blob: ac19e3da0ef7ae861a386cc44a00218d7e3a3309 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <virtio/virtio.h>
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/pci.h"
// Virtio PCI Bar Layout.
// Expose all read/write fields on one BAR using a strongly ordered
// mapping. Map the Queue notify region to a second BAR with a BELL type
// that does not require the guest to decode any instruction fields. The
// queue to notify can be inferred based on the address accessed alone.
// ------------ 00h ------------ 00h
// | Virtio PCI | | Queue 0 |
// | Common | | Notify |
// | Config | |------------| 04h
// |------------| 38h | Queue 1 |
// | ISR Config | | Notify |
// |------------| 3ch |------------|
// | Device- | | ... |
// | Specific | |------------| 04 * N
// | Config | | Queue N |
// | | | Notify |
// ------------ ------------
// These structures are defined in Virtio 1.0 Section 4.1.4.
// We initialize Virtio devices with a ring size so that a sensible size is set,
// even if they do not configure one themselves.
static constexpr uint16_t kDefaultVirtioQueueSize = 128;
// Queue addresses as defined in Virtio 1.0 Section
struct VirtioQueueConfig {
union {
struct {
uint64_t desc;
uint64_t avail;
uint64_t used;
// Software will access these using 32 bit operations. Provide a
// convenience interface for these use cases.
uint32_t words[6] = {};
uint16_t size = kDefaultVirtioQueueSize;
struct VirtioDeviceConfig {
mutable std::mutex mutex;
// Virtio device ID.
const uint16_t device_id = 0;
// Virtio device features.
const uint32_t device_features = 0;
// Pointer to device configuration.
void* config __TA_GUARDED(mutex) = nullptr;
// Number of bytes used for this device's configuration space.
// This should cover only bytes used for the device-specific portions of
// the configuration header, omitting any of the (transport-specific)
// shared configuration space.
const uint64_t config_size = 0;
// Virtio queues for this device.
VirtioQueueConfig* const queue_configs __TA_GUARDED(mutex) = nullptr;
// Number of Virtio queues.
const uint16_t num_queues = 0;
// Invoked when the driver has made a change to the queue configuration.
using ConfigQueueFn = fit::function<zx_status_t(uint16_t queue, uint16_t size, zx_gpaddr_t desc,
zx_gpaddr_t avail, zx_gpaddr_t used)>;
const ConfigQueueFn config_queue;
// Invoked when the driver sends notifications on a queue to the device.
// TODO(abdulla): Remove this once all devices are out-of-process.
using NotifyQueueFn = fit::function<zx_status_t(uint16_t queue)>;
const NotifyQueueFn notify_queue;
// Invoked when the driver has made a change to the device configuration.
using ConfigDeviceFn = fit::function<zx_status_t(uint64_t addr, const IoValue& value)>;
const ConfigDeviceFn config_device;
// Invoked when the driver has accepted features and set the device into a
// 'Ready' state.
// Devices can place logic here that depends on the set of negotiated
// features with the driver.
using ReadyDeviceFn = fit::function<zx_status_t(uint32_t negotiated_features)>;
const ReadyDeviceFn ready_device;
// Virtio PCI transport implementation.
class VirtioPci : public PciDevice {
explicit VirtioPci(VirtioDeviceConfig* device_config, std::string_view name);
// ISR flag values.
enum IsrFlags : uint8_t {
// Interrupt is caused by a queue.
ISR_QUEUE = 1 << 0,
// Interrupt is caused by a device config change.
ISR_CONFIG = 1 << 1,
// Sets the given flags in the ISR register.
void add_isr_flags(uint8_t flags) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
isr_status_ |= flags;
// Device features.
// These are feature bits that are supported by the device. They may or
// may not correspond to the set of feature flags that have been negotiated
// at runtime. For negotiated features, see |has_negotiated_features|.
bool has_device_features(uint32_t features) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
return (device_config_->device_features & features) == features;
// Returns true if the set of features have been negotiated to be enabled.
bool has_negotiated_features(uint32_t features) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
return (device_config_->device_features & driver_features_ & features) == features;
// Get the BAR for the device's configuration region / notification region.
const PciBar& config_bar() const { return *bar(config_bar_); }
const PciBar& notify_bar() const { return *bar(notify_bar_); }
// Routes callbacks from the configuration PCI BAR.
class ConfigBarCallback : public PciBar::Callback {
explicit ConfigBarCallback(VirtioPci* parent) : parent_(parent) {}
zx_status_t Read(uint64_t addr, IoValue* value) override;
zx_status_t Write(uint64_t addr, const IoValue& value) override;
VirtioPci* parent_;
// Routes callbacks from the notification PCI BAR.
class NotifyBarCallback : public PciBar::Callback {
explicit NotifyBarCallback(VirtioPci* parent) : parent_(parent) {}
zx_status_t Read(uint64_t addr, IoValue* value) override;
zx_status_t Write(uint64_t addr, const IoValue& value) override;
VirtioPci* parent_;
bool HasPendingInterrupt() const override;
// Handle accesses to the general configuration BAR.
zx_status_t ConfigBarRead(uint64_t addr, IoValue* value) const;
zx_status_t ConfigBarWrite(uint64_t addr, const IoValue& value);
// Handle accesses to the common configuration region.
zx_status_t CommonCfgRead(uint64_t addr, IoValue* value) const;
zx_status_t CommonCfgWrite(uint64_t addr, const IoValue& value);
// Handle writes to the notify BAR.
zx_status_t NotifyBarWrite(uint64_t offset, const IoValue& value);
zx_status_t SetupCaps();
uint16_t queue_sel() const;
VirtioDeviceConfig* const device_config_;
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
// Callback objects for BAR accesses.
ConfigBarCallback config_bar_callback_{this};
NotifyBarCallback notify_bar_callback_{this};
// Notify bar and config bar indices.
// These values are constant after class initialisation.
size_t config_bar_;
size_t notify_bar_;
// Device feature bits.
// Defined in Virtio 1.0 Section 2.2.
uint32_t device_features_sel_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
// Driver feature bits.
uint32_t driver_features_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
uint32_t driver_features_sel_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
// Device status field as defined in Virtio 1.0, Section 2.1.
uint8_t status_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
// Interrupt status register.
mutable uint8_t isr_status_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
// Index of the queue currently selected by the driver.
uint16_t queue_sel_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;