blob: 7fbdba1d515eb19123a084cb2d3d39cccb1c50cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/semantics/semantic_tree.h"
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/semantics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/concatenate.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/semantics/typedefs.h"
namespace a11y {
namespace {
using SemanticTreeData = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node>;
using fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node;
// Tries to find |node_id| in |updated_nodes|, if not in |default_nodes|. If
// |node_id| is not present in either, returns nullptr. Please note that if
// |node_id| is present in |updated_nodes|, but the optional holds an empty
// value, this indicates a deletion and nullptr will be returned.
const Node* GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(
const uint32_t node_id, const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::optional<Node>>& updated_nodes,
const SemanticTreeData& default_nodes) {
if (auto it = updated_nodes.find(node_id); it != updated_nodes.end()) {
if (it->second) {
return &(*it->second);
} else {
return nullptr;
if (auto it = default_nodes.find(node_id); it != default_nodes.end()) {
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
// Returns a node which is a merge between |old| and |new|, where for each field
// chooses |new| if it has it, |old| otherwise.
Node MergeNodes(const Node& old_node, Node new_node) {
Node output;
if (new_node.has_role()) {
if (new_node.has_states()) {
if (new_node.has_attributes()) {
if (new_node.has_actions()) {
if (new_node.has_child_ids()) {
if (new_node.has_location()) {
if (new_node.has_transform()) {
if (new_node.has_node_to_container_transform()) {
if (new_node.has_container_id()) {
return output;
// Returns true if the subtree in |nodes| resulting from an update in
// |nodes_to_be_updated|, reachable from |node_id| is acyclic and that every
// child node referenced by a parent exist. |visited_nodes| is filled with the
// node ids of this traversal.
bool ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(
const uint32_t node_id, const uint32_t parent_id, const SemanticTreeData& nodes,
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::optional<Node>>& nodes_to_be_updated,
std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* visited_nodes) {
const Node* node = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(node_id, nodes_to_be_updated, nodes);
if (!node) {
// A parent node is trying to access a node that is neither in the original tree nor in the
// updates.
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Tried to visit Node [" << node_id << "] from parent [" << parent_id
<< "], but node [" << node_id << "] does not exist or was deleted";
return false;
if (auto it = visited_nodes->insert(node_id); !it.second) {
// This node id has been already visited, which indicates a cycle in this tree.
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Tried to visit already visited Node [" << node_id << "], possible cycle";
return false;
if (node->has_child_ids()) {
for (const auto& child_id : node->child_ids()) {
if (!ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(child_id, node_id, nodes, nodes_to_be_updated, visited_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
// Builds a transform of the form:
// | 1 0 0 Tx |
// | 0 1 0 Ty |
// | 0 0 1 0 |
// | 0 0 0 1 |
// Where: Tx and Ty come from |offset|.
fuchsia::ui::gfx::mat4 MakeTranslationTransform(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3& translation) {
fuchsia::ui::gfx::mat4 transform;
transform.matrix[0] = 1;
transform.matrix[5] = 1;
transform.matrix[10] = 1;
transform.matrix[15] = 1;
transform.matrix[12] = translation.x;
transform.matrix[13] = translation.y;
transform.matrix[14] = translation.z;
return transform;
} // namespace
SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TreeUpdate(uint32_t delete_node_id) : delete_node_id_(delete_node_id) {}
SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TreeUpdate(Node node) : node_(std::move(node)) {}
bool SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::has_delete_node_id() const {
return (delete_node_id_ ? true : false);
bool SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::has_node() const { return (node_ ? true : false); }
uint32_t SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TakeDeleteNodeId() {
return std::move(*delete_node_id_);
Node SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TakeNode() {
return std::move(*node_);
const uint32_t& SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::delete_node_id() const {
return *delete_node_id_;
const Node& SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::node() const {
return *node_;
std::string SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::ToString() const {
std::string output = "Update: ";
if (has_delete_node_id()) {
output.append("Delete Node: [" + std::to_string(delete_node_id()) + "] ");
if (has_node()) {
std::stringstream update_node_string;
update_node_string << "Update Node [" << std::to_string(node().node_id()) << "] Children: [";
for (const auto child_id : node().child_ids()) {
update_node_string << child_id << ", ";
update_node_string << ']';
return output;
SemanticTree::SemanticTree(inspect::Node inspect_node)
: inspect_node_(std::move(inspect_node)),
inspect_property_update_count_(inspect_node_.CreateUint(kUpdateCountInspectNodeName, 0)) {
action_handler_ =
[](uint32_t node_id, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action action,
callback) {};
hit_testing_handler_ =
[](fuchsia::math::PointF local_point,
fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::SemanticListener::HitTestCallback callback) {};
semantics_event_callback_ = [](SemanticsEventInfo event_info) {};
// The first argument to |CreateLazyValues| is the name of the lazy node, and
// will only be displayed if the callback used to generate the node's content
// fails. Therefore, we use an error message for this node name.
inspect_node_tree_dump_ = inspect_node_.CreateLazyValues(kTreeDumpFailedError, [this]() {
inspect::Inspector inspector;
FillInspectTree(inspector.GetRoot().CreateChild(kTreeDumpInspectPropertyName), &inspector);
return fpromise::make_ok_promise(std::move(inspector));
const Node* SemanticTree::GetNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
const auto it = nodes_.find(node_id);
if (it == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetNextNode(const uint32_t node_id, a11y::NodeFilter filter) const {
return GetNextNode(node_id, [&filter](const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* node,
const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* parent) {
return filter(node);
const Node* SemanticTree::GetNextNode(const uint32_t node_id,
a11y::NodeFilterWithParent filter) const {
if (nodes_.find(node_id) == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
// <node's ID, parent's ID>
// We keep track of the node's parent's ID just so that we can pass it to `filter`.
std::stack<std::pair<uint32_t, std::optional<uint32_t>>> nodes_to_visit;
bool found_node = false;
// Start traversal from the root node.
nodes_to_visit.emplace(kRootNodeId, std::nullopt);
while (!nodes_to_visit.empty()) {
auto current_node_id =;
auto parent_node_id =;
FX_DCHECK(nodes_.find(current_node_id) != nodes_.end())
<< "Nonexistent node id " << current_node_id << " encountered in tree traversal.";
auto current_node = GetNode(current_node_id);
auto parent_node = parent_node_id.has_value() ? GetNode(*parent_node_id) : nullptr;
if (found_node && filter(current_node, parent_node)) {
return current_node;
if (current_node_id == node_id) {
found_node = true;
if (!current_node->has_child_ids() || current_node->child_ids().empty()) {
// Add child_ids in reverse so that we visit left nodes first.
for (auto reverse_iterator = current_node->child_ids().rbegin();
reverse_iterator != current_node->child_ids().rend(); ++reverse_iterator) {
const auto child_id = *reverse_iterator;
nodes_to_visit.emplace(child_id, current_node_id);
return nullptr;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetPreviousNode(const uint32_t node_id, a11y::NodeFilter filter) const {
return GetPreviousNode(node_id, [&filter](const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* node,
const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* parent) {
return filter(node);
const Node* SemanticTree::GetPreviousNode(const uint32_t node_id,
a11y::NodeFilterWithParent filter) const {
if (nodes_.find(node_id) == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
// <node's ID, parent's ID>
// We keep track of the node's parent's ID just so that we can pass it to `filter`.
std::stack<std::pair<uint32_t, std::optional<uint32_t>>> nodes_to_visit;
// Start traversal from the root node.
nodes_to_visit.emplace(kRootNodeId, kRootNodeId);
const Node* previous_returnable_node = nullptr;
while (!nodes_to_visit.empty()) {
auto current_node_id =;
auto parent_node_id =;
if (current_node_id == node_id) {
return previous_returnable_node;
FX_DCHECK(nodes_.find(current_node_id) != nodes_.end())
<< "Nonexistent node id " << current_node_id << " encountered in tree traversal.";
auto current_node = GetNode(current_node_id);
auto parent_node = parent_node_id.has_value() ? GetNode(*parent_node_id) : nullptr;
if (filter(current_node, parent_node)) {
previous_returnable_node = current_node;
if (!current_node->has_child_ids() || current_node->child_ids().empty()) {
// Add child_ids in reverse so that we visit left nodes first.
for (auto reverse_iterator = current_node->child_ids().rbegin();
reverse_iterator != current_node->child_ids().rend(); ++reverse_iterator) {
const auto child_id = *reverse_iterator;
nodes_to_visit.emplace(child_id, current_node_id);
return nullptr;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetParentNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
for (const auto& kv : nodes_) {
const auto& [unused_id, node] = kv;
if (node.has_child_ids()) {
const auto& child_ids = node.child_ids();
const auto it = std::find(child_ids.begin(), child_ids.end(), node_id);
if (it != child_ids.end()) {
return &node;
return nullptr;
std::optional<SemanticTransform> SemanticTree::GetNodeToRootTransform(uint32_t node_id) const {
auto* node = GetNode(node_id);
if (!node) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "No node found with id: " << node_id;
return std::nullopt;
// Compute the translation and scaling vectors for the node's bounding box.
// Each node can supply a 4x4 transform matrix of the form:
// [ Sx 0 0 Tx ]
// [ 0 Sy 0 Ty ]
// [ 0 0 Sz Tz ]
// [ 0 0 0 1 ]
// Here, Sx, Sy, and Sz are the scale coefficients on the x, y, and z axes,
// respectively. Tx, Ty, and Tz are the x, y, and z components of translation,
// respectively.
// In order to compute the transform matrix from the focused node's coordinate
// space to the root node's coordinate space, we can simply compute the
// cross product of the focused node's ancestors' transform matrices,
// beginning at the focused node and up to the minimum-depth non-root ancestor
// (the root does not have a parent, so it does not need a transform).
// [Focused node to scenic view] = [root transform] x [depth 1 ancestor transform] x
// [depth 2 ancestor transform] x ... x [parent transform] x [focused node transform]
// The resulting transform will be of the same form as described above. Using
// this matrix, we can simply extract the scaling and translation vectors
// required by scenic: (Sx, Sy, Sz) and (Tx, Ty, Tz), respectively.
// Note that if a node has scroll offsets, it introduces a transform matrix filling only the
// translation values to account for the scrolling. This transform is part of the computation
// described above.
uint32_t current_node_id = node_id;
SemanticTransform node_to_root_transform;
while (true) {
auto current_node = GetNode(current_node_id);
// Don't apply scrolling that's on the target node, since scrolling affects
// the location of its children rather than it. Apply scrolling before the
// node's transform, since the scrolling moves its children within it and
// then the transform moves the result to the parent's space.
if (current_node_id != node_id && current_node->has_states() &&
current_node->states().has_viewport_offset()) {
auto translation_matrix =
if (current_node->has_node_to_container_transform()) {
// Apply explicit transform.
} else if (current_node->has_transform()) {
// Once we have applied the root node's transform, we should exit the loop.
if (current_node_id == 0) {
// If |current_node| has an offset container specified, then its transform
// puts local coordinates into the coordinate space of the offset container
// node, NOT the parent of |current_node|. If no offset container is
// specified, then we assume the transform is relative to the parent.
if (current_node->has_container_id()) {
const auto container_id = current_node->container_id();
// It's possible for a node to have a container id equal to its own id.
// In this case, this node's coordinate space will be equivalent to
// "root" space, so we should terminate the loop here.
if (container_id == current_node_id) {
// The `node_to_container_transform` does NOT account for the implied
// translation with respect to the offset container's bounds, so we must
// apply that translation explicitly here.
// NOTE: We do NOT want to apply this translation if:
// (1) This node is the root node, OR
// (2) This node is its own offset container.
// We check that the `transform` (deprecated) field is NOT set, as
// opposed to checking that `node_to_container_transform` IS set, in
// order to support the transition from `transform` to
// `node_to_container_transform`. Once the transition is complete,
// we can remove this condition. There are four cases we need to
// accommodate:
// (1) The client node has an explicit transform AND uses the
// `transform` field. In this case, we should not apply the implied
// translation here.
// (2) The client node does NOT have an explicit transform AND uses the
// `transform` field.
// (3) The client node has an explicit transform AND uses the
// `node_to_container_transform` field.
// (4) The client node does NOT have an explicit transform AND uses the
// `node_to_container_transform` field.
// We should only apply the implicit offset in cases (3) and (4). In
// in case 4, `node_to_container_transform` will NOT be set, so we can't
// simply check that this field is set. Rather, since `transform` will
// be unset in both cases (3) and (4), we can use the !has_transform()
// condition. Notice that `transform` will always be set in case (1).
// It's possible that `transform` is unset in case (2). however, since
// the transform only accounts for the translation with respect to the
// offset container's bounds in case (2), the only way this field could
// be unset is if the offset container's bounds.min is at (0, 0), in
// which case applying the implied translation is a NOOP.
// TODO( Remove uses of `transform` field.
if (!current_node->has_transform()) {
auto container_node = GetNode(container_id);
auto translation_matrix = MakeTranslationTransform(container_node->location().min);
current_node_id = container_id;
} else {
auto parent_node = GetParentNode(current_node_id);
current_node_id = parent_node->node_id();
return node_to_root_transform;
bool SemanticTree::Update(TreeUpdates updates) {
nodes_to_be_updated_.clear(); // Prepares for a new update.
if (updates.empty()) {
return true;
for (auto& update : updates) {
if (update.has_delete_node_id()) {
auto delete_node_id = update.TakeDeleteNodeId();
// If the node we're deleting doesn't exist in the pre-commit tree, then
// the deletion is effectively a no-op (even if the deletion is preceded by
// updates to the same node), as the post-commit tree state also won't
// contain this node. Note that since we support partial tree updates,
// this logic ONLY applies in the case that a node does not exist
// pre-commit.
auto nodes_it = nodes_.find(delete_node_id);
auto nodes_to_be_updated_it = nodes_to_be_updated_.find(delete_node_id);
auto nodes_to_be_updated_found = nodes_to_be_updated_it != nodes_to_be_updated_.end();
if (nodes_it == nodes_.end() && nodes_to_be_updated_found) {
} else if (nodes_to_be_updated_found) {
} else {
} else if (update.has_node()) {
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> visited_nodes;
if (!ValidateUpdate(&visited_nodes)) {
return false;
SemanticsEventInfo event_info = {.event_type = SemanticsEventType::kSemanticTreeUpdated};
return true;
bool SemanticTree::ValidateUpdate(std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* visited_nodes) {
const Node* root = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(kRootNodeId, nodes_to_be_updated_, nodes_);
if (!root) {
// Note that there are only three occasions where the root could be null:
// 1. The tree is empty and this is a new update to the tree without a root
// (invalid).
// 2. This is an update that explicitly deletes the root node (valid). This
// effectively causes the tree to be garbage collected and all nodes are
// deleted.
// 3. This update creates, and then deletes the same set of nodes, starting
// from an empty tree (valid). In this case, the post-commit tree is also empty,
// which remains a valid state.
if (auto it = nodes_to_be_updated_.find(kRootNodeId); it != nodes_to_be_updated_.end()) {
return true;
} else {
// If nodes_to_be_updated_ is empty, then the pre- and post-commit states
// must be identical. The pre-commit state must have been valid, so the
// post-commit state must also be valid.
return nodes_to_be_updated_.empty();
if (!ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(kRootNodeId, 0 /* parent id, only used to print error message */,
nodes_, nodes_to_be_updated_, visited_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
void SemanticTree::MarkNodeForUpdate(Node node) {
const uint32_t node_id = node.node_id();
if (const Node* old = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(node_id, nodes_to_be_updated_, nodes_);
old == nullptr) {
// New node. Simply mark it for future update.
nodes_to_be_updated_[node_id] = std::move(node);
} else {
// Partial update.
nodes_to_be_updated_[node_id] = MergeNodes(*old, std::move(node));
void SemanticTree::ApplyNodeUpdates(const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& visited_nodes) {
// First, apply all pending updates and then delete dangling subtrees.
for (auto& kv : nodes_to_be_updated_) {
auto& [node_id, updated_node] = kv;
if (updated_node) {
nodes_[node_id] = std::move(*updated_node);
} else {
// The optional holds an empty value, indicating a deletion.
// Delete dangling subtrees.
auto it = nodes_.begin();
while (it != nodes_.end()) {
if (auto visited_it = visited_nodes.find(it->first); visited_it == visited_nodes.end()) {
// node unreachable. remove from the tree.
it = nodes_.erase(it);
} else {
void SemanticTree::Clear() {
SemanticsEventInfo event_info = {.event_type = SemanticsEventType::kSemanticTreeUpdated};
void SemanticTree::PerformAccessibilityAction(
uint32_t node_id, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action action,
callback) const {
action_handler_(node_id, action, std::move(callback));
void SemanticTree::PerformHitTesting(
fuchsia::math::PointF local_point,
fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::SemanticListener::HitTestCallback callback) const {
hit_testing_handler_(local_point, std::move(callback));
std::string vec2ToString(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec2 vec) {
return fxl::StringPrintf("(x: %.1f, y: %.1f)", vec.x, vec.y);
std::string vec3ToString(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::vec3 vec) {
return fxl::StringPrintf("(x: %.1f, y: %.1f, z: %.1f)", vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
std::string mat4ToString(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::mat4 mat) {
std::string retval = "{ ";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
retval.append(fxl::StringPrintf("col%d: (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f), ", i, mat.matrix[i * 4],
mat.matrix[i * 4 + 1], mat.matrix[i * 4 + 2],
mat.matrix[i * 4 + 3]));
return retval.append(" }");
std::string locationToString(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::BoundingBox location) {
return fxl::Concatenate(
{"{ min: ", vec3ToString(location.min), ", max: ", vec3ToString(location.max), " }"});
std::string roleToString(const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role role) {
switch (role) {
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::UNKNOWN:
return "UNKNOWN";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::BUTTON:
return "BUTTON";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::HEADER:
return "HEADER";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::IMAGE:
return "IMAGE";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::TEXT_FIELD:
return "TEXT_FIELD";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::SLIDER:
return "SLIDER";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::LINK:
return "LINK";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::CHECK_BOX:
return "CHECK_BOX";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::RADIO_BUTTON:
return "RADIO_BUTTON";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::LIST:
return "LIST";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::LIST_ELEMENT_MARKER:
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::STATIC_TEXT:
return "STATIC_TEXT";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::TOGGLE_SWITCH:
return "Default";
std::string actionToString(const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action action) {
switch (action) {
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::DEFAULT:
return "DEFAULT";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::SECONDARY:
return "SECONDARY";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::SET_FOCUS:
return "SET_FOCUS";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::SET_VALUE:
return "SET_VALUE";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::SHOW_ON_SCREEN:
return "SHOW_ON_SCREEN";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::DECREMENT:
return "DECREMENT";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action::INCREMENT:
return "INCREMENT";
return "No Action Found";
std::string actionsToString(const std::vector<fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action>& actions) {
std::string retval = "{ ";
for (const auto& action : actions) {
retval.append(fxl::StringPrintf("%s, ", actionToString(action).c_str()));
return retval.append("}");
std::string checkedStateToString(
const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::CheckedState& checked_state) {
switch (checked_state) {
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::CheckedState::NONE:
return "NONE";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::CheckedState::CHECKED:
return "CHECKED";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::CheckedState::UNCHECKED:
return "UNCHECKED";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::CheckedState::MIXED:
return "MIXED";
return "No checked state found";
std::string toggledStateToString(
const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::ToggledState& toggled_state) {
switch (toggled_state) {
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::ToggledState::ON:
return "ON";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::ToggledState::OFF:
return "OFF";
case fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::ToggledState::INDETERMINATE:
return "No toggled state found";
void SemanticTree::FillInspectTree(inspect::Node inspect_node,
inspect::Inspector* inspector) const {
std::function<void(const Node*, int, inspect::Node)> fillTree;
fillTree = [this, inspector, &fillTree](const Node* node, int current_level,
inspect::Node inspect_node) {
if (!node) {
inspect_node.CreateUint("id", node->node_id(), inspector);
if (node->has_attributes() && node->attributes().has_label()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("label", node->attributes().label(), inspector);
if (node->has_location()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("location", locationToString(node->location()), inspector);
if (node->has_container_id()) {
inspect_node.CreateUint("offset_container_id", node->container_id(), inspector);
if (node->has_transform()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("transform", mat4ToString(node->transform()), inspector);
if (node->has_node_to_container_transform()) {
mat4ToString(node->node_to_container_transform()), inspector);
if (node->has_role()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("role", roleToString(node->role()), inspector);
if (node->has_actions()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("action", actionsToString(node->actions()), inspector);
if (node->has_states()) {
const auto& node_states = node->states();
if (node_states.has_checked_state()) {
checkedStateToString(node_states.checked_state()), inspector);
if (node_states.has_selected()) {
inspect_node.CreateBool("selected", node_states.selected(), inspector);
if (node_states.has_hidden()) {
inspect_node.CreateBool("hidden", node_states.hidden(), inspector);
if (node_states.has_value()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("value", node_states.value(), inspector);
if (node_states.has_range_value()) {
inspect_node.CreateDouble("range_value", node_states.range_value(), inspector);
if (node_states.has_viewport_offset()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("viewport_offset", vec2ToString(node_states.viewport_offset()),
if (node_states.has_toggled_state()) {
toggledStateToString(node_states.toggled_state()), inspector);
if (node_states.has_focusable()) {
inspect_node.CreateBool("focusable", node_states.focusable(), inspector);
if (node_states.has_has_input_focus()) {
inspect_node.CreateBool("has_input_focus", node_states.has_input_focus(), inspector);
if (node->has_attributes()) {
const auto& node_attributes = node->attributes();
if (node_attributes.has_secondary_label()) {
inspect_node.CreateString("secondary_label", node_attributes.secondary_label(), inspector);
if (node_attributes.has_secondary_action_description()) {
node_attributes.secondary_action_description(), inspector);
if (node_attributes.has_range()) {
const auto& range_attributes = node_attributes.range();
if (range_attributes.has_min_value()) {
inspect_node.CreateDouble("min_value", range_attributes.min_value(), inspector);
if (range_attributes.has_max_value()) {
inspect_node.CreateDouble("max_vlaue", range_attributes.max_value(), inspector);
if (range_attributes.has_step_delta()) {
inspect_node.CreateDouble("step_delta", range_attributes.step_delta(), inspector);
if (node_attributes.has_hierarchical_level()) {
inspect_node.CreateUint("hierarchical_level", node_attributes.hierarchical_level(),
if (node_attributes.has_is_keyboard_key()) {
inspect_node.CreateBool("is_keyboard_key", node_attributes.is_keyboard_key(), inspector);
if (!node->has_child_ids()) {
int width = static_cast<int>(std::to_string(node->child_ids().size() - 1).length());
int child_index = 0;
for (const auto& child_id : node->child_ids()) {
const auto* child = GetNode(child_id);
auto name = fxl::StringPrintf("node_idx_%0*d_id_%u", width, child_index++, child->node_id());
fillTree(child, current_level + 1, inspect_node.CreateChild(name));
const auto* root = GetNode(kRootNodeId);
if (!root) {
inspect_node.CreateString(kTreeDumpInspectPropertyName, "Root Node not found.", inspector);
fillTree(root, 0, std::move(inspect_node));
std::string SemanticTree::ToString() const {
std::function<void(const Node*, int, std::string*)> printNode;
printNode = [&printNode, this](const Node* node, int current_level, std::string* output) {
if (!node) {
// Add indentation
output->append(4 * current_level, ' ');
*output = fxl::Concatenate(
{*output, "ID: ", std::to_string(node->node_id()), " Label:",
node->has_attributes() && node->attributes().has_label() ? node->attributes().label()
: "no label",
" Location: ", node->has_location() ? locationToString(node->location()) : "no location",
" Transform: ", node->has_transform() ? mat4ToString(node->transform()) : "no transform",
" Role: ", node->has_role() ? roleToString(node->role()) : "no role",
" Action: ", node->has_actions() ? actionsToString(node->actions()) : "no actions", "\n"});
if (!node->has_child_ids()) {
for (const auto& child_id : node->child_ids()) {
const auto* child = GetNode(child_id);
printNode(child, current_level + 1, output);
const auto* root = GetNode(kRootNodeId);
std::string tree_string;
if (!root) {
tree_string = "Root Node not found.";
return tree_string;
printNode(root, kRootNodeId, &tree_string);
return tree_string;
bool SemanticTree::NodeIsDescribable(const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* node) const {
return node &&
((node->has_attributes() && node->attributes().has_label() &&
!node->attributes().label().empty()) ||
(node->has_role() && node->role() == fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Role::BUTTON));
void SemanticTree::OnSemanticsEvent(SemanticsEventInfo event_info) {
} // namespace a11y