blob: 766c9c40e9347ca3373a84a2c1c464dd66b48970 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Spoken message that describes a heading. For example, an element with the ARIA role heading. -->
<string name="role_header">Heading</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a button. For example, an element with the ARIA role button. -->
<string name="role_button">Button</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a check box. For example, an element with the ARIA role checkbox. -->
<string name="role_checkbox">Check box</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a combo box. For example, an element with the ARIA role combobox. -->
<string name="role_combobox">Combo box</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes an image. For example, an element with the ARIA role img. -->
<string name="role_image">Image</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a link in a document or in a page. -->
<string name="role_link">Link</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a progress bar. For example, an element with the ARIA role progressbar. -->
<string name="role_progressbar">Progress bar</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a slider. For example, an element with the ARIA role slider. -->
<string name="role_slider">Slider</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a tab. For example, an element with the ARIA role tab. -->
<string name="role_tab">Tab</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a toggle switch. -->
<string name="role_toggleswitch">Toggle switch</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a switch in the on state. -->
<string name="element_toggled_on">Switch On</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a switch in the off or indeterminate state. -->
<string name="element_toggled_off">Switch Off</string>
<!-- Spoken message that Describes a radio button. For example, an element with the ARIA role radio. -->
<string name="role_radiobutton">Radio button</string>
<!-- Describes a HTML radio button named |name| in the selected state. -->
<string name="radio_button_selected">
<xliff:g id="name" example="first option">{name}</xliff:g>, radio button selected</string>
<!-- Describes a HTML radio button named |name| in the unselected state. -->
<string name="radio_button_unselected">
<xliff:g id="name" example="first option">{name}</xliff:g>, radio button unselected</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a table. For example, a <table> html tag. -->
<string name="role_table">Table</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a table row. -->
<string name="role_table_row">Row</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a table row header. -->
<string name="role_table_row_header">Row header</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a table column header. -->
<string name="role_table_column_header">Column header</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a table cell. -->
<string name="role_table_cell">Cell</string>
<!-- Spoken message that indicates the size of a set of elements. -->
<string name="set_size"><xliff:g id="num_items" example="7">{num_items}</xliff:g> items</string>
<!-- Spoken message that the user has entered a list of elements. -->
<string name="entered_list">Entered list</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user has entered a list of elements. -->
<string name="entered_list_detail">{num_items, plural,
=0{Entered list with no items}
=1{Entered list with one item}
other{Entered list with <xliff:g id="num" example="2">#</xliff:g> items}
<!-- Spoken message that the user has exited a list of elements. -->
<string name="exited_list">Exited list</string>
<!-- Spoken message that summarizes a table. -->
<string name="table_summary">
<xliff:g id="table_name" example="days of the week">{table_name}</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="table_rows" example="10">{table_rows}</xliff:g> by <xliff:g id="table_columns" example="7">{table_columns}</xliff:g>
<!-- Spoken message that summarizes a table cell. -->
<string name="cell_summary">Row <xliff:g id="row_index" example="2">{row_index}</xliff:g> column <xliff:g id="column_index" example="1">{column_index}</xliff:g>
<!-- Spoken message that summarizes a table row. -->
<string name="row_summary">Row <xliff:g id="row_index" example="2">{row_index}</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Spoken message that summarizes a table column. -->
<string name="column_summary">Column <xliff:g id="column_index" example="2">{column_index}</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Spoken message to indicate that a user has entered a table. -->
<string name="entered_table">Entered table</string>
<!-- Spoken message to indicate that a user has left a table. -->
<string name="exited_table">Exited table</string>
<!-- Spoken message to describe the dimensions of a table. -->
<string name="table_dimensions"><xliff:g id="num_rows" example="2">{num_rows}</xliff:g> rows, <xliff:g id="num_columns" example="1">{num_columns}</xliff:g> columns</string>
<!-- Spoken message to describe the row span of a table element. -->
<string name="row_span">spans <xliff:g id="num_rows" example="2">{num_rows}</xliff:g> rows</string>
<!-- Spoken message to describe the column span of a table element. -->
<string name="column_span">spans <xliff:g id="num_columns" example="2">{num_columns}</xliff:g> columns</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is checked. For example, a check box is checked in a html form. -->
<string name="element_checked">Checked</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is not checked. For example, a check box is not checked in a html form. -->
<string name="element_not_checked">Not checked</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element where the checked state is mixed or indeterminate. -->
<string name="element_partially_checked">Partially checked</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is selected. For example, a tab may be selected. -->
<string name="element_selected">Selected</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is disabled. For example, an element with the ARIA attribute aria-disabled=true. -->
<string name="element_disabled">Disabled</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is expanded. For example, an element with the ARIA attribute aria-expanded=true. -->
<string name="element_expanded">Expanded</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes an element that is collapsed. For example, an element with the ARIA attribute aria-expanded=false. -->
<string name="element_collapsed">Collapsed</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h1> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_1">Heading 1</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h2> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_2">Heading 2</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h3> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_3">Heading 3</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h4> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_4">Heading 4</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h5> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_5">Heading 5</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a <h6> html tag. -->
<string name="heading_level_6">Heading 6</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a list item. For example, a <li> html tag. -->
<string name="role_list_item">List item</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a ordered list. For example, a <ol> html tag. -->
<string name="role_ordered_list">Ordered list</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a list. For example, <ul> html tag. -->
<string name="role_list">List</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes the number of an items in an element. For example, this message can be combined with others to produce 'List with 3 items.' -->
<string name="list_items">{num_items, plural, =0{with no items} =1{with one item} other{with <xliff:g id="num" example="2">#</xliff:g> items}}</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the normal navigation granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface visiting all focusable elements. -->
<string name="normal_navigation_granularity">Normal navigation</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the default navigation granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface visiting all focusable elements. -->
<string name="default_navigation_granularity">Default</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the adjust value granularity, which allows one to control a slider value. -->
<string name="adjust_value_granularity">Adjust value</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the heading granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one heading at a time. -->
<string name="heading_granularity">Heading</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the form control granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one form control at a time. -->
<string name="form_control_granularity">Form control</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the link granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one link at a time. -->
<string name="link_granularity">Link</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the line granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one line at a time. -->
<string name="line_granularity">Line</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the word granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one word at a time. -->
<string name="word_granularity">Word</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes when the user switches to the character granularity, which allows one to navigate the interface one character at a time. -->
<string name="character_granularity">Character</string>
<!-- Spoken message to the user that a control can be double tapped to be activated. -->
<string name="double_tap_hint">Double tap to activate</string>
<!-- Spoken message to the user that a control's value can be adjusted. -->
<string name="adjust_value_hint">Swipe left or right to adjust the value.</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes that an element is the last of its type. -->
<string name="last_element">Last</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes that an element is the first of its type. -->
<string name="first_element">First</string>
<!-- Spoken message to alert the user that the Screen Reader has no current focus when using a touch screen. -->
<string name="no_focus_alert">No focus. Touch and explore to find items.</string>
<!-- Spoken message to alert the user that the Screen Reader, an assistive technology software used by the blindn and visually impaired to access computers or smartphones, is on. -->
<string name="screen_reader_on_hint">Screen Reader on.</string>
<!-- Spoken message to alert the user that the Screen Reader, an assistive technology software used by the blindn and visually impaired to access computers or smartphones, is off. -->
<string name="screen_reader_off_hint">Screen Reader off.</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the exclamation symbol "!".-->
<string name="exclamation_symbol_name">Exclamation mark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the question mark symbol "?".-->
<string name="question_mark_symbol_name">Question mark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the underscore symbol "_". -->
<string name="underscore_symbol_name">underscore</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the forward slash symbol "/". -->
<string name="forward_slash_symbol_name">slash</string>
<!-- Spoken description for comma symbol ",". The suggested Chinese translation is 全角逗号. -->
<string name="comma_symbol_name">comma</string>
<!-- Spoken description for period symbol ".". -->
<string name="period_symbol_name">period</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the less-than symbol "<". -->
<string name="less_than_symbol_name">less-than</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the greater-than symbol ">". -->
<string name="greater_than_symbol_name">greater-than</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the at symbol "@". -->
<string name="at_symbol_name">at</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the pound symbol "#". -->
<string name="pound_symbol_name">pound</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the dollar symbol "$". -->
<string name="dollar_symbol_name">dollar</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the percent symbol "%". -->
<string name="percent_symbol_name">percent</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the ampersand symbol "&". -->
<string name="ampersand_symbol_name">ampersand</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the dash symbol "-". -->
<string name="dash_symbol_name">Dash</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the plus symbol "+". -->
<string name="plus_symbol_name">Plus</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the equals symbol "=". -->
<string name="equals_symbol_name">Equals</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the left parenthesis symbol "(". -->
<string name="left_parenthesis_symbol_name">left parenthesis</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the right parenthesis symbol ")". -->
<string name="right_parenthesis_symbol_name">right parenthesis</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the backslash symbol "\". -->
<string name="backslash_symbol_name">backslash</string>
<!-- Spoken description for asterisk symbol "*". -->
<string name="asterisk_symbol_name">star</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the double quotation mark symbol """. -->
<string name="double_quotation_mark_symbol_name">quote</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the single quotation mark symbol "'". -->
<string name="single_quotation_mark_symbol_name">apostrophe</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the colon symbol ":".-->
<string name="colon_symbol_name">colon</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the semicolon symbol ";".-->
<string name="semicolon_symbol_name">semicolon</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the tilde symbol "~".-->
<string name="tilde_symbol_name">tilde</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the grave accent "`". -->
<string name="grave_accent_symbol_name">grave accent</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the vertical line symbol "|". -->
<string name="vertical_line_symbol_name">vertical line</string>
<!-- Spoken description for square root symbol "√". -->
<string name="square_root_symbol_name">square root</string>
<!-- Spoken description for bullet symbol U+2022 "•". -->
<string name="bullet_symbol_name">bullet</string>
<!-- Spoken description for white bullet symbol U+25E6 "◦". -->
<string name="white_bullet_symbol_name">white bullet</string>
<!-- Spoken description for black square symbol U+25A0 "▪". -->
<string name="black_square_symbol_name">black square</string>
<!-- Spoken description for triangular bullet symbol U+2023 "‣". -->
<string name="triangular_bullet_symbol_name">triangular bullet</string>
<!-- Spoken description for hyphen bullet symbol U+2043 "⁃". -->
<string name="hyphen_bullet_symbol_name">hyphen bullet</string>
<!-- Spoken description for multiplication symbol "✕". -->
<string name="multiplication_symbol_name">multiplication sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the division symbol "÷". -->
<string name="division_symbol_name">division sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the pilcrow symbol "¶". -->
<string name="pilcrow_symbol_name">pilcrow sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the pi symbol "π". -->
<string name="pi_symbol_name">pi</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the delta symbol "∆". -->
<string name="delta_symbol_name">delta</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the British pound symbol "£". -->
<string name="british_pound_symbol_name">pound sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the cent symbol "¢". -->
<string name="cent_symbol_name">cent sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the Euro symbol "€". -->
<string name="euro_symbol_name">euro sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the Yen symbol "¥". -->
<string name="yen_symbol_name">yen sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the caret symbol "^". -->
<string name="caret_symbol_name">caret</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the degree symbol "°". -->
<string name="degree_symbol_name">degree sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the left curly bracket symbol "{". -->
<string name="left_curly_bracket_symbol_name">left brace</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the right curly bracket symbol "}". -->
<string name="right_curly_bracket_symbol_name">right brace</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the copyright symbol "©". -->
<string name="copyright_symbol_name">copyright sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the registered trademark symbol "®". -->
<string name="registered_trademark_symbol_name">registered trademark sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the trademark symbol "™". -->
<string name="trademark_symbol_name">trademark sign</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the left square bracket symbol "[". -->
<string name="left_square_bracket_symbol_name">left bracket</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the right square bracket symbol "]". -->
<string name="right_square_bracket_symbol_name">right bracket</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the inverted exclamation point symbol "¡". -->
<string name="inverted_exclamation_point_symbol_name">inverted exclamation mark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the inverted question mark symbol "¿". -->
<string name="inverted_question_mark_symbol_name">inverted question mark</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a text field. -->
<string name="role_text_field">Text field</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a search box. -->
<string name="role_search_box">Search box</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes that the user is editing a text field. -->
<string name="is_editing">Is editing</string>
<!-- Spoken message that describes a |letter| is capitalized. -->
<string name="capitalized_letter">
Capital <xliff:g id="letter" example="A">{letter}</xliff:g></string>