blob: 4da5c5c8e59fffbcbf7e3a05cf4d1d41d48f49a6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#### CATEGORY=Code submission and review
### Open in a new browser window the gerrit review URL.
## Usage: fx cl
import subprocess
import sys
import webbrowser
def GetChangeId():
Attempts to obtain the change ID from the last commit.
Returns an empty string if it fails.
change_id = None
# Gets the description of the last commit
commit_msg = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format="%B"', 'HEAD'], text=True)
prefix = "Change-Id:"
for l in commit_msg.splitlines():
if l.startswith(prefix):
change_id = l[len(prefix):].strip()
return None
return change_id
# Opens the current CL in the web browser.
change_id = GetChangeId()
if change_id is None:
print('No change ID found', file=sys.stderr)
webbrowser.open_new_tab("" + change_id)