blob: ab3a27cf233964c9fe6924ebeb90d11d2d99e480 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/source_span.h"
namespace fidlc {
class Name;
struct Library;
// A NamingContext is a list of names, from least specific to most specific, which
// identifies the use of a layout. For example, for the FIDL:
// ```
// library fuchsia.bluetooth.le;
// protocol Peripheral {
// StartAdvertising(table { 1: data struct {}; });
// };
// ```
// The context for the innermost empty struct can be built up by the calls:
// auto ctx = NamingContext("Peripheral").FromRequest("StartAdvertising").EnterMember("data")
// `ctx` will produce a `FlattenedName` of "data", and a `Context` of
// ["Peripheral", "StartAdvertising", "data"].
class NamingContext : public std::enable_shared_from_this<NamingContext> {
// Usage should only be through shared pointers, so that shared_from_this is always
// valid. We use shared pointers to manage the lifetime of NamingContexts since the
// parent pointers need to always be valid. Managing ownership with unique_ptr is tricky
// (Push() would need to have access to a unique_ptr of this, and there would need to
// be a place to own all the root nodes, which are not owned by an anonymous name), and
// doing it manually is even worse.
static std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> Create(SourceSpan decl_name) {
return Create(decl_name, Kind::kDecl, nullptr);
static std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> Create(const Name& decl_name);
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> EnterRequest(SourceSpan method_name) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(kind_ == Kind::kDecl, "request must follow protocol");
return Push(method_name, Kind::kMethodRequest);
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> EnterEvent(SourceSpan method_name) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(kind_ == Kind::kDecl, "event must follow protocol");
// an event is actually a request from the server's perspective, so we use request in the
// naming context
return Push(method_name, Kind::kMethodRequest);
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> EnterResponse(SourceSpan method_name) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(kind_ == Kind::kDecl, "response must follow protocol");
return Push(method_name, Kind::kMethodResponse);
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> EnterMember(SourceSpan member_name) {
return Push(member_name, Kind::kLayoutMember);
SourceSpan name() const { return name_; }
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> parent() const {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(parent_ != nullptr, "traversing above root");
return parent_;
void set_name_override(std::string value) { flattened_name_override_ = std::move(value); }
std::string_view flattened_name() const {
if (flattened_name_override_) {
return flattened_name_override_.value();
return flattened_name_;
std::vector<std::string> Context() const;
// ToName() exists to handle the case where the caller does not necessarily know what
// kind of name (sourced or anonymous) this NamingContext corresponds to.
// For example, this happens for layouts where the Consume* functions all take a
// NamingContext and so the given layout may be at the top level of the library
// (with a user-specified name) or may be nested/anonymous.
Name ToName(Library* library, SourceSpan declaration_span);
// Each new naming context is represented by a SourceSpan pointing to the name
// in question (e.g. protocol/layout/member name) and a Kind. The contexts are
// represented as linked lists with pointers back up to the parent to avoid
// storing extraneous copies, thus the naming context for
// type Foo = { member_a struct { ... }; member_b struct {...}; };
// Would look like
// member_a --\
// ---> Foo
// member_b --/
// Note that there are additional constraints not captured in the type system:
// for example, a kMethodRequest can only follow a kDecl, and a kDecl can only
// appear as the "root" of a naming context. These are enforced somewhat loosely
// using asserts in the class' public methods.
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
NamingContext(SourceSpan name, Kind kind, std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> parent)
: name_(name),
flattened_name_(BuildFlattenedName(name_, kind_, parent_)) {}
static std::string BuildFlattenedName(SourceSpan name, Kind kind,
const std::shared_ptr<NamingContext>& parent);
static std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> Create(SourceSpan decl_name, Kind kind,
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> parent) {
// We need to create a shared pointer but there are only private constructors. Since
// we don't care about an extra allocation here, we use `new` to get around this
// (see
return std::shared_ptr<NamingContext>(new NamingContext(decl_name, kind, std::move(parent)));
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> Push(SourceSpan name, Kind kind) {
return Create(name, kind, shared_from_this());
SourceSpan name_;
Kind kind_;
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> parent_;
std::string flattened_name_;
std::optional<std::string> flattened_name_override_;
// Name represents the name of a declaration. There are three kinds of names:
// sourced (the usual kind), anonymous (derived from source but chosen by the
// compiler), and intrinsic (not derived from any user source).
class Name final {
static Name CreateSourced(const Library* library, SourceSpan span,
std::optional<std::string> member_name = std::nullopt) {
return Name(library, Sourced{span}, std::move(member_name));
enum class Provenance : uint8_t {
// The name refers to an anonymous layout, like `struct {}`.
// The name refers to a result union generated by the compiler, e.g. the
// response of `strict Foo(A) -> (B) error uint32` or `flexible Foo(A) -> (B)`.
// The name refers to an empty success struct generated by the compiler, e.g. the
// success variant for `strict Foo() -> () error uint32` or `flexible Foo() -> ()`.
static Name CreateAnonymous(const Library* library, SourceSpan span,
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> context, Provenance provenance) {
return Name(library, Anonymous{std::move(context), provenance, span}, std::nullopt);
static Name CreateIntrinsic(const Library* library, std::string name) {
return Name(library, Intrinsic{std::move(name)}, std::nullopt);
Name WithMemberName(std::string member_name) const {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!member_name_.has_value(), "already has a member name");
Name new_name = *this;
new_name.member_name_ = std::move(member_name);
return new_name;
const Library* library() const { return library_; }
std::optional<SourceSpan> span() const;
std::string_view decl_name() const;
std::string full_name() const;
const std::optional<std::string>& member_name() const { return member_name_; }
struct Sourced {
SourceSpan span;
struct Anonymous {
std::shared_ptr<NamingContext> context;
Provenance provenance;
// The span of the object to which this anonymous name refers to (anonymous names
// by definition do not appear in source, so the name itself has no span).
SourceSpan span;
struct Intrinsic {
std::string name;
using Value = std::variant<Sourced, Anonymous, Intrinsic>;
Name(const Library* library, Value value, std::optional<std::string> member_name)
: library_(library), value_(std::move(value)), member_name_(std::move(member_name)) {}
const Library* library_;
Value value_;
std::optional<std::string> member_name_;
bool is_sourced() const { return std::get_if<Sourced>(&value_); }
bool is_intrinsic() const { return std::get_if<Intrinsic>(&value_); }
const Anonymous* as_anonymous() const { return std::get_if<Anonymous>(&value_); }
} // namespace fidlc