blob: 44d3fdd86c429ee7fa4d93e23a29c506c63a8971 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package bazel_docgen
import (
pb ""
const ruleTemplate = `
# {{ .RuleName }}
{{ .DocString }}
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
{{range .Attribute }}| {{ .Name }} | {{description .DocString }} | {{attributeTypeString .Type }} | {{isMandatory .Mandatory }} | {{defaultValue .DefaultValue }} |
{{end }}
const providerTemplate = `
# {{ .ProviderName }}
{{ .DocString }}
{{if .FieldInfo }}## **FIELDS**
| Name | Description |
| :------------- | :------------- |
{{range .FieldInfo }}| {{ .Name }} | {{description .DocString }} |
const starlarkFunctionTemplate = `
# {{ .FunctionName }}
{{ .DocString }}
{{if .Parameter }}## **PARAMETERS**
| Name | Description | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
{{range .Parameter }}| {{ .Name }} | {{description .DocString }} | {{defaultValue .DefaultValue }} |
{{if .Return }}
{{with .Return }}{{ .DocString }}{{end}}
const repositoryRuleTemplate = `
# {{ .RuleName }}
{{ .DocString }}
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
{{range .Attribute }}| {{ .Name }} | {{description .DocString }} | {{attributeTypeString .Type }} | {{isMandatory .Mandatory }} | {{defaultValue .DefaultValue }} |
{{end }}
{{if .Environ}}
This repository rule depends on the following environment variables:
{{range .Environ}}* {{codeBlock .}}{{end}}
const READMETemplate = `
<input type="text" placeholder="Type a keyword here to filter results">
<tbody class="list">
{{range . }}<tr>
<td><a href="{{ .Path }}">{{ .Title }}</a></td>
<td>{{ .Description }}</td>
var (
attributeTypeURLMap = map[pb.AttributeType]string{
pb.AttributeType_INT: "int",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL: "label",
pb.AttributeType_STRING: "string",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_LIST: "string_list",
pb.AttributeType_INT_LIST: "int_list",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL_LIST: "label_list",
pb.AttributeType_BOOLEAN: "bool",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL_STRING_DICT: "label_keyed_string_dict",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_DICT: "string_dict",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_LIST_DICT: "string_list_dict",
pb.AttributeType_OUTPUT: "output",
pb.AttributeType_OUTPUT_LIST: "output_list",
attributeTypeReadableNameMap = map[pb.AttributeType]string{
pb.AttributeType_INT: "Integer",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL: "Label",
pb.AttributeType_STRING: "String",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_LIST: "String List",
pb.AttributeType_INT_LIST: "Integer List",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL_LIST: "Label List",
pb.AttributeType_BOOLEAN: "Boolean",
pb.AttributeType_LABEL_STRING_DICT: "Label String Dict",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_DICT: "String Dict",
pb.AttributeType_STRING_LIST_DICT: "String List Dict",
pb.AttributeType_OUTPUT: "Output",
pb.AttributeType_OUTPUT_LIST: "Output List",
func defaultValue(value string) string {
if value == "" {
return "-"
// Return the value with backticks if there is one
return "`" + value + "`"
func codeBlock(value string) string {
return "`" + value + "`"
type stringReplacements struct {
input string
replacement string
// Makes the description renderable inside of a markdown table.
// TODO: properly support code blocks.
func description(value string) string {
if value == "" {
return "-"
// Replace the values of the description that would cause problems rendering
// in a table context.
replacements := []stringReplacements{
{"<", "&lt;"},
{">", "&gt;"},
{"|", "\\|"},
{"\n", "<br>"},
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
for _, r := range replacements {
value = strings.ReplaceAll(value, r.input, r.replacement)
return value
func attributeTypeString(t pb.AttributeType) string {
if t == pb.AttributeType_NAME {
return "<a href=\"\">Name</a>"
} else if t == pb.AttributeType_UNKNOWN {
return "UKNOWN"
} else {
return "<a href=\"" + attributeTypeURLMap[t] + "\">" + attributeTypeReadableNameMap[t] + "</a>"
func isMandatory(m bool) string {
if m {
return "required"
} else {
return "optional"
func NewRuleTemplate() (*template.Template, error) {
return makeTemplate("rule", ruleTemplate)
func NewProviderTemplate() (*template.Template, error) {
return makeTemplate("provider", providerTemplate)
func NewStarlarkFunctionTemplate() (*template.Template, error) {
return makeTemplate("starlark_function", starlarkFunctionTemplate)
func NewRepositoryRuleTemplate() (*template.Template, error) {
return makeTemplate("repository_rule", repositoryRuleTemplate)
func NewREADMETemplate() (*template.Template, error) {
return makeTemplate("readme", READMETemplate)
func makeTemplate(name string, templateString string) (*template.Template, error) {
t := template.New(name)
"defaultValue": defaultValue,
"description": description,
"attributeTypeString": attributeTypeString,
"isMandatory": isMandatory,
"codeBlock": codeBlock,
return t.Parse(templateString)