blob: 93b701e91b8ea802f555b69a2460ffc45f27e997 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "input_device.h"
namespace virtio {
static constexpr int kMaxTouchPoints = 5;
struct TouchReport {
zx::time event_time = zx::time(ZX_TIME_INFINITE_PAST);
struct Contact {
bool exists = false;
int64_t x = 0;
int64_t y = 0;
std::array<Contact, kMaxTouchPoints> contacts = {};
void ToFidlInputReport(
fidl::WireTableBuilder<::fuchsia_input_report::wire::InputReport>& input_report,
fidl::AnyArena& allocator);
// The HidTouch class translates virtio touchscreen events into HID touchscreen events. It does this
// by making the virtio touchscreen appear exactly like a Google Pixelbook (Eve) touchscreen. There
// is no good reason to use the Google Pixelbook (Eve) touchscreen, other than it is a valid, tested
// report descriptor and it was easier to reuse it than building a new report descriptor from
// scratch.
class HidTouch : public HidDevice<TouchReport> {
HidTouch(virtio_input_absinfo_t x_info, virtio_input_absinfo_t y_info)
: x_info_(x_info), y_info_(y_info) {}
fuchsia_input_report::wire::DeviceDescriptor GetDescriptor(fidl::AnyArena& allocator) override;
void ReceiveEvent(virtio_input_event_t* event) override;
// These numbers are used by the touch descriptor of the Google Pixelbook (Eve) touchscreen. We
// use these physical sizes to emulate a real touch device on the emulator.
static constexpr int64_t kXPhysicalMaxMicrometer = 259200;
static constexpr int64_t kYPhysicalMaxMicrometer = 172800;
virtio_input_absinfo_t x_info_;
virtio_input_absinfo_t y_info_;
// The index of the current finger that the driver is processing.
// Must be [0..kMaxTouchPoints - 1] for a valid finger or -1 when no finger is being processed.
int active_finger_index_ = -1;
} // namespace virtio