blob: 9591001fc9a04ea4cfea74dc708fa107b29152b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/math/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/composition/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
namespace flatland {
// Represents an image rectangle, parameterized by an origin point, an extent representing the width
// and height. The texel UV coordinates specify, in clockwise order, the unnormalized clockwise
// texel coordinates beginning at the top-left coordinate (in texture-space). The orientation
// specifies the rotation applied to the rect. Note that origin and extent are specified in the
// new global coordinate-space (i.e. after all transforms have been applied).
struct ImageRect {
ImageRect(const glm::vec2& origin, const glm::vec2& extent, const std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> uvs,
fuchsia::ui::composition::Orientation orientation)
: origin(origin), extent(extent), texel_uvs(uvs), orientation(orientation) {}
// Creates an ImageRect with the specified width and height. |texel_uvs| are initialized using the
// specified |extent| of the rectangle. Note that this may not be equal to the image you are
// sampling from.
ImageRect(const glm::vec2& origin, const glm::vec2& extent)
: origin(origin),
orientation(fuchsia::ui::composition::Orientation::CCW_0_DEGREES) {
texel_uvs = {glm::vec2(0, 0), glm::vec2(extent.x, 0), glm::vec2(extent.x, extent.y),
glm::vec2(0, extent.y)};
ImageRect() = default;
glm::vec2 origin = glm::vec2(0, 0);
glm::vec2 extent = glm::vec2(1, 1);
std::array<glm::ivec2, 4> texel_uvs = {glm::ivec2(0, 0), glm::ivec2(1, 0), glm::ivec2(1, 1),
glm::ivec2(0, 1)};
fuchsia::ui::composition::Orientation orientation;
bool operator==(const ImageRect& other) const;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const flatland::ImageRect& r);
// A flexible representation of a flatland hit region.
class HitRegion {
// Finite hit region with default interaction.
explicit HitRegion(fuchsia::math::RectF region,
fuchsia::ui::composition::HitTestInteraction interaction =
// Infinite hit region with default interaction.
static HitRegion Infinite(fuchsia::ui::composition::HitTestInteraction interaction =
// Return true if region has finite extent.
bool is_finite() const;
// Finite region accessor. Caller ensures is_finite() is true.
const fuchsia::math::RectF& region() const;
// Hit test interaction accessor.
fuchsia::ui::composition::HitTestInteraction interaction() const;
// Helper for Infinite().
explicit HitRegion(fuchsia::ui::composition::HitTestInteraction interaction);
// Presence indicates a finite hit region.
// Absence indicates an infinite hit region.
std::optional<fuchsia::math::RectF> region_;
fuchsia::ui::composition::HitTestInteraction interaction_ =
} // namespace flatland