blob: 8f0853c1ba2e6f4de3d36d768d58cf4bf17bf77f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::input_listener;
use fidl::endpoints::*;
use fuchsia_component_test::ScopedInstance;
use futures::StreamExt;
use rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use rand::Rng;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::debug;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_math as fmath, fidl_fuchsia_ui_composition as flatland,
fidl_fuchsia_ui_pointer as fpointer, fidl_fuchsia_ui_views as fviews, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_scenic as scenic,
pub const DISPLAY_WIDTH: u16 = 1024;
pub const DISPLAY_HEIGHT: u16 = 600;
fn get_next_global_id() -> u64 {
static ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(1);
ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
pub fn clone_view_ref(view_ref: &fviews::ViewRef) -> fviews::ViewRef {
scenic::duplicate_view_ref(&view_ref).expect("valid view_ref")
// Creates a flatland instance with a View and a solid fill rectangle, returning the ViewRef and
// root transform id.
async fn create_instance(
token: fviews::ViewCreationToken,
realm: &ScopedInstance,
) -> (flatland::FlatlandProxy, fviews::ViewRef, flatland::TransformId) {
let flatland_instance = realm
.expect("Failed to connect Flatland instance");
let view_identity = fviews::ViewIdentityOnCreation::from(
scenic::ViewRefPair::new().expect("failed to create ViewRefPair"),
let view_ref = clone_view_ref(&view_identity.view_ref);
let (_, parent_viewport_watcher_request) =
.expect("Failure creating view");
let mut root_transform = flatland::TransformId { value: get_next_global_id() };
flatland_instance.create_transform(&root_transform).expect("fidl error");
flatland_instance.set_root_transform(&root_transform).expect("fidl error");
create_and_attach_rect(&flatland_instance, &mut root_transform);
(flatland_instance, view_ref, root_transform)
// Creates a fullscreen viewport.
// Does not call present.
fn create_viewport(
proxy: &flatland::FlatlandProxy,
token: fviews::ViewportCreationToken,
viewport_id: flatland::ContentId,
) {
let (_, child_view_watcher) = create_proxy::<flatland::ChildViewWatcherMarker>()
.expect("failed to create ChildViewWatcher endpoints");
&flatland::ViewportProperties {
logical_size: Some(fmath::SizeU {
width: DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32,
height: DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32,
.expect("Failure creating viewport");
// Creates a solid fill rectangle and attaches it as a child of |root_transform_id|.
// Does not call present.
fn create_and_attach_rect(
proxy: &flatland::FlatlandProxy,
root_transform_id: &mut flatland::TransformId,
) {
let rect_transform_id = flatland::TransformId { value: get_next_global_id() };
proxy.create_transform(&rect_transform_id).expect("fidl error");
let rect_content_id = flatland::ContentId { value: get_next_global_id() };
proxy.create_filled_rect(&rect_content_id).expect("fidl error");
proxy.set_content(&rect_transform_id, &rect_content_id).expect("fidl error");
proxy.add_child(root_transform_id, &rect_transform_id).expect("fidl error");
&flatland::ColorRgba { red: 0.0, blue: 1.0, green: 0.0, alpha: 1.0 },
&fmath::SizeU { width: DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32, height: DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32 },
.expect("fidl error");
// Present and wait until the frame has been presented and we've receive the go-ahead for the next frame.
async fn safe_present(
instance: &flatland::FlatlandProxy,
stream: &mut flatland::FlatlandEventStream,
) {
instance.present(flatland::PresentArgs::default()).expect("Present call failed");
let mut frame_presented = false;
let mut next_frame_begun = false;
loop {
match stream
.expect("Received 'nothing' from flatland stream")
.expect("Fidl error")
flatland::FlatlandEvent::OnNextFrameBegin { .. } => {
next_frame_begun = true;
flatland::FlatlandEvent::OnFramePresented { .. } => {
frame_presented = true;
flatland::FlatlandEvent::OnError { error } => {
panic!("error in safe_present: {:?}", error);
if frame_presented && next_frame_begun {
// In a new task, indefinitely call Flatland::Present() for a given instance.
fn autopresent(
proxy: Arc<flatland::FlatlandProxy>,
mut stream: flatland::FlatlandEventStream,
) -> fasync::Task<()> {
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
loop {
safe_present(&*proxy, &mut stream).await
/// Represents a single flatland instance and all comprising elements.
/// The Root instance contains the elements needed to render a scene and inject input events.
/// The instances form a tree starting at the singular Root instance, where each Child instance's
/// view is attached below their parent's root_transform.
pub enum FlatlandInstance {
Root {
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
flatland_display: flatland::FlatlandDisplayProxy,
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
root_instance: Arc<flatland::FlatlandProxy>,
target_instance: Arc<flatland::FlatlandProxy>,
target_root_transform: flatland::TransformId,
child_instances: Vec<(FlatlandInstance, flatland::ContentId)>,
_root_present_task: fasync::Task<()>,
_target_present_task: fasync::Task<()>,
Child {
instance: Arc<flatland::FlatlandProxy>,
root_transform: flatland::TransformId,
child_instances: Vec<(FlatlandInstance, flatland::ContentId)>,
_present_task: fasync::Task<()>,
_touch_listener_task: fasync::Task<()>,
impl FlatlandInstance {
// Setup the root of the scene graph. This is the resulting the view tree:
// root view
// |
// input injection target view
// |
// [subtree will be placed here]
// Returns the view refs of the root view and the input injection target view.
pub async fn new_root(realm: &ScopedInstance) -> (Self, fviews::ViewRef, fviews::ViewRef) {
let fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair {
view_creation_token: root_view_creation_token,
viewport_creation_token: root_viewport_creation_token,
} = fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair::new()
.expect("failed to create token pair");
let flatland_display = realm
.expect("Failed to connect Flatland display. Called new_root more than once?");
// Hook up root view to display.
let (_, child_view_watcher) = create_proxy::<flatland::ChildViewWatcherMarker>()
.expect("failed to create ChildViewWatcher endpoints");
.set_content(root_viewport_creation_token, child_view_watcher)
.expect("Failure setting the display");
let (root_instance, root_view_ref, root_transform_id) =
create_instance(root_view_creation_token, &realm).await;
// Set up the input injection target view.
let fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair {
view_creation_token: target_view_creation_token,
viewport_creation_token: target_viewport_creation_token,
} = fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair::new()
.expect("failed to create token pair");
let (target_instance, target_view_ref, target_root_transform) =
create_instance(target_view_creation_token, &realm).await;
let viewport_content_id = flatland::ContentId { value: get_next_global_id() };
// Attach target view to root.
root_instance.set_content(&root_transform_id, &viewport_content_id).expect("fidl error");
// Make initial present calls and set up autopresenters.
let mut root_stream = root_instance.take_event_stream();
let root_instance = Arc::new(root_instance);
safe_present(&root_instance, &mut root_stream).await;
let _root_present_task = { autopresent(Arc::clone(&root_instance), root_stream) };
let mut target_stream = target_instance.take_event_stream();
let target_instance = Arc::new(target_instance);
safe_present(&target_instance, &mut target_stream).await;
let _target_present_task = { autopresent(Arc::clone(&target_instance), target_stream) };
let root = Self::Root {
child_instances: Vec::new(),
(root, root_view_ref, target_view_ref)
// Create a child instance.
async fn new_child(realm: &ScopedInstance) -> (Self, fviews::ViewportCreationToken) {
let flatland_instance = realm
.expect("Failed to connect Flatland instance");
let fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair {
} = fuchsia_scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair::new()
.expect("failed to create token pair");
let view_identity = fviews::ViewIdentityOnCreation::from(
scenic::ViewRefPair::new().expect("failed to create ViewRefPair"),
let (_, parent_viewport_watcher) =
let (touch_source, touch_source_request) = create_proxy::<fpointer::TouchSourceMarker>()
.expect("failed to create TouchSource channels");
let protocols = flatland::ViewBoundProtocols {
touch_source: Some(touch_source_request),
.create_view2(view_creation_token, view_identity, protocols, parent_viewport_watcher)
.expect("Failure creating view");
let root_transform = flatland::TransformId { value: get_next_global_id() };
flatland_instance.create_transform(&root_transform).expect("fidl error");
flatland_instance.set_root_transform(&root_transform).expect("fidl error");
let mut stream = flatland_instance.take_event_stream();
let flatland_instance = Arc::new(flatland_instance);
safe_present(&flatland_instance, &mut stream).await;
let _present_task = { autopresent(Arc::clone(&flatland_instance), stream) };
let child = Self::Child {
instance: flatland_instance,
child_instances: Vec::new(),
_touch_listener_task: input_listener::autolisten_touch(touch_source),
(child, viewport_creation_token)
// Create a new instance and attach it as a child of self.
pub async fn add_child(&mut self, realm: &ScopedInstance) {
let (child, viewport_creation_token) = Self::new_child(realm).await;
let (instance, root_transform, child_instances): (
&mut flatland::TransformId,
&mut Vec<(FlatlandInstance, flatland::ContentId)>,
) = match self {
Self::Root { target_instance, target_root_transform, child_instances, .. } => {
(&*target_instance, target_root_transform, child_instances)
Self::Child { instance, root_transform, child_instances, .. } => {
(&*instance, root_transform, child_instances)
let viewport_content_id = flatland::ContentId { value: get_next_global_id() };
let viewport_transform_id = flatland::TransformId { value: get_next_global_id() };
create_viewport(&*instance, viewport_creation_token, viewport_content_id.clone());
instance.create_transform(&viewport_transform_id).expect("fidl error");
instance.add_child(root_transform, &viewport_transform_id).expect("fidl error");
instance.set_content(&viewport_transform_id, &viewport_content_id).expect("fidl error");
child_instances.push((child, viewport_content_id));
// Remove a random child instance from the scene graph (and kill it).
pub async fn delete_child(&mut self, rng: &mut SmallRng) {
let (instance, children) = match self {
Self::Root { target_instance, child_instances, .. } => {
(target_instance, child_instances)
Self::Child { instance, child_instances, .. } => (instance, child_instances),
let num_sessions = children.len();
let index = rng.gen_range(0..num_sessions);
let (_child_instance, viewport_content_id) = children.remove(index);
instance.release_viewport(&viewport_content_id).await.expect("fidl error");
pub fn has_children(&self) -> bool {
let children = match self {
Self::Root { child_instances, .. } => child_instances,
Self::Child { child_instances, .. } => child_instances,
// Select a random child instance of self.
pub fn get_random_child_mut(&mut self, rng: &mut SmallRng) -> &mut FlatlandInstance {
let children = match self {
Self::Root { child_instances, .. } => child_instances,
Self::Child { child_instances, .. } => child_instances,
let (child, _) = children.choose_mut(rng).unwrap();