blob: a5b929c766b6fc7b91723b313bce1ebbdb4b094f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/annotation/highlight_delegate.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/focus_chain/accessibility_focus_chain_listener.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/focus_chain/accessibility_focus_chain_requester.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/focus/a11y_focus_manager.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/view/view_source.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/virtual_keyboard/virtual_keyboard_manager.h"
namespace a11y {
// The A11yFocusManager keeps track of a11y focus and a cache of the "last
// focused node" for each view.
// The a11y focus is defined as the semantic node which is selected in a certain
// view by the screen reader. There is only (up to) one active a11y focus, meaning that
// the screen reader cares only about (up to) one node at a time.
// The view in a11y focus and the view in input focus are almost always kept in sync:
// - If the system changes the Focus Chain to a different view, the a11y focus
// also follows. (If a node was previously focused in that view, it regains
// focus, otherwise the a11y focus is lost.)
// - If the a11y focus is changed, this will trigger a Focus Chain Update if the
// active a11y focus is moving to another view (except in rare situations
// involving the virtual keyboard).
// (For clarity, the following terms are equivalent: 'view in input focus', 'view in Scenic focus',
// and 'view at the end of the focus chain'.)
class A11yFocusManagerImpl : public A11yFocusManager, public AccessibilityFocusChainListener {
// Root node id, which will be used to set the default node_id for a view.
static constexpr uint32_t kRootNodeId = 0;
static constexpr char kCurrentlyFocusedKoidInspectNodeName[] = "currently_focused_koid";
static constexpr char kCurrentlyFocusedNodeIdInspectNodeName[] = "currently_focused_node_id";
// |focus_chain_requester| and |registry| must outlive this object.
// |highlight_delegate| must be non-null since we are using Flatland.
explicit A11yFocusManagerImpl(AccessibilityFocusChainRequester* focus_chain_requester,
AccessibilityFocusChainRegistry* registry, ViewSource* view_source,
VirtualKeyboardManager* virtual_keyboard_manager,
std::shared_ptr<HighlightDelegate> highlight_delegate,
inspect::Node inspect_node = inspect::Node());
~A11yFocusManagerImpl() override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// Returns the current a11y focus, if any.
std::optional<A11yFocusInfo> GetA11yFocus() override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// Tries to set the a11y focus.
// If the new focus is in a different view from the current input focus, then
// we'll send a focus chain update request to scenic -- unless the new view
// contains a visible virtual keyboard.
// If the scenic focus chain update succeeds (or was eschewed), we'll
// (1) set the a11y focus to {koid, node_id}, (2) redraw highlights, and (3)
// call the callback with 'true'.
// Otherwise, we'll call the callback with 'false'.
void SetA11yFocus(zx_koid_t koid, uint32_t node_id, SetA11yFocusCallback callback) override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// Try to restore the a11y focus to the view in input focus, if possible.
// After this method completes, GetA11yFocus() will generally return a non-nullopt
// value (except in some rare situations).
void RestoreA11yFocusToInputFocus() override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// Clears existing a11y focus, and forgets the current view's "last focused node".
void ClearA11yFocus() override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// If a node is in a11y focus, redraws the current highlights (useful if the
// node's bounding box has changed).
// Otherwise, clears any highlights.
void RedrawHighlights() override;
// |A11yFocusManager|
// Registers a callback that is invoked when the a11y focus is updated. For now, only one callback
// can be registered at a time.
void set_on_a11y_focus_updated_callback(
OnA11yFocusUpdatedCallback on_a11y_focus_updated_callback) override {
on_a11y_focus_updated_callback_ = std::move(on_a11y_focus_updated_callback);
// Removes current highlights (if any), and highlights the node specified by (newly_focused_view,
// newly_focused_node).
void UpdateHighlights(zx_koid_t newly_focused_view, uint32_t newly_focused_node);
// |AccessibilityFocusChainListener|
void OnViewFocus(zx_koid_t view_ref_koid) override;
// Helper method that tries to move the a11y focus to a view.
void TryFocusingView(zx_koid_t view_ref_koid);
// Helper function to update inspect info.
void UpdateInspectProperties();
// Helper method to update highlights, focus bookkeeping, and inspect, and to
// invoke the on focus callback.
// This set of operations must occur in the same order on every focus change,
// regardless of whether the focus change occurs within the same view.
void UpdateFocus(zx_koid_t newly_focused_view, uint32_t newly_focused_node);
// Removes current highlights (if any).
void ClearHighlights();
// Map for storing node_id which is in a11y focus for every viewref_koid.
// By default, root-node(node_id = 0) is set for a view in a11y focus.
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t /* viewref_koid */, uint32_t /* node_id */>
// Stores the koid of the view which is currently in a11y focus.
zx_koid_t currently_focused_view_ = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
// Stores the koid of the view which is currently in input focus.
zx_koid_t current_input_focus_ = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
// Interface used to request Focus Chain Updates.
AccessibilityFocusChainRequester* const focus_chain_requester_ = nullptr;
// Used to retrieve semantic tree data and manipulate highlights.
ViewSource* const view_source_ = nullptr;
// Used to retrieve information about visible virtual keyboards.
VirtualKeyboardManager* const virtual_keyboard_manager_ = nullptr;
// Used to draw a11y highlights; should never be null.
std::shared_ptr<HighlightDelegate> highlight_delegate_;
OnA11yFocusUpdatedCallback on_a11y_focus_updated_callback_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<AccessibilityFocusChainListener> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Inspect node to which to publish debug info.
inspect::Node inspect_node_;
// Inspect properties to store current a11y focus.
inspect::UintProperty inspect_property_current_focus_koid_;
inspect::UintProperty inspect_property_current_focus_node_id_;
} // namespace a11y