blob: 45bd4197502b8db289124e62993046b809649893 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/input/virtualkeyboard/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "fuchsia/ui/views/cpp/fidl.h"
#include "lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace virtual_keyboard_manager {
class VirtualKeyboardCoordinator;
// Allows the virtual keyboard GUI to synchronize virtual keyboard state with the platform.
class VirtualKeyboardManager : public fuchsia::input::virtualkeyboard::Manager {
explicit VirtualKeyboardManager(fxl::WeakPtr<VirtualKeyboardCoordinator> coordinator,
fuchsia::input::virtualkeyboard::TextType initial_text_type);
// |fuchsia.input.virtualkeyboard.Manager|
// Called either via IPC, or from unit tests.
void WatchTypeAndVisibility(WatchTypeAndVisibilityCallback callback) override;
void Notify(bool is_visible, fuchsia::input::virtualkeyboard::VisibilityChangeReason reason,
NotifyCallback callback) override;
// Updates the desired TextType and visibility of the virtual keyboard, and
// responds to the hanging get to WatchTypeAndVisibility(), if one exists.
// Called by VirtualKeyboardCoordinator.
void SetTypeAndVisibility(fuchsia::input::virtualkeyboard::TextType text_type, bool is_visible);
// Updates the desired visibility of the virtual keyboard, and responds
// to the hanging get to WatchTypeAndVisibility(), if one exists.
// Called by VirtualKeyboardCoordinator.
void SetVisibility(bool is_visible);
struct KeyboardConfig {
fuchsia::input::virtualkeyboard::TextType text_type;
bool is_visible;
bool operator!=(const KeyboardConfig& other) const {
return text_type != other.text_type || is_visible != other.is_visible;
// Responds to the hanging get to WatchTypeAndVisibility(), iff
// * there is a hanging get pending, and
// * pending_config_ difers from last_sent_config_
void MaybeNotifyWatcher();
// The configuration last sent on the FIDL channel owned by `this`.
// * used to
// * identify the first call to WatchTypeAndVisibility()
// * avoid sending no-op responses on later calls to WatchTypeAndVisibility()
// * equal to `nullopt`, iff the client has never called WatchTypeAndVisibility()
std::optional<KeyboardConfig> last_sent_config_;
// The configuration to send on the next call to WatchTypeAndVisibility().
// * Used to buffer configuration changes when there is no pending
// WatchTypeAndVisibility() call.
// * Equal to `nullopt`, except in the transient states where `this`
// * has not received the first call to WatchTypeAndVisibility() call, OR
// * has responded to WatchTypeAndVisibility(), and received a configuration
// change, but not received another call to WatchTypeAndVisibility().
std::optional<KeyboardConfig> pending_config_;
fxl::WeakPtr<VirtualKeyboardCoordinator> coordinator_;
WatchTypeAndVisibilityCallback watch_callback_;
} // namespace virtual_keyboard_manager