blob: a6769c6f070b5882cd29aede738390b9fa272245 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/raw_ast.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/tree_visitor.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/test_library.h"
// This test provides a way to write comprehensive unit tests on the fidlc
// parser. Each test case provides a SourceElement type and a list of source
// strings, with expected source spans of that type marked with special
// characters (see kMarkerLeft and kMarkerRight). The markers can be nested and
// are expected to specify all occurrences of that type of SourceElement.
// Test cases are defined near the bottom of the file as a
// std::vector<TestCase>.
// For each test case:
// - extract_expected_span_views creates a multiset of source spans from a
// marked source string.
// - |SourceSpanChecker| inherits from |TreeVisitor|, and it collects all the
// actual spans of a given |SourceElement::ElementType| by walking the AST in
// each test case.
// - then the expected values are compared against the actual values via set
// arithmetic.
namespace fidlc {
namespace {
DO(AliasDeclaration) \
DO(Attribute) \
DO(AttributeArg) \
DO(AttributeList) \
DO(BinaryOperatorConstant) \
DO(BoolLiteral) \
DO(CompoundIdentifier) \
DO(ConstDeclaration) \
DO(DocCommentLiteral) \
DO(File) \
DO(Identifier) \
DO(IdentifierConstant) \
DO(IdentifierLayoutParameter) \
DO(InlineLayoutReference) \
DO(LayoutParameterList) \
DO(LibraryDeclaration) \
DO(LiteralConstant) \
DO(LiteralLayoutParameter) \
DO(Modifiers) \
DO(NamedLayoutReference) \
DO(NumericLiteral) \
DO(Ordinal64) \
DO(OrdinaledLayout) \
DO(OrdinaledLayoutMember) \
DO(ParameterList) \
DO(ProtocolCompose) \
DO(ProtocolDeclaration) \
DO(ProtocolMethod) \
DO(ResourceDeclaration) \
DO(ResourceProperty) \
DO(ServiceMember) \
DO(ServiceDeclaration) \
DO(StringLiteral) \
DO(StructLayout) \
DO(StructLayoutMember) \
DO(TypeConstraints) \
DO(TypeDeclaration) \
DO(TypeConstructor) \
DO(TypeLayoutParameter) \
DO(Using) \
DO(ValueLayout) \
const char* kElementTypeNames[] = {FOR_ENUM_VARIANTS(MAKE_ENUM_NAME)};
const char* element_type_str(ElementType type) { return kElementTypeNames[type]; }
// Used to delineate spans in source code. E.g.,
// const uint32 «three» = 3;
const std::string kMarkerLeft = "«";
const std::string kMarkerRight = "»";
class SourceSpanVisitor : public TreeVisitor {
explicit SourceSpanVisitor(ElementType test_case_type_) : test_case_type_(test_case_type_) {}
const std::multiset<std::string>& spans() { return spans_; }
void OnAliasDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawAliasDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kAliasDeclaration, *element);
void OnAttribute(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttribute>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kAttribute, *element);
void OnAttributeArg(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttributeArg>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kAttributeArg, *element);
void OnAttributeList(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttributeList>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kAttributeList, *element);
void OnBinaryOperatorConstant(
const std::unique_ptr<RawBinaryOperatorConstant>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kBinaryOperatorConstant, *element);
void OnBoolLiteral(RawBoolLiteral& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kBoolLiteral, element);
void OnCompoundIdentifier(const std::unique_ptr<RawCompoundIdentifier>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kCompoundIdentifier, *element);
void OnConstDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawConstDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kConstDeclaration, *element);
void OnDocCommentLiteral(RawDocCommentLiteral& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kDocCommentLiteral, element);
void OnFile(const std::unique_ptr<File>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kFile, *element);
void OnIdentifier(const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifier>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kIdentifier, *element);
void OnIdentifierConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifierConstant>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kIdentifierConstant, *element);
void OnIdentifierLayoutParameter(
const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifierLayoutParameter>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kIdentifierLayoutParameter, *element);
void OnInlineLayoutReference(const std::unique_ptr<RawInlineLayoutReference>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kInlineLayoutReference, *element);
void OnLayout(const std::unique_ptr<RawLayout>& element) override {
switch (element->kind) {
case RawLayout::Kind::kBits:
case RawLayout::Kind::kEnum:
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kValueLayout, *element);
case RawLayout::Kind::kStruct:
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kStructLayout, *element);
case RawLayout::Kind::kTable:
case RawLayout::Kind::kOverlay:
case RawLayout::Kind::kUnion:
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kOrdinaledLayout, *element);
void OnLayoutParameterList(const std::unique_ptr<RawLayoutParameterList>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kLayoutParameterList, *element);
void OnLibraryDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawLibraryDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kLibraryDeclaration, *element);
void OnLiteralConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawLiteralConstant>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kLiteralConstant, *element);
void OnLiteralLayoutParameter(
const std::unique_ptr<RawLiteralLayoutParameter>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kLiteralLayoutParameter, *element);
void OnModifiers(const std::unique_ptr<RawModifiers>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kModifiers, *element);
void OnNamedLayoutReference(const std::unique_ptr<RawNamedLayoutReference>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kNamedLayoutReference, *element);
void OnNumericLiteral(RawNumericLiteral& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kNumericLiteral, element);
void OnOrdinal64(RawOrdinal64& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kOrdinal64, element);
void OnOrdinaledLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawOrdinaledLayoutMember>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kOrdinaledLayoutMember, *element);
void OnParameterList(const std::unique_ptr<RawParameterList>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kParameterList, *element);
void OnProtocolCompose(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolCompose>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kProtocolCompose, *element);
void OnProtocolDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kProtocolDeclaration, *element);
void OnProtocolMethod(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolMethod>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kProtocolMethod, *element);
void OnResourceDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawResourceDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kResourceDeclaration, *element);
void OnResourceProperty(const std::unique_ptr<RawResourceProperty>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kResourceProperty, *element);
void OnServiceDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawServiceDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kServiceDeclaration, *element);
void OnServiceMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawServiceMember>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kServiceMember, *element);
void OnStringLiteral(RawStringLiteral& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kStringLiteral, element);
void OnStructLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawStructLayoutMember>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kStructLayoutMember, *element);
void OnTypeConstraints(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeConstraints>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kTypeConstraints, *element);
void OnTypeConstructor(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeConstructor>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kTypeConstructor, *element);
void OnTypeDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeDeclaration>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kTypeDeclaration, *element);
void OnTypeLayoutParameter(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeLayoutParameter>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kTypeLayoutParameter, *element);
void OnUsing(const std::unique_ptr<RawUsing>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kUsing, *element);
void OnValueLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawValueLayoutMember>& element) override {
CheckSpanOfType(ElementType::kValueLayoutMember, *element);
// Called on every node of the AST that we visit. We collect spans of the |ElementType| we are
// looking for as we traverse the tree, and store them in a multiset.
void CheckSpanOfType(const ElementType element_type, const SourceElement& element) {
if (element_type != test_case_type_) {
ElementType test_case_type_;
std::multiset<std::string> spans_;
std::string replace_markers(std::string_view source, std::string_view left_replace,
std::string_view right_replace) {
std::string result(source);
const auto replace_all = [&](std::string_view pattern, std::string_view replace_with) {
std::string::size_type i = result.find(pattern);
while (i != std::string::npos) {
result.replace(i, pattern.length(), replace_with);
i = result.find(pattern, i + replace_with.length());
replace_all(kMarkerLeft, left_replace);
replace_all(kMarkerRight, right_replace);
return result;
std::string remove_markers(std::string_view source) { return replace_markers(source, "", ""); }
// Extracts marked source spans from a given source string as |string_view|s into the
// |cleaned_source|. If source spans are incorrectly marked (missing or extra markers), returns
// empty set; otherwise, returns a multiset of expected spans.
std::multiset<std::string_view> extract_expected_span_views(std::string_view marked_source,
std::string_view clean_source) {
std::stack<size_t> stack;
std::multiset<std::string_view> spans;
size_t left_marker_size = kMarkerLeft.length();
size_t right_marker_size = kMarkerRight.length();
size_t combined_marker_size = left_marker_size + right_marker_size;
const auto match = [&](size_t i, std::string_view marker) {
return, marker.length())) == 0;
auto offset = [&](size_t i) {
return i - (stack.size() * left_marker_size) - (spans.size() * combined_marker_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < marked_source.length();) {
if (match(i, kMarkerLeft)) {
i += left_marker_size;
} else if (match(i, kMarkerRight)) {
if (stack.empty()) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected closing marker '" << kMarkerRight << "' at position " << i
<< " in source string";
// Return an empty set if errors
// const std::string span = remove_markers(source.substr(, // index of left marker
// i - // length of span
// );
size_t pos_in_clean_source =;
size_t count_in_clean_source = offset(i) - pos_in_clean_source;
auto x = clean_source.substr(pos_in_clean_source, count_in_clean_source);
i += right_marker_size;
} else {
i += 1;
if (!stack.empty()) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "expected closing marker '" << kMarkerRight << "'";
// Return an empty set if errors
return spans;
struct TestCase {
ElementType element_type;
std::vector<std::string> marked_sources;
const std::vector<TestCase> kTestCases = {
R"FIDL(library x; «alias Foo = uint8»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «alias Foo = vector<uint8>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «@foo("foo")» «@bar» const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
const MY_BOOL bool = false;
R"FIDL(library x;
protocol Foo {
Bar@foo» struct {});
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«"foo"») const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«a="foo"»,«b="bar"») const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
const MY_BOOL bool = false;
const MY_OTHER_BOOL bool = false;
R"FIDL(library x; «@foo("foo") @bar» const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
const MY_BOOL bool = false;
R"FIDL(library x;
protocol Foo {
Bar@foo» struct {});
R"FIDL(library x;
const one uint8 = 0x0001;
const two_fifty_six uint16 = 0x0100;
const two_fifty_seven uint16 = «one | two_fifty_six»;
R"FIDL(library x; const two_fifty_seven uint16 = «0x0001 | 0x0100»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x bool = «true»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«true») const x bool = «true»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x bool = «false»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«false») const x bool = «false»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library «»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library example;
«const C_SIMPLE uint32 = 11259375»;
«const C_HEX_S uint32 = 0xABCDEF»;
«const C_HEX_L uint32 = 0XABCDEF»;
«const C_BINARY_S uint32 = 0b101010111100110111101111»;
«const C_BINARY_L uint32 = 0B101010111100110111101111»;
R"FIDL(library x;
«/// Foo»
const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library «x»;
type «MyEnum» = strict enum {
«A» = 1;
R"FIDL(library «x»;
type «MyStruct» = resource struct {
«boolval» «bool»;
«boolval» «resource»;
«boolval» «flexible»;
«boolval» «struct»;
R"FIDL(library «x»;
type «MyUnion» = flexible union {
1: «intval» «int64»;
R"FIDL(library x; const x bool = true; const y bool = «x»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type a = bool; const b uint8 = 4; type y = array<«a»,«b»>;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type S = «struct {
intval int64;
boolval bool = false;
stringval string:MAX_STRING_SIZE;
inner «union {
1: floatval float64;
R"FIDL(library x;
protocol P {
Mstruct {
intval int64;
boolval bool = false;
stringval string:MAX_STRING_SIZE;
inner «union {
1: floatval float64;
R"FIDL(library x;
protocol Foo {
Bar@foo struct {}»);
R"FIDL(library x; type y = array«<uint8,4>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = vector«<array«<uint8,4>»>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(«library x»; using y;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(«library x.y.z»; using y;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x bool = «true»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x uint8 = «42»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x string = «"hi"»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = array<uint8,«4»>;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = vector<array<uint8,«4»>>;)FIDL",
// Layouts
R"FIDL(library x; type MyBits = «flexible» bits { MY_VALUE = 1; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyBits = «strict» bits : uint32 { MY_VALUE = 1; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyEnum = «flexible» enum : uint32 { MY_VALUE = 1; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyEnum = «strict» enum { MY_VALUE = 1; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyStruct = «resource» struct {};)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyTable = «resource» table { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «resource» union { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «flexible» union { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «strict» union { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «resource strict» union { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyEnum = @attr «flexible» enum : uint32 { MY_VALUE = 1; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyStruct = @attr «resource» struct {};)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = @attr «resource strict» union { 1: my_member bool; };)FIDL",
// Note that the following 3 tests have union members named like modifiers.
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «resource flexible» union { 1: my_member resource; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «strict resource» union { 1: my_member flexible; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type MyUnion = «flexible resource» union { 1: my_member strict; };)FIDL",
// Protocols
R"FIDL(library x; «ajar» protocol MyProtocol {};)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «closed» protocol MyProtocol {};)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol {};)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr «open» protocol MyProtocol {};)FIDL",
// Methods
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { «flexible» MyMethod(); };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { «strict» MyMethod(); };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { @attr «strict» MyMethod(); };)FIDL",
// Note that the following 3 tests have protocol methods named like modifiers.
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { «flexible» flexible(); strict(); };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { «strict» strict(); flexible(); };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «open» protocol MyProtocol { @attr «flexible» flexible(); @attr strict(); };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type S = struct {
intval «int64»;
boolval «bool» = false;
stringval «string»:MAX_STRING_SIZE;
inner struct {
floatval «float64»;
uintval «uint8» = 7;
vecval «vector»<«vector»<Foo>>;
arrval «array»<uint8,4>;
R"FIDL(library x; const x uint8 = «42»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«42») const x uint8 = «42»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type U = union { «1:» one uint8; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type T = «resource table {
1: intval int64;
type U = «flexible resource union {
1: intval int64;
R"FIDL(library x;
type T = table {
«1: intval int64»;
«@attr 3: floatval float64»;
«4: stringval string:100»;
«5: inner union {
«1: boolval bool»;
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { Method«()» -> «()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { Method«(struct {})» -> «(struct {})»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { Method«(struct { a int32; b bool; })» -> «(struct { c
uint8; d bool; })»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { -> Event«()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { -> Event«(struct {})»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { -> Event«(struct { a int32; b bool; })»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «compose OtherProtocol»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «@attr compose OtherProtocol»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X {
«/// Foo
compose OtherProtocol»;
R"FIDL(library x; «protocol X {}»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «@attr protocol X { compose OtherProtocol; }»;)FIDL",
// One-way
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «@attr Method(struct { a int32; b bool; })»; };)FIDL",
// Two-way
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method(struct { a int32; }) -> ()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «@attr Method(struct { a int32; }) -> ()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method(struct { a int32; }) -> (struct { res bool; })»;
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method(struct { a int32; }) -> (struct { res
bool; res2 int32; })»; };)FIDL",
// Two-way + error
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method(struct { a int32; }) -> () error uint32»;
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «@attr Method(struct { a int32; }) -> () error
uint32»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «Method(struct { a int32; }) ->
(struct { res bool; }) error uint32»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X {
«Method(struct { a int32; }) -> (struct { res bool; res2 int32; }) error uint32»;
// Event
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «-> Event()»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «-> Event(struct { res bool; })»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { «@attr -> Event(struct { res bool; res2 int32; })»;
{ElementType::kResourceDeclaration, {R"FIDL(
library example; «resource_definition Res : uint32 { properties { subtype Enum; };
{ElementType::kResourceProperty, {R"FIDL(
library example; resource_definition Res : uint32 { properties { «subtype Enum»; };
R"FIDL(library x; «service X {}»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol P {}; «service X { Z client_end:P; }»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol P {}; service X { «Z client_end:P»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; protocol P {}; service X { «@attr Z client_end:P»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x string = «"hello"»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(«"foo"») const x string = «"goodbye"»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; @attr(a=«"foo"»,b=«"bar"») const MY_BOOL bool = false;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type S = «resource struct {
intval int64;
R"FIDL(library x;
type S = struct {
«intval int64»;
«boolval bool = false»;
«@attr stringval string:100»;
«inner struct {
«floatval float64»;
«uintval uint8 = 7»;
R"FIDL(library x; type y = array<uint8,4>;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = vector<vector<uint8>:«16»>:«<16,optional>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = union { 1: foo bool; }:«optional»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; using zx; type y = zx.Handle:«optional»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; using zx; type y = zx.Handle:«<VMO,zx.READ,optional>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x «int32» = 1;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x «zx.Handle:<VMO, zx.Rights.READ, optional>» = 1;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x «Foo<«Bar<«zx.Handle:VMO»>:20»>:optional» = 1;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; const x «zx.Handle:VMO» = 1;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = «array<uint8,4>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = «vector<«array<Foo,4>»>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = «string:100»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = «string:<100,optional>»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type e = «flexible enum : «uint32» {
A = 1;
R"FIDL(library x;
type S = «struct {
intval «int64»;
boolval «bool» = false;
stringval «string:MAX_STRING_SIZE»;
inner «struct {
floatval «float64»;
uintval «uint8» = 7;
vecval «vectorvector<Foo>»>»;
arrval «array<uint8,4>»;
R"FIDL(library x; protocol X { Methodstruct { a «int32»; b «bool»; }») -> struct
{}») error «uint32»; };)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
resource_definition foo : «uint8» {
properties {
rights «rights»;
R"FIDL(library x;
protocol Foo {
Bar@foo struct {}»);
R"FIDL(library x;
«type E = enum : int8 {
A = 1;
«type S = struct {
intval int64;
«type U = union {
1: intval int64;
R"FIDL(library x; type y = array<uint8,4>;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; type y = vector<«array<uint8,4>»>;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «using y»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x; «using y as z»;)FIDL",
R"FIDL(library x;
type B = «bits {
A = 1;
type E = «strict enum {
A = 1;
R"FIDL(library x;
type E = enum {
«A = 1»;
«@attr B = 2»;
R"FIDL(library x;
type B = bits {
«A = 0x1»;
«@attr B = 0x2»;
class SpanTest : public testing::TestWithParam<TestCase> {
void RunTest(const std::string& insert_left_padding, const std::string& insert_right_padding,
const std::set<ElementType>& exclude) {
const TestCase& test_case = GetParam();
if (exclude.find(test_case.element_type) != exclude.end()) {
for (const auto& unpadded_source : test_case.marked_sources) {
// Insert the specified left/right padding.
std::string marked_source = replace_markers(
unpadded_source, insert_left_padding + kMarkerLeft, kMarkerRight + insert_right_padding);
std::string clean_source = remove_markers(marked_source);
// Parse the source with markers removed
TestLibrary library(clean_source);
std::unique_ptr<File> ast;
if (!library.Parse(&ast)) {
FAIL() << "Failed to parse fidl:\n\n" << clean_source;
// Get the expected spans from the marked source
std::multiset<std::string_view> span_views =
extract_expected_span_views(marked_source, library.source_file().data());
// Returns an empty set when there are errors
if (span_views.empty()) {
std::multiset<std::string> expected_spans;
for (const auto& span_view : span_views) {
// Get the actual spans by walking the AST, then compare them against
// our expectation.
SourceSpanVisitor visitor(test_case.element_type);
std::multiset<std::string> actual_spans = visitor.spans();
// Report errors where the checker found unexpected spans (spans in actual but not
// expected).
std::multiset<std::string> actual_spans_minus_expected;
actual_spans.begin(), actual_spans.end(), expected_spans.begin(), expected_spans.end(),
std::inserter(actual_spans_minus_expected, actual_spans_minus_expected.begin()));
for (const auto& span : actual_spans_minus_expected) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected occurrence of spans of type "
<< element_type_str(test_case.element_type) << ": " << kMarkerLeft << span
<< kMarkerRight;
// Report errors where the checker failed to find expected spans (spans in expected but not
// actual).
std::multiset<std::string> expected_spans_minus_actual;
expected_spans.begin(), expected_spans.end(), actual_spans.begin(), actual_spans.end(),
std::inserter(expected_spans_minus_actual, expected_spans_minus_actual.begin()));
for (const auto& span : expected_spans_minus_actual) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "expected (but didn't find) spans of type "
<< element_type_str(test_case.element_type) << ": " << kMarkerLeft << span
<< kMarkerRight;
TEST_P(SpanTest, GoodNoPadding) { RunTest("", "", {}); }
TEST_P(SpanTest, GoodLeftPadding) { RunTest(" ", "", {}); }
TEST_P(SpanTest, GoodRightPadding) { RunTest("", " ", {ElementType::kDocCommentLiteral}); }
TEST_P(SpanTest, GoodLeftRightPadding) { RunTest(" ", " ", {ElementType::kDocCommentLiteral}); }
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SpanTests, SpanTest, testing::ValuesIn(kTestCases),
[](const testing::TestParamInfo<TestCase>& info) {
return element_type_str(info.param.element_type);
} // namespace
} // namespace fidlc