blob: decc5349082b78297ca7d2d4b10b32fb6a627a95 [file] [log] [blame]
library test.newtype;
type Bits = bits {
A = 1;
type Enum = enum {
A = 1;
B = 15;
type Struct = struct {
foo string;
type Table = table {};
type Union = union {
1: b bool;
alias Alias = Struct;
closed protocol Calculator {
strict Add(struct {
a int32;
b int32;
}) -> (struct {
sum int32;
// Now for the new-types
// First simple ones
type NewBits = Bits;
type NewEnum = Enum;
type NewStruct = Struct;
type NewTable = Table;
type NewUnion = Union;
type NewAlias = Alias;
// Then ones with inlined constructors
type NewVec = vector<Union>;
type NewBoxedStruct = box<Struct>;
// Something to do with attributes
@doc("A little note")
type NewStructWithAttr = Struct;
type NewTableWithAttr = Table;
// Protocol ends
type NewServerEnd = server_end:Calculator;
type NewCliendEnd = client_end:Calculator;
type NewServerEndOpt = server_end:<Calculator, optional>;