blob: de460f8a452c210d413199a583f2e6f35b931311 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include "src/virtualization/tests/lib/socket.h"
class GuestConsole {
explicit GuestConsole(std::unique_ptr<SocketInterface> socket);
// Initialize the socket, attempting to reach a state where the socket appears
// 'stable' with respect to output.
// This skips over initial startup noise (such as boot logs, etc) that may be
// present on the socket interface. However, no guarantee can be made on the
// state of the guest and whether it is actually finished starting up services
// or even started listening for input on the serial line.
// Aborts with the error ZX_ERR_TIMEOUT if `deadline` is reached
// prior to the system reaching its shell.
zx_status_t Start(zx::time deadline);
// Executes a command and waits for a response. Uses a header and a footer to
// ensure the command finished executing and to capture output. Blocks on the
// serial socket being writable and readable at various points and on the
// command completing. If provided, the nonce helps disambiguate multiple
// attempts of the same command.
zx_status_t ExecuteBlocking(const std::string& command, const std::string& prompt, uint64_t nonce,
zx::time deadline, std::string* result = nullptr);
zx_status_t ExecuteBlocking(const std::string& command, const std::string& prompt,
zx::time deadline, std::string* result) {
return ExecuteBlocking(command, prompt, 0, deadline, result);
// Sends a message to the guest's serial. Blocks until the entire message is
// written to the socket but doesn't wait for a response.
zx_status_t SendBlocking(const std::string& message, zx::time deadline);
// Waits for a marker string to be read from the guest's serial, or until an
// internal timeout passes. Optionally fills |result| with everything read up
// to (but excluding) |marker|.
// Returns ZX_OK if the string was read before the timeout expired, and
// an error status in other cases.
// The class keeps an internal buffer of unread serial data. This function
// will consume all of the buffer up to the first occurance of |marker|.
// For example, if the underlying socket has the following data on it:
// "xxxmarkeryyy"
// then a call `WaitForMarker("marker", &result)` will return `xxx` in
// |result|, and consume the buffer so that only `yyy` remains.
zx_status_t WaitForMarker(const std::string& marker, zx::time deadline,
std::string* result = nullptr);
// Waits for the socket interface to be closed, or a deadline is reached.
zx_status_t WaitForSocketClosed(zx::time deadline);
// Repeatedly execute a command until the desired output is seen. This
// essentially retries the command using ExecuteBlocking at the specified rate
// until it either succeeds and the output is matched, or the overall deadline
// expires and this returns with an error.
// This is intended to be used when a guest is starting up and it is ambiguous
// whether it is even listening for input yet.
zx_status_t RepeatCommandTillSuccess(const std::string& command, const std::string& prompt,
const std::string& success, zx::time deadline,
zx::duration repeat_rate);
// Waits for something to be written to the socket and drains it.
zx_status_t WaitForAny(zx::time deadline);
// Read all pending data from the socket. Non-blocking.
zx_status_t Drain();
std::unique_ptr<SocketInterface> socket_;
std::string buffer_;
// Only one blocking command can be executed at a time.
std::unique_ptr<std::mutex> execute_command_lock_;