blob: 17ad27c7bd9da82966cdf07e1703f34f66b04145 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/sysmem/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/composition/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/test/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/test/scene/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/testing/realm_builder.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/testing/loop_fixture/real_loop_fixture.h"
#include "src/ui/testing/util/screenshot_helper.h"
namespace ui_testing {
using fuchsia::ui::composition::ScreenshotFormat;
class PortableUITest : public ::loop_fixture::RealLoop, public ::testing::Test {
static constexpr auto kTestUIStack = "ui";
static constexpr auto kTestUIStackRef = component_testing::ChildRef{kTestUIStack};
PortableUITest() : realm_builder_(component_testing::RealmBuilder::Create()) {}
explicit PortableUITest(component_testing::RealmBuilder realm_builder)
: realm_builder_(std::move(realm_builder)) {}
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Attaches a client view to the scene, and waits for it to render.
void LaunchClient();
// Attaches a client view that embeds a child view to the scene, and waits for
// both to render.
void LaunchClientWithEmbeddedView();
// Returns when a view has fully connected to the scene.
void WaitForViewPresentation();
// Returns true when the specified view is fully connected to the scene AND
// has presented at least one frame of content.
bool HasViewConnected(zx_koid_t view_ref_koid);
// Helper method to take a screenshot.
Screenshot TakeScreenshot(ScreenshotFormat format = ScreenshotFormat::BGRA_RAW);
// Helper method to take a screenshot until predicate is true. Returns false if
// |predicate_timeout| is reached.
bool TakeScreenshotUntil(fit::function<bool(const ui_testing::Screenshot&)> predicate,
zx::duration predicate_timeout, zx::duration step = zx::msec(10),
ScreenshotFormat format = ScreenshotFormat::BGRA_RAW);
// Return display size by connecting to |fuchsia::ui::display::singleton::Info| protocol.
fuchsia::math::SizeU display_size();
// Registers a fake touch screen device with an injection coordinate space
// spanning [-1000, 1000] on both axes.
void RegisterTouchScreen();
// Simulates a tap at location (x, y).
void InjectTap(int32_t x, int32_t y);
// Injects an input event, and posts a task to retry after `kTapRetryInterval`.
// We post the retry task because the first input event we send to Flutter may be lost.
// The reason the first event may be lost is that there is a race condition as the scene
// owner starts up.
// More specifically: in order for our app
// to receive the injected input, two things must be true before we inject touch input:
// * The Scenic root view must have been installed, and
// * The Input Pipeline must have received a viewport to inject touch into.
// The problem we have is that the `is_rendering` signal that we monitor only guarantees us
// the view is ready. If the viewport is not ready in Input Pipeline at that time, it will
// drop the touch event.
// TODO( Improve synchronization and remove retry logic.
void InjectTapWithRetry(int32_t x, int32_t y);
// Injects a swipe from the given starting location to the given end location
// in injector coordinate space.
void InjectSwipe(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, int move_event_count);
// Registers a fake mouse device, for which mouse movement is measured on a
// scale of [-1000, 1000] on both axes and scroll is measured from [-100, 100]
// on both axes.
void RegisterMouse();
// Helper method to simulate combinations of button presses/releases and/or
// mouse movements.
void SimulateMouseEvent(std::vector<fuchsia::ui::test::input::MouseButton> pressed_buttons,
int movement_x, int movement_y);
// Helper method to simulate a mouse scroll event.
// Set `use_physical_units` to true to specify scroll in physical pixels and
// false to specify scroll in detents.
void SimulateMouseScroll(std::vector<fuchsia::ui::test::input::MouseButton> pressed_buttons,
int scroll_x, int scroll_y, bool use_physical_units = false);
component_testing::RealmBuilder& realm_builder() { return realm_builder_; }
std::optional<component_testing::RealmRoot>& realm_root() { return realm_; }
const std::optional<zx_koid_t>& client_root_view_ref_koid() { return client_root_view_ref_koid_; }
int touch_injection_request_count() const { return touch_injection_request_count_; }
// Methods to control the test-ui-stack parameters. Override as necessary.
virtual float device_pixel_ratio() { return 1.f; }
virtual uint32_t display_rotation() { return 0.f; }
void SetUpRealmBase();
// Configures the test-specific component topology.
virtual void ExtendRealm() = 0;
// Returns the test-ui-stack component url to use in this test.
virtual std::string GetTestUIStackUrl() = 0;
// Helper method to set up the scene provider.
void SetUpSceneProvider();
// Helper method to watch watch for view geometry updates.
void WatchViewGeometry();
// Helper method to process a view geometry update.
void ProcessViewGeometryResponse(fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::WatchResponse response);
fuchsia::ui::test::input::RegistryPtr input_registry_;
fuchsia::ui::test::input::TouchScreenPtr fake_touchscreen_;
fuchsia::ui::test::input::MousePtr fake_mouse_;
fuchsia::ui::test::scene::ControllerPtr scene_provider_;
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcherPtr view_tree_watcher_;
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::composition::ScreenshotPtr> screenshotter_;
component_testing::RealmBuilder realm_builder_;
std::optional<component_testing::RealmRoot> realm_;
// Counts the number of completed requests to inject touch reports into input
// pipeline.
int touch_injection_request_count_ = 0;
// The KOID of the client root view's `ViewRef`.
std::optional<zx_koid_t> client_root_view_ref_koid_;
// Holds the display size.
std::optional<fuchsia::math::SizeU> display_size_;
// Holds the most recent view tree snapshot received from the view tree
// watcher.
// From this snapshot, we can retrieve relevant view tree state on demand,
// e.g. if the client view is rendering content.
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshot> last_view_tree_snapshot_;
// The typical latency on devices we've tested is ~60 msec. The retry interval is chosen to be
// a) Long enough that it's unlikely that we send a new tap while a previous tap is still being
// processed. That is, it should be far more likely that a new tap is sent because the first
// tap was lost, than because the system is just running slowly.
// b) Short enough that we don't slow down tryjobs.
// The first property is important to avoid skewing the latency metrics that we collect.
// For an explanation of why a tap might be lost, see the documentation for TryInject().
static constexpr auto kTapRetryInterval = zx::sec(1);
} // namespace ui_testing