blob: a9168e3d0d401f476c808be4b643209c7c0906ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package rust
import (
func buildHandleDefs(defs []ir.HandleDef) string {
if len(defs) == 0 {
return ""
var builder strings.Builder
for i, d := range defs {
// Write indices corresponding to the .gidl file handle_defs block.
`// #%d
subtype: HandleSubtype::%s,
rights: Rights::from_bits(%d).unwrap(),
`, i, handleTypeName(d.Subtype), d.Rights))
return builder.String()
func buildHandles(handles []ir.Handle) string {
var builder strings.Builder
for i, h := range handles {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d,", h))
if i%8 == 7 {
return builder.String()
func buildRawHandleDispositions(handleDispositions []ir.HandleDisposition) string {
var builder strings.Builder
for _, hd := range handleDispositions {
fmt.Fprintf(&builder, `
zx_types::zx_handle_disposition_t {
operation: zx_types::ZX_HANDLE_OP_MOVE,
handle: handle_defs[%d].handle,
type_: %d,
rights: %d,
result: zx_types::ZX_OK,
},`, hd.Handle, hd.Type, hd.Rights)
return builder.String()
func buildRawHandles(handleDispositions []ir.HandleDisposition) string {
var builder strings.Builder
for _, hd := range handleDispositions {
fmt.Fprintf(&builder, "handle_defs[%d].handle,\n", hd.Handle)
return builder.String()
func visit(value ir.Value, decl mixer.Declaration) string {
switch value := value.(type) {
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(value)
case int64, uint64, float64:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case mixer.PrimitiveDeclaration:
suffix := primitiveTypeName(decl.Subtype())
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%s", value, suffix)
case *mixer.BitsDecl:
primitive := visit(value, &decl.Underlying)
if decl.IsFlexible() {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_bits_allow_unknown(%v)", declName(decl), primitive)
// Use from_bits_retain so that encode_failure tests work. It's
// not worth the effort to make the test type available here and use
// from_bits(...).unwrap() in success cases, since all this would do
// is move validation from the bindings to GIDL.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_bits_retain(%v)", declName(decl), primitive)
case *mixer.EnumDecl:
primitive := visit(value, &decl.Underlying)
if decl.IsFlexible() {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_primitive_allow_unknown(%v)", declName(decl), primitive)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_primitive(%v).unwrap()", declName(decl), primitive)
case ir.RawFloat:
switch decl.(*mixer.FloatDecl).Subtype() {
case fidlgen.Float32:
return fmt.Sprintf("f32::from_bits(%#b)", value)
case fidlgen.Float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("f64::from_bits(%#b)", value)
case string:
var expr string
if fidlgen.PrintableASCII(value) {
expr = fmt.Sprintf("String::from(%q)", value)
} else {
expr = fmt.Sprintf("std::str::from_utf8(b\"%s\").unwrap().to_string()", rust.EscapeStr(value))
return wrapNullable(decl, expr)
case ir.Handle:
expr := buildHandleValue(value)
return wrapNullable(decl, expr)
case ir.Record:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *mixer.StructDecl:
return onStruct(value, decl)
case *mixer.TableDecl:
return onTable(value, decl)
case *mixer.UnionDecl:
return onUnion(value, decl)
case []ir.Value:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *mixer.ArrayDecl:
return onList(value, decl)
case *mixer.VectorDecl:
return onList(value, decl)
case ir.DecodedRecord:
return onDecodedRecord(value, decl.(mixer.RecordDeclaration))
case nil:
if !decl.IsNullable() {
if _, ok := decl.(*mixer.HandleDecl); ok {
return "Handle::invalid()"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("got nil for non-nullable type: %T", decl))
return "None"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("not implemented: %T", value))
func declName(decl mixer.NamedDeclaration) string {
return identifierName(decl.Name())
// TODO( Move into a common library outside GIDL.
func identifierName(qualifiedName string) string {
parts := strings.Split(qualifiedName, "/")
library_parts := strings.Split(parts[0], ".")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", strings.Join(library_parts, "_"),
func primitiveTypeName(subtype fidlgen.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
switch subtype {
case fidlgen.Bool:
return "bool"
case fidlgen.Int8:
return "i8"
case fidlgen.Uint8:
return "u8"
case fidlgen.Int16:
return "i16"
case fidlgen.Uint16:
return "u16"
case fidlgen.Int32:
return "i32"
case fidlgen.Uint32:
return "u32"
case fidlgen.Int64:
return "i64"
case fidlgen.Uint64:
return "u64"
case fidlgen.Float32:
return "f32"
case fidlgen.Float64:
return "f64"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected subtype %v", subtype))
func handleTypeName(subtype fidlgen.HandleSubtype) string {
switch subtype {
case fidlgen.HandleSubtypeNone:
return "Handle"
case fidlgen.HandleSubtypeChannel:
return "Channel"
case fidlgen.HandleSubtypeEvent:
return "Event"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported handle subtype: %s", subtype))
func wrapNullable(decl mixer.Declaration, valueStr string) string {
if !decl.IsNullable() {
return valueStr
switch decl.(type) {
case *mixer.ArrayDecl, *mixer.VectorDecl, *mixer.StringDecl, *mixer.HandleDecl, *mixer.ClientEndDecl, *mixer.ServerEndDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("Some(%s)", valueStr)
case *mixer.StructDecl, *mixer.UnionDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("Some(Box::new(%s))", valueStr)
case *mixer.BoolDecl, *mixer.IntegerDecl, *mixer.FloatDecl, *mixer.TableDecl:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("decl %v should not be nullable", decl))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected decl %v", decl))
func onStruct(value ir.Record, decl *mixer.StructDecl) string {
var structFields []string
providedKeys := make(map[string]struct{}, len(value.Fields))
for _, field := range value.Fields {
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
panic("unknown field not supported")
providedKeys[field.Key.Name] = struct{}{}
fieldName := fidlgen.ToSnakeCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, decl.Field(field.Key.Name))
structFields = append(structFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", fieldName, fieldValueStr))
for _, key := range decl.FieldNames() {
if _, ok := providedKeys[key]; !ok {
fieldName := fidlgen.ToSnakeCase(key)
structFields = append(structFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: None", fieldName))
valueStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s { %s }", declName(decl), strings.Join(structFields, ", "))
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onTable(value ir.Record, decl *mixer.TableDecl) string {
var tableFields []string
for _, field := range value.Fields {
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("table %s: unknown ordinal %d: Rust cannot construct tables with unknown fields",
decl.Name(), field.Key.UnknownOrdinal))
fieldName := fidlgen.ToSnakeCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, decl.Field(field.Key.Name))
tableFields = append(tableFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: Some(%s)", fieldName, fieldValueStr))
tableName := declName(decl)
tableFields = append(tableFields, "..Default::default()")
valueStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s { %s }", tableName, strings.Join(tableFields, ", "))
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onUnion(value ir.Record, decl *mixer.UnionDecl) string {
if len(value.Fields) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("union has %d fields, expected 1", len(value.Fields)))
field := value.Fields[0]
var valueStr string
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
if field.Key.UnknownOrdinal != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("union %s: unknown ordinal %d: Rust can only construct unknowns with the ordinal 0",
decl.Name(), field.Key.UnknownOrdinal))
if field.Value != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("union %s: unknown ordinal %d: Rust cannot construct union with unknown bytes/handles",
decl.Name(), field.Key.UnknownOrdinal))
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s::unknown_variant_for_testing()", declName(decl))
} else {
fieldName := fidlgen.ToUpperCamelCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, decl.Field(field.Key.Name))
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s(%s)", declName(decl), fieldName, fieldValueStr)
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onList(value []ir.Value, decl mixer.ListDeclaration) string {
var elements []string
elemDecl := decl.Elem()
for _, item := range value {
elements = append(elements, visit(item, elemDecl))
elementsStr := strings.Join(elements, ", ")
var valueStr string
switch decl.(type) {
case *mixer.ArrayDecl:
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", elementsStr)
case *mixer.VectorDecl:
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("vec![%s]", elementsStr)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected decl %v", decl))
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func buildHandleValue(handle ir.Handle) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("copy_handle(&handle_defs[%d])", handle)
func onDecodedRecord(value ir.DecodedRecord, decl mixer.RecordDeclaration) string {
if value.Encoding.WireFormat != ir.V2WireFormat {
panic("Rust backend only supports V2 in decode() function")
name := declName(decl)
bytes := rust.BuildBytes(value.Encoding.Bytes)
handles := "[]"
if len(value.Encoding.Handles) > 0 {
handles = fmt.Sprintf("select_handle_infos(&handle_defs, &%s)",
context := encodingContext(value.Encoding.WireFormat)
return fmt.Sprintf("decode_value::<%s>(%s, &%s, &mut %s)", name, context, bytes, handles)