blob: c881de21061113ac7ecfb81249fdec017999c26b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/semantics/util/semantic_transform.h"
namespace a11y {
void SemanticTransform::ChainLocalTransform(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::mat4& local_transform) {
// Since we assume that local_transform has the form
// | Sx 0 0 Tx |
// | 0 Sy 0 Ty |
// | 0 0 Sz Tz |
// | 0 0 0 1 |
// we can simplify the matrix multiplication. The logic below is for computing
// accumulator = local_transform * accumulator, when both matrices have this form. Note
// that in this case, the resulting matrix will always also be of this form.
scale_vector_[0] *= local_transform.matrix[0];
scale_vector_[1] *= local_transform.matrix[5];
scale_vector_[2] *= local_transform.matrix[10];
translation_vector_[0] =
(local_transform.matrix[0] * translation_vector_[0]) + local_transform.matrix[12];
translation_vector_[1] =
(local_transform.matrix[5] * translation_vector_[1]) + local_transform.matrix[13];
translation_vector_[2] =
(local_transform.matrix[10] * translation_vector_[2]) + local_transform.matrix[14];
fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 SemanticTransform::Apply(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3& point) const {
fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 new_point;
new_point.x = point.x * scale_vector_[0] + translation_vector_[0];
new_point.y = point.y * scale_vector_[1] + translation_vector_[1];
new_point.z = point.z * scale_vector_[2] + translation_vector_[2];
return new_point;
SemanticTransform SemanticTransform::Invert() const {
SemanticTransform new_transform;
new_transform.scale_vector_ = {1.f / scale_vector_[0], 1.f / scale_vector_[1],
1.f / scale_vector_[2]};
new_transform.translation_vector_ = {-translation_vector_[0] / scale_vector_[0],
-translation_vector_[1] / scale_vector_[1],
-translation_vector_[2] / scale_vector_[2]};
return new_transform;
} // namespace a11y