blob: 4c1064292799babf9b48e333cdd7bb906e122234 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/uber_struct_system.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <stack>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/utils/helpers.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/utils/logging.h"
namespace flatland {
// |UberStructSystem| implementations.
TransformHandle::InstanceId UberStructSystem::GetNextInstanceId() {
// |latest_instance_id_| is only used for tests, but returning a member value can result in
// threads "stealing" instance IDs from each other, so we return a local value here instead,
// which does not have the same risk.
auto next_instance_id = scheduling::GetNextSessionId();
latest_instance_id_ = next_instance_id;
return next_instance_id;
std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue> UberStructSystem::AllocateQueueForSession(
scheduling::SessionId session_id) {
auto [queue_kv, success] =
pending_structs_queues_.emplace(session_id, std::make_shared<UberStructQueue>());
return queue_kv->second;
void UberStructSystem::RemoveSession(scheduling::SessionId session_id) {
UberStructSystem::UpdateResults UberStructSystem::UpdateInstances(
const std::unordered_map<scheduling::SessionId, scheduling::PresentId>& instances_to_update) {
FLATLAND_VERBOSE_LOG << "UberStructSystem::UpdateSessions for " << instances_to_update.size()
<< " sessions.";
UpdateResults results;
for (const auto& [session_id, present_id] : instances_to_update) {
// Find the queue associated with this SessonId. It may not exist if the SessionId is
// associated with a GFX session instead of a Flatland one.
auto queue_kv = pending_structs_queues_.find(session_id);
if (queue_kv == pending_structs_queues_.end()) {
bool successful_update = false;
uint32_t present_credits_returned = 0;
// Pop entries from that queue until the correct PresentId is found, then commit that
// UberStruct to the snapshot. If the next pending UberStruct has a PresentId greater than the
// target one, the update has failed because PresentIds are strictly increasing.
auto pending_struct = queue_kv->second->Pop();
while (pending_struct.has_value()) {
if (pending_struct->present_id == present_id) {
FLATLAND_VERBOSE_LOG << " Updating UberStruct for session_id: " << session_id
<< " present_id: " << present_id;
uber_struct_map_[session_id] = std::move(pending_struct->uber_struct);
successful_update = true;
} else if (pending_struct->present_id > present_id) {
pending_struct = queue_kv->second->Pop();
results.present_credits_returned[session_id] = present_credits_returned;
return results;
void UberStructSystem::ForceUpdateAllSessions(size_t max_updates_per_queue) {
// Pop entries from each queue until empty.
for (auto& [session_id, queue] : pending_structs_queues_) {
size_t update_count = 0;
while (auto pending_struct = queue->Pop()) {
uber_struct_map_[session_id] = std::move(pending_struct->uber_struct);
if (++update_count == max_updates_per_queue) {
UberStruct::InstanceMap UberStructSystem::Snapshot() { return uber_struct_map_; }
size_t UberStructSystem::GetSessionCount() { return pending_structs_queues_.size(); }
TransformHandle::InstanceId UberStructSystem::GetLatestInstanceId() const {
return latest_instance_id_;
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> UberStructSystem::ExtractViewRefKoids(
const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_struct_snapshot) {
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> view_ref_koids;
for (const auto& [_, uber_struct] : uber_struct_snapshot) {
FX_DCHECK(uber_struct != nullptr);
if (uber_struct->view_ref != nullptr) {
return view_ref_koids;
// |UberStructSystem::Queue| implementations.
void UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue::Push(scheduling::PresentId present_id,
std::unique_ptr<UberStruct> uber_struct) {
// Acquire the lock and update the appropriate queue.
std::scoped_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
// PresentIds must be strictly increasing
FX_DCHECK(pending_structs_.empty() || pending_structs_.back().present_id < present_id);
pending_structs_.push({.present_id = present_id, .uber_struct = std::move(uber_struct)});
std::optional<UberStructSystem::PendingUberStruct> UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue::Pop() {
std::optional<PendingUberStruct> pending_struct;
// Acquire the lock and fetch the next PendingUberStruct, if there is one.
std::scoped_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
if (pending_structs_.empty()) {
pending_struct = std::nullopt;
} else {
pending_struct = std::move(pending_structs_.front());
return pending_struct;
size_t UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue::GetPendingSize() {
std::scoped_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
return pending_structs_.size();
} // namespace flatland
namespace {
struct Indenter {
size_t depth;
} // namespace
namespace std {
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Indenter& indenter) {
size_t depth = indenter.depth;
while (depth-- > 0) {
out << " ";
return out;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fuchsia::math::RectF& rect) {
out << "(" << rect.x << "," << rect.y << "),(" << rect.width << "," << rect.height << ")";
return out;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fuchsia::math::Rect& rect) {
out << "(" << rect.x << "," << rect.y << "),(" << rect.width << "," << rect.height << ")";
return out;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef& ref) {
zx_koid_t koid = utils::ExtractKoid(ref);
if (koid == ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
out << "ViewRef(INVALID)";
} else {
out << "ViewRef(" << koid << ")";
return out;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fuchsia::ui::composition::BlendMode& blend_mode) {
switch (blend_mode) {
case fuchsia::ui::composition::BlendMode::SRC:
out << "SRC";
case fuchsia::ui::composition::BlendMode::SRC_OVER:
out << "SRC_OVER";
return out;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const flatland::UberStruct& us) {
if (us.view_ref) {
out << *us.view_ref << std::endl;
auto& topology = us.local_topology;
size_t index = 0;
::std::stack<uint64_t> children_remaining;
children_remaining.push(1); // The root of the topology.
while (index < topology.size()) {
auto& handle = topology[index].handle;
out << Indenter{children_remaining.size()} << handle;
auto it = us.images.find(handle);
if (it != us.images.end()) {
out << " image(" << it->second.width << "x" << it->second.height << ")";
out << " blend_mode=" << it->second.blend_mode;
auto it = us.local_image_sample_regions.find(handle);
if (it != us.local_image_sample_regions.end()) {
out << " sample_region=" << it->second;
auto it = us.local_opacity_values.find(handle);
if (it != us.local_opacity_values.end()) {
out << " opacity=" << it->second;
auto it = us.local_clip_regions.find(handle);
if (it != us.local_clip_regions.end()) {
out << " clip_region=" << it->second;
out << std::endl;
FX_DCHECK(!children_remaining.empty() && > 0);;
if (topology[index].child_count > 0) {
while (!children_remaining.empty() && == 0) {
return out;
} // namespace std