol
for _, decl := range root.Decls {
if p, ok := decl.(*Protocol); ok {
protocols = append(protocols, p)
if len(protocols) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Must have a single protocol defined")
p := protocols[0]
actual := ex.actualChooser(p)
expectEqual(t, actual, ex.expected)
// Test allocation strategies
func TestWireBindingsAllocation(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
desc string
fidl string
actualChooser func(p *Protocol) allocation
expected allocation
expectedType string
desc: "client request inlined",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(struct { a array<uint8, 496>; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Request.ClientAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 512,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<512>",
desc: "client request boxed due to message size",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(struct { a array<uint8, 497>; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Request.ClientAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: false,
StackBytes: 0,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::BoxedMessageBuffer<520>",
desc: "client request inlined despite message flexibility",
fidl: "type Flexible = flexible union { 1: a int32; };" +
"closed protocol P { strict Method(struct { a Flexible; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Request.ClientAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 32,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<32>",
desc: "client response boxed due to message flexibility",
fidl: "type Flexible = flexible union { 1: a int32; };" +
"closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a Flexible; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Response.ClientAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: false,
StackBytes: 0,
NumHandles: 64,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::BoxedMessageBuffer<ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES>",
desc: "server response inlined",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a array<uint8, 496>; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Response.ServerAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 512,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<512>",
desc: "server response boxed due to message size",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a array<uint8, 497>; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Response.ServerAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: false,
StackBytes: 0,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::BoxedMessageBuffer<520>",
desc: "server response inlined despite message flexibility",
fidl: "type Flexible = flexible union { 1: a int32; };" +
"closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a Flexible; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.Methods[0].Response.ServerAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 32,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<32>",
desc: "client sync event handling inlined",
fidl: "closed protocol P {" +
" strict -> Event1(struct { a int32; });" +
" strict -> Event2(struct { a int32; b int32; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 24,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<24>",
desc: "client sync event handling boxed due to message size",
fidl: "closed protocol P {" +
" strict -> Event1(struct { a array<uint8, 497>; });" +
" strict -> Event2(struct { a int32; b int32; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: false,
StackBytes: 0,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::BoxedMessageBuffer<520>",
desc: "client sync event handling boxed due to message flexibility",
fidl: "type Flexible = table {};" +
"closed protocol P {" +
" strict -> Event1(struct { f Flexible; });" +
" strict -> Event2(struct { a int32; b int32; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: false,
StackBytes: 0,
NumHandles: 64,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::BoxedMessageBuffer<ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES>",
desc: "client sync event handling inlined ignoring flexible two-way response",
fidl: "type Flexible = table {};" +
"closed protocol P {" +
" strict Method() -> (struct { f Flexible; });" +
" strict -> Event2(struct { a int32; b int32; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 24,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<24>",
desc: "client sync event handling with max of two or three handles",
fidl: "type Flexible = table {};" +
"closed protocol P {" +
" strict -> Event1(resource struct { v vector<client_end:P>:2; });" +
" strict -> Event2(resource struct { v vector<client_end:P>:3; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 48,
NumHandles: 3,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<48>",
desc: "client sync event handling only counts event sizes",
fidl: "closed protocol P {" +
" strict -> Event1(struct { a int64; });" +
" strict Request() -> (resource struct { v vector<client_end:P>; });" +
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) allocation { return p.SyncEventAllocationV2 },
expected: allocation{
IsStack: true,
StackBytes: 24,
NumHandles: 0,
expectedType: "::fidl::internal::InlineMessageBuffer<24>",
for _, ex := range cases {
t.Run(ex.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single("library example; " + ex.fidl))
var protocols []*Protocol
for _, decl := range root.Decls {
if p, ok := decl.(*Protocol); ok {
protocols = append(protocols, p)
if len(protocols) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Must have a single protocol defined")
p := protocols[0]
actual := ex.actualChooser(p)
expectEqual(t, actual, ex.expected, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(allocation{}))
expectEqual(t, actual.BackingBufferType(), ex.expectedType)
func TestRequestAndResponseResourceness(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
desc string
fidl string
actualChooser func(p *Protocol) messageInner
expected bool
desc: "value struct request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(struct { a int32; b int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "value table request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(table { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "value union request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(union { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "resource struct request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(resource struct { a int32; b int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: true,
desc: "resource table request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(resource table { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: true,
desc: "resource union request",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method(resource union { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Request.messageInner },
expected: true,
desc: "value struct response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (struct { a int32; b int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "value table response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (table { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "value union response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (union { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: false,
desc: "resource struct response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (resource struct { a int32; b int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: true,
desc: "resource table response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (resource table { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: true,
desc: "resource union response",
fidl: "closed protocol P { strict Method() -> (resource union { 1: a int32; }); };",
actualChooser: func(p *Protocol) messageInner { return p.Methods[0].Response.messageInner },
expected: true,
for _, ex := range cases {
t.Run(ex.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single("library example; " + ex.fidl))
var protocols []*Protocol
for _, decl := range root.Decls {
if p, ok := decl.(*Protocol); ok {
protocols = append(protocols, p)
if len(protocols) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Must have a single protocol defined")
p := protocols[0]
actual := ex.actualChooser(p)
expectEqual(t, actual.IsResource, ex.expected)
// Test protocol associated declaration names
func TestHlMessagingProtocolAssociatedNames(t *testing.T) {
fidl := `
library fuchsia.foobar;
// Regular protocol
closed protocol P {};
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(fidl))
messaging := root.Decls[0].(*Protocol).HlMessaging
assertEqual(t, messaging.ProtocolMarker.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P")
assertEqual(t, messaging.InterfaceAliasForStub.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_Stub::P_clazz")
assertEqual(t, messaging.Proxy.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_Proxy")
assertEqual(t, messaging.Stub.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_Stub")
assertEqual(t, messaging.EventSender.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_EventSender")
assertEqual(t, messaging.SyncInterface.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_Sync")
assertEqual(t, messaging.SyncProxy.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_SyncProxy")
assertEqual(t, messaging.RequestEncoder.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_RequestEncoder")
assertEqual(t, messaging.RequestDecoder.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_RequestDecoder")
assertEqual(t, messaging.ResponseEncoder.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_ResponseEncoder")
assertEqual(t, messaging.ResponseDecoder.String(), "::fuchsia::foobar::P_ResponseDecoder")
func TestWireMessagingProtocolAssociatedNames(t *testing.T) {
fidl := `
library fuchsia.foobar;
// Regular protocol
closed protocol P {};
root := Compile(fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(fidl))
messaging := root.Decls[0].(*Protocol).wireTypeNames
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireProtocolMarker.String(), "::fuchsia_foobar::P")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireSyncClient.String(), "::fidl::WireSyncClient<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireClient.String(), "::fidl::WireClient<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireSyncEventHandler.String(), "::fidl::WireSyncEventHandler<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireAsyncEventHandler.String(), "::fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireServer.String(), "::fdf::WireServer<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireEventSender.String(), "::fidl::internal::WireEventSender<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireWeakEventSender.String(), "::fidl::internal::WireWeakEventSender<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")
assertEqual(t, messaging.WireWeakAsyncClientImpl.String(), "::fidl::internal::WireWeakAsyncClientImpl<::fuchsia_foobar::P>")