blob: 10d6fa79c4ca5e0937627461a75fa6c20968484f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/diagnostic_types.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/diagnostics.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/test_library.h"
namespace fidlc {
namespace {
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using ::testing::Not;
// Reads a file into a string.
std::optional<std::string> ReadFile(const std::string& path) {
std::ifstream input(path);
if (!input) {
return std::nullopt;
std::stringstream buf;
buf << input.rdbuf();
return buf.str();
// Returns all the good/fi-NNNN*.test.fidl paths found in
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> GoodFidlPaths(const DiagnosticDef& def) {
auto id = def.FormatId();
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("error-catalog/_" + id + ".md");
auto content = ReadFile(path);
if (!content) {
return std::nullopt;
re2::StringPiece text = content.value();
RE2 pattern =
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::string group1;
ErrorId group2;
while (RE2::FindAndConsume(&text, pattern, &group1, &group2)) {
EXPECT_EQ(group2, << path << " references " << group1
<< " which is for the wrong error ID";
EXPECT_FALSE(result.empty()) << path << " does not reference any good .test.fidl files";
return result;
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, IndexIsComplete) {
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("");
std::ifstream input(path);
auto it = std::begin(kAllDiagnosticDefs);
const auto end = std::end(kAllDiagnosticDefs);
std::string line;
std::string prefix = "<<error-catalog/";
while (it != end && std::getline(input, line)) {
if (line.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix) {
auto id = (*it)->FormatId();
ASSERT_EQ(line, "<<error-catalog/_" + id + ".md>>")
<< "unexpected entry in " << path << "; either " << id
<< " was not next in sequence, or it is marked documented=false "
"in diagnostics.h and should not appear";
it = std::find_if(std::next(it), end,
[](const DiagnosticDef* def) { return def->opts.documented; });
EXPECT_EQ(it, end) << path << " did not contain all diagnostics; missing " << (*it)->FormatId()
<< " to " << (*std::prev(end))->FormatId();
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, RedirectsAreComplete) {
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("_redirects.yaml");
auto redirects = ReadFile(path).value();
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
auto id = def->FormatId();
auto entry = "- from: /fuchsia-src/error/" + id +
"\n to: /fuchsia-src/reference/fidl/language/" + id;
if (def->opts.documented) {
EXPECT_THAT(redirects, HasSubstr(entry)) << path << " is missing a redirect for " << id;
} else {
EXPECT_THAT(redirects, Not(HasSubstr(entry)))
<< path << " unexpectedly has a redirect for " << id
<< ", which is marked documented=false in diagnostics.h";
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, MarkdownFilesExist) {
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
if (!def->opts.documented)
auto id = def->FormatId();
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("error-catalog/_" + id + ".md");
EXPECT_TRUE(std::filesystem::exists(path)) << "missing Markdown file " << path << " for " << id;
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, DocsAreAccurate) {
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
if (!def->opts.documented) {
auto id = def->FormatId();
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("error-catalog/_" + id + ".md");
auto content = ReadFile(path);
if (!content) {
// Will be caught by ErrcatDocsTests.MarkdownFilesExist.
if (def->kind == DiagnosticKind::kRetired) {
auto prefix = "## " + id + " {:#" + id + " .hide-from-toc}";
EXPECT_EQ(content.value().substr(0, prefix.size()), prefix)
<< "first line of " << path << " is incorrect";
EXPECT_THAT(content.value(), HasSubstr("Deprecated: This error code has been retired."))
<< id << " is DiagnosticKind::kRetired, "
<< "but the Markdown file does not say it is retired: " << path;
} else {
auto prefix = "## " + id + ":";
EXPECT_EQ(content.value().substr(0, prefix.size()), prefix)
<< "first line of " << path << " is incorrect";
EXPECT_THAT(content.value(), HasSubstr("{:#" + id + "}"))
<< "missing the expected heading id attribute in " << path;
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, AllGoodFilesAreTested) {
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("");
auto source_file = ReadFile(path).value();
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
if (!def->opts.documented || def->kind == DiagnosticKind::kRetired) {
// Will be caught by ErrorsAreTestedIffDocumentedAndNotRetired.
if (def->id == {
// This error has no examples because it is impossible to test.
auto fidl_paths = GoodFidlPaths(*def);
if (!fidl_paths.has_value()) {
// Will be caught by ErrcatDocsTests.MarkdownFilesExist.
for (auto& fidl : fidl_paths.value()) {
EXPECT_THAT(source_file, HasSubstr("\"" + fidl + "\""))
<< path << "does not contain a test for " << fidl;
TEST(ErrcatDocsTests, ErrorsAreTestedIffDocumentedAndNotRetired) {
auto path = TestLibrary::TestFilePath("");
auto source_file = ReadFile(path).value();
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
if (def->id == {
// This error has no examples because it is impossible to test.
auto id = def->FormatId();
bool tested = false;
std::stringstream location;
if (auto index = source_file.find("\"good/" + id); index != std::string::npos) {
tested = true;
location << path << ":"
<< 1 + std::count(, + index, '\n');
if (def->opts.documented && def->kind != DiagnosticKind::kRetired) {
EXPECT_TRUE(tested) << id << " (documented=true, retired=false) is missing a test in "
<< path;
} else if (!def->opts.documented) {
EXPECT_FALSE(tested) << id << " (documented=false) unexpectedly has a test at "
<< location.str();
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(tested) << id << " (retired=true) unexpectedly has a test at " << location.str();
} // namespace
} // namespace fidlc