blob: ab13ed8b3693fea90455a89e36d24dc2804188ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/global_matrix_data.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator>
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/geometry/types.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/flatland_types.h"
#include <glm/gtc/epsilon.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_access.hpp>
namespace flatland {
const ImageSampleRegion kInvalidSampleRegion = {-1.f, -1.f, -1.f - 1.f};
const TransformClipRegion kUnclippedRegion = {
-std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() / 2, -std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() / 2,
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()};
namespace {
using fuchsia::ui::composition::ImageFlip;
using fuchsia::ui::composition::Orientation;
bool Overlap(const TransformClipRegion& clip, const glm::vec2& origin, const glm::vec2& extent) {
if (clip.x == kUnclippedRegion.x && clip.y == kUnclippedRegion.y &&
clip.width == kUnclippedRegion.width && clip.height == kUnclippedRegion.height)
return true;
if (origin.x > static_cast<float>(clip.x + clip.width))
return false;
if (origin.x + static_cast<float>(extent.x) < static_cast<float>(clip.x))
return false;
if (origin.y > static_cast<float>(clip.y + clip.height))
return false;
if (origin.y + static_cast<float>(extent.y) < static_cast<float>(clip.y))
return false;
return true;
std::pair<glm::vec2, glm::vec2> ClipRectangle(const TransformClipRegion& clip,
const glm::vec2& origin, const glm::vec2& extent) {
if (!Overlap(clip, origin, extent)) {
return {glm::vec2(0), glm::vec2(0)};
glm::vec2 result_origin, result_extent;
result_origin.x = std::max(float(clip.x), origin.x);
result_extent.x = std::min(float(clip.x + clip.width), origin.x + extent.x) - result_origin.x;
result_origin.y = std::max(float(clip.y), origin.y);
result_extent.y = std::min(float(clip.y + clip.height), origin.y + extent.y) - result_origin.y;
return {result_origin, result_extent};
std::array<glm::vec3, 4> ConvertRectToVerts(fuchsia::math::Rect rect) {
return {glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(rect.x), static_cast<float>(rect.y), 1),
glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(rect.x + rect.width), static_cast<float>(rect.y), 1),
glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(rect.x + rect.width),
static_cast<float>(rect.y + rect.height), 1),
glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(rect.x), static_cast<float>(rect.y + rect.height), 1)};
std::array<glm::vec3, 4> ConvertRectFToVerts(fuchsia::math::RectF rect) {
return {glm::vec3(rect.x, rect.y, 1), glm::vec3(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y, 1),
glm::vec3(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height, 1),
glm::vec3(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height, 1)};
// Template to handle both vec2 and vec3 inputs.
template <typename T>
fuchsia::math::Rect ConvertVertsToRect(const std::array<T, 4>& verts) {
return {.x = static_cast<int32_t>(verts[0].x),
.y = static_cast<int32_t>(verts[0].y),
.width = static_cast<int32_t>(fabs(verts[1].x - verts[0].x)),
.height = static_cast<int32_t>(fabs(verts[2].y - verts[1].y))};
fuchsia::math::RectF ConvertVertsToRectF(const std::array<glm::vec2, 4>& verts) {
return {.x = verts[0].x,
.y = verts[0].y,
.width = fabs(verts[1].x - verts[0].x),
.height = fabs(verts[2].y - verts[1].y)};
// Assume that the 4 vertices represent a rectangle, and are provided in clockwise order,
// starting at the top-left corner. Return a tuple of the transformed vertices as well as
// those same transformed vertices reordered so that they are in clockwise order starting
// at the top-left corner.
std::pair<std::array<glm::vec2, 4>, std::array<glm::vec2, 4>> MatrixMultiplyVerts(
const glm::mat3& matrix, const std::array<glm::vec3, 4>& in_verts) {
const std::array<glm::vec2, 4> verts = {
matrix * in_verts[0],
matrix * in_verts[1],
matrix * in_verts[2],
matrix * in_verts[3],
float min_x = FLT_MAX, min_y = FLT_MAX;
float max_x = -FLT_MAX, max_y = -FLT_MAX;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
min_x = std::min(min_x, verts[i].x);
min_y = std::min(min_y, verts[i].y);
max_x = std::max(max_x, verts[i].x);
max_y = std::max(max_y, verts[i].y);
return {verts,
glm::vec2(min_x, min_y), // top_left
glm::vec2(max_x, min_y), // top_right
glm::vec2(max_x, max_y), // bottom_right
glm::vec2(min_x, max_y), // bottom_left
fuchsia::math::Rect MatrixMultiplyRect(const glm::mat3& matrix, fuchsia::math::Rect rect) {
return ConvertVertsToRect(std::get<1>(MatrixMultiplyVerts(matrix, ConvertRectToVerts(rect))));
fuchsia::math::RectF MatrixMultiplyRectF(const glm::mat3& matrix, fuchsia::math::RectF rect) {
return ConvertVertsToRectF(std::get<1>(MatrixMultiplyVerts(matrix, ConvertRectFToVerts(rect))));
ImageRect CreateImageRect(const glm::mat3& matrix, const TransformClipRegion& clip,
const std::array<glm::ivec2, 4>& texel_uvs, ImageFlip image_flip) {
// The local space of the renderable has its top-left origin point at (0,0) and grows
// downward and to the right, so that the bottom-right point is at (1,1). We apply
// the matrix to the four points that represent this unit square to get the points in
// the global coordinate space.
// Note that the verts provided are 2D homogenous coordinates, so the third value is always equal
// to 1. These are NOT 3D vectors with x, y, z values.
auto [verts, reordered_verts] = MatrixMultiplyVerts(matrix, {
glm::vec3(0, 0, 1),
glm::vec3(1, 0, 1),
glm::vec3(1, 1, 1),
glm::vec3(0, 1, 1),
// Will equal the index of the vert located at the origin in the reordered verts.
int vert_index = 0;
bool vert_index_set = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(reordered_verts[0], verts[i], 0.001f))) {
vert_index = i;
vert_index_set = true;
FX_DCHECK(vert_index_set) << "Expected |vert_index| to be set";
// Maps the calculated |vert_index| value to the global Orientation specified by the matrix. Note
// this conversion only considers orientation and not reflections. Reflections are a property of
// Image Content only, not Transforms (or Viewports), and so are not handled here.
constexpr Orientation kIndexToOrientation[4] = {
// If |vert_index| = 0, then the list is in the same order (no rotation).
// If |vert_index| = 1, then the verts have been rotated by 90 degrees (top-left is now
// top-right).
// If |vert_index| = 2, then the verts have been rotated by 180 degrees (top-left is now
// bottom-right).
// If |vert_index| = 3, then the verts have been rotated by 270 degrees (top-left is now
// bottom-left).
const Orientation orientation = kIndexToOrientation[vert_index];
// Grab the origin, extent and orientation of the rectangle.
auto origin = reordered_verts[0];
auto extent = reordered_verts[2] - reordered_verts[0];
// Now clip the origin and extent based on the clip rectangle.
auto [clipped_origin, clipped_extent] = ClipRectangle(clip, origin, extent);
if (origin == clipped_origin && extent == clipped_extent) {
// If no clipping happened, we can leave the UVs as is and return.
return ImageRect(clipped_origin, clipped_extent, texel_uvs, orientation);
} else if (clipped_origin == glm::vec2(0) && clipped_extent == glm::vec2(0)) {
// The entire rectangle is outside of the clip region.
return ImageRect(clipped_origin, clipped_extent,
{glm::vec2(0), glm::vec2(0), glm::vec2(0), glm::vec2(0)}, orientation);
// The rectangle was clipped, so we also have to clip the UV coordinates.
const auto rlerp = [](int a, int b, float t) -> int {
return a + static_cast<int>(std::round(t * static_cast<float>(b - a)));
const float x_lerp = glm::clamp((clipped_origin.x - origin.x) / extent.x, 0.f, 1.f);
const float y_lerp = glm::clamp((clipped_origin.y - origin.y) / extent.y, 0.f, 1.f);
const float w_lerp =
glm::clamp((clipped_origin.x + clipped_extent.x - origin.x) / extent.x, 0.f, 1.f);
const float h_lerp =
glm::clamp((clipped_origin.y + clipped_extent.y - origin.y) / extent.y, 0.f, 1.f);
// The clipped region, the new origin and the new extent already account for orientation. However,
// this is not the case for the texel UVs. If the rectangle was rotated by 90 or 270, then the
// x-axis in "texture-space" will now be clipped by the "vertical-axis" of the clip rectangle.
// The following calculations need to account for this.
// Once the correct UV coordinates are calculated, they are returned in 'regular' order i.e. in
// texture space, starting at the top-left corner and rotating clockwise.
// Note that uv.x is equivalent to uv[0] and uv.y is equivalent to uv[1].
const auto rotated_u = vert_index % 2;
const auto rotated_v = (vert_index + 1) % 2;
const uint32_t idx = vert_index;
const uint32_t idx_1 = (vert_index + 1) % 4;
const uint32_t idx_2 = (vert_index + 2) % 4;
const uint32_t idx_3 = (vert_index + 3) % 4;
// If the image is flipped, perform the flip first on the UVs so that the image is clipped
// correctly. We also store the indices so that we can reorder the indices again later.
std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> flipped_uvs;
std::array<int, 4> flip_idx;
switch (image_flip) {
case ImageFlip::NONE:
flip_idx = {0, 1, 2, 3};
flipped_uvs = {texel_uvs[0], texel_uvs[1], texel_uvs[2], texel_uvs[3]};
case ImageFlip::LEFT_RIGHT:
flip_idx = {1, 0, 3, 2};
flipped_uvs = {texel_uvs[1], texel_uvs[0], texel_uvs[3], texel_uvs[2]};
case ImageFlip::UP_DOWN:
flip_idx = {3, 2, 1, 0};
flipped_uvs = {texel_uvs[3], texel_uvs[2], texel_uvs[1], texel_uvs[0]};
std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> clipped_uvs;
// Top Left (of texture).
clipped_uvs[idx][rotated_u] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx][rotated_u], flipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_u], x_lerp);
clipped_uvs[idx][rotated_v] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx][rotated_v], flipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_v], y_lerp);
// Top Right (of texture).
clipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_u] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx][rotated_u], flipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_u], w_lerp);
clipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_v] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_v], flipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_v], y_lerp);
// Bottom Right (of texture).
clipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_u] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_u], flipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_u], w_lerp);
clipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_v] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx_1][rotated_v], flipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_v], h_lerp);
// Bottom Left (of texture).
clipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_u] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_u], flipped_uvs[idx_2][rotated_u], x_lerp);
clipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_v] =
rlerp(flipped_uvs[idx][rotated_v], flipped_uvs[idx_3][rotated_v], h_lerp);
// Flip UVs back.
std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> uvs;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < uvs.size(); i++) {
uvs[i] = clipped_uvs[flip_idx[i]];
// This construction will CHECK if the extent is negative.
return ImageRect(clipped_origin, clipped_extent, std::move(uvs), orientation);
} // namespace
// static
GlobalMatrixVector ComputeGlobalMatrices(
const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const GlobalTopologyData::ParentIndexVector& parent_indices,
const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "ComputeGlobalMatrices");
GlobalMatrixVector matrices;
if (global_topology.empty()) {
return matrices;
// The root entry's parent pointer points to itself, so special case it.
const auto& root_handle = global_topology.front();
const auto root_uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(root_handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(root_uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto root_matrix_kv = root_uber_struct_kv->second->local_matrices.find(root_handle);
if (root_matrix_kv == root_uber_struct_kv->second->local_matrices.end()) {
} else {
const auto& matrix = root_matrix_kv->second;
for (size_t i = 1; i < global_topology.size(); ++i) {
const TransformHandle& handle = global_topology[i];
const size_t parent_index = parent_indices[i];
// Every entry in the global topology comes from an UberStruct.
const auto uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto matrix_kv = uber_struct_kv->second->local_matrices.find(handle);
if (matrix_kv == uber_struct_kv->second->local_matrices.end()) {
} else {
matrices.emplace_back(matrices[parent_index] * matrix_kv->second);
return matrices;
GlobalImageSampleRegionVector ComputeGlobalImageSampleRegions(
const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const GlobalTopologyData::ParentIndexVector& parent_indices,
const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "ComputeGlobalImageSampleRegions");
GlobalImageSampleRegionVector sample_regions;
for (size_t i = 0; i < global_topology.size(); ++i) {
// Every entry in the global topology comes from an UberStruct.
const TransformHandle& handle = global_topology[i];
const auto uber_stuct_kv = uber_structs.find(handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(uber_stuct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto regions_kv = uber_stuct_kv->second->local_image_sample_regions.find(handle);
if (regions_kv == uber_stuct_kv->second->local_image_sample_regions.end()) {
// Only non-image nodes should get here. This gets pruned out when we select for
// content images.
} else {
return sample_regions;
GlobalTransformClipRegionVector ComputeGlobalTransformClipRegions(
const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const GlobalTopologyData::ParentIndexVector& parent_indices,
const GlobalMatrixVector& matrix_vector, const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "ComputeGlobalTransformClipRegions");
FX_DCHECK(global_topology.size() == parent_indices.size());
FX_DCHECK(global_topology.size() == matrix_vector.size());
GlobalTransformClipRegionVector clip_regions;
if (global_topology.empty()) {
return clip_regions;
// The root entry's parent pointer points to itself, so special case it.
const auto& root_handle = global_topology.front();
const auto root_uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(root_handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(root_uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto root_regions_kv = root_uber_struct_kv->second->local_clip_regions.find(root_handle);
// Process the root separately from the rest of the tree.
if (root_regions_kv == root_uber_struct_kv->second->local_clip_regions.end()) {
} else {
clip_regions.emplace_back(MatrixMultiplyRect(matrix_vector[0], root_regions_kv->second));
for (size_t i = 1; i < global_topology.size(); ++i) {
const TransformHandle& handle = global_topology[i];
const size_t parent_index = parent_indices[i];
auto parent_clip = clip_regions[parent_index];
// Every entry in the global topology comes from an UberStruct.
const auto uber_stuct_kv = uber_structs.find(handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(uber_stuct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto regions_kv = uber_stuct_kv->second->local_clip_regions.find(handle);
// A clip region is bounded to that of its parent region. If the current clip region
// is empty, then it defaults to that of its parent. Otherwise, we must find the
// intersection of the parent clip region and the current clip region, in the global
// coordinate space.
if (regions_kv == uber_stuct_kv->second->local_clip_regions.end()) {
} else {
// Calculate the global position of the current clip region.
auto curr_clip = MatrixMultiplyRect(matrix_vector[i], regions_kv->second);
// Calculate the intersection of the current clip with its parent.
glm::vec2 curr_origin = {curr_clip.x, curr_clip.y};
glm::vec2 curr_extent = {curr_clip.width, curr_clip.height};
auto [clipped_origin, clipped_extent] = ClipRectangle(parent_clip, curr_origin, curr_extent);
// Add the intersection to the global clip vector.
static_cast<int>(clipped_origin.x), static_cast<int>(clipped_origin.y),
static_cast<int>(clipped_extent.x), static_cast<int>(clipped_extent.y)});
return clip_regions;
GlobalHitRegionsMap ComputeGlobalHitRegions(
const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const GlobalTopologyData::ParentIndexVector& parent_indices,
const GlobalMatrixVector& matrix_vector, const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "ComputeGlobalHitRegions");
FX_DCHECK(global_topology.size() == parent_indices.size());
FX_DCHECK(global_topology.size() == matrix_vector.size());
GlobalHitRegionsMap global_hit_regions;
for (size_t i = 0; i < global_topology.size(); ++i) {
const TransformHandle& handle = global_topology[i];
// Every entry in the global topology comes from an UberStruct.
const auto uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(handle.GetInstanceId());
FX_DCHECK(uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end());
const auto regions_vec_kv = uber_struct_kv->second->local_hit_regions_map.find(handle);
if (regions_vec_kv != uber_struct_kv->second->local_hit_regions_map.end()) {
for (auto& local_hit_region : regions_vec_kv->second) {
if (local_hit_region.is_finite()) {
// Usually: calculate the global position of the current hit region.
auto global_rect = MatrixMultiplyRectF(matrix_vector[i], local_hit_region.region());
flatland::HitRegion(global_rect, local_hit_region.interaction()));
} else {
// Special case: preserve sentinel value for infinite hit region.
return global_hit_regions;
// static
GlobalRectangleVector ComputeGlobalRectangles(
const GlobalMatrixVector& matrices, const GlobalImageSampleRegionVector& sample_regions,
const GlobalTransformClipRegionVector& clip_regions,
const std::vector<allocation::ImageMetadata>& images) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "ComputeGlobalRectangles");
GlobalRectangleVector rectangles;
if (matrices.empty() || sample_regions.empty()) {
return rectangles;
FX_DCHECK(matrices.size() == sample_regions.size());
FX_DCHECK(matrices.size() == images.size());
const uint32_t num = static_cast<uint32_t>(matrices.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
const auto& matrix = matrices[i];
const auto& clip = clip_regions[i];
const auto& sample = sample_regions[i];
const auto& image = images[i];
const auto w = static_cast<float>(image.width);
const auto h = static_cast<float>(image.height);
if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
FX_DCHECK(sample.x >= 0 && (sample.x + sample.width) <= w);
FX_DCHECK(sample.y >= 0 && (sample.y + sample.height) <= h);
const std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> unclipped_texel_uvs = {
glm::ivec2(sample.x, sample.y), glm::ivec2(sample.x + sample.width, sample.y),
glm::ivec2(sample.x + sample.width, sample.y + sample.height),
glm::ivec2(sample.x, sample.y + sample.height)};
rectangles.emplace_back(CreateImageRect(matrix, clip, unclipped_texel_uvs, image.flip));
return rectangles;
void CullRectangles(GlobalRectangleVector* rectangles_in_out, GlobalImageVector* images_in_out,
uint64_t display_width, uint64_t display_height) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "CullRectangles");
FX_DCHECK(rectangles_in_out && images_in_out);
FX_DCHECK(rectangles_in_out->size() == images_in_out->size());
auto is_occluder = [display_width, display_height](
const ImageRect& rectangle,
const allocation::ImageMetadata& image) -> bool {
// Only cull if the rect is opaque.
auto is_opaque = image.blend_mode == fuchsia::ui::composition::BlendMode::SRC;
// If the rect is full screen (or larger), and opaque, clear the output vectors.
return (is_opaque && rectangle.origin.x <= 0 && rectangle.origin.y <= 0 &&
rectangle.extent.x >= static_cast<float>(display_width) &&
rectangle.extent.y >= static_cast<float>(display_height));
// Find the index of the last occluder.
size_t occluder_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rectangles_in_out->size(); i++) {
if (is_occluder((*rectangles_in_out)[i], (*images_in_out)[i])) {
occluder_index = i;
// Move all of the remaining renderable data into the output vectors. Entries get erased
// if they occur before the last occluder index, or if the rectangle at that entry is empty.
const auto is_rect_empty = [](const ImageRect& rect) {
return rect.extent.x <= 0.f && rect.extent.y <= 0.f;
std::remove_if(images_in_out->begin(), images_in_out->end(),
[index = static_cast<size_t>(0), occluder_index, &is_rect_empty,
&rectangles_in_out](const allocation::ImageMetadata& image) mutable {
auto curr_index = index++;
return curr_index < occluder_index ||
rectangles_in_out->erase(std::remove_if(rectangles_in_out->begin(), rectangles_in_out->end(),
[index = static_cast<size_t>(0), occluder_index,
&is_rect_empty](const ImageRect& rect) mutable {
auto curr_index = index++;
return curr_index < occluder_index ||
} // namespace flatland