blob: e4f849b7bc6adcf1206838582500030c52378f0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/composition/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/testing/realm_builder.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/testing/realm_builder_types.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <test/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "src/lib/testing/loop_fixture/real_loop_fixture.h"
#include "src/ui/testing/ui_test_manager/ui_test_manager.h"
#include "src/ui/testing/util/test_view.h"
namespace integration_tests {
using component_testing::ChildRef;
using component_testing::ParentRef;
using component_testing::Protocol;
using component_testing::Realm;
using component_testing::Route;
constexpr auto kViewProvider = "view-provider";
// These tests leverage the coordinate test view to ensure that Scene Manager
// magnification APIs are working properly.
// ___________________________________
// | | |
// | BLACK | RED |
// | _____|_____ |
// |___________| GREEN |___________|
// | |_________| |
// | | |
// |________________|________________|
// These are rough integration tests to supplement the |ScenicPixelTest| clip-space transform tests.
class MagnificationPixelTest : public gtest::RealLoopFixture {
// |testing::Test|
void SetUp() override {
ui_testing::UITestRealm::Config config;
config.use_scene_owner = true;
config.accessibility_owner = ui_testing::UITestRealm::AccessibilityOwnerType::FAKE;
config.ui_to_client_services = {fuchsia::ui::composition::Flatland::Name_};
// Build realm.
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Building realm";
realm_ = ui_test_manager_->AddSubrealm();
// Add a test view provider.
test_view_access_ = std::make_shared<ui_testing::TestViewAccess>();
component_testing::LocalComponentFactory test_view = [d = dispatcher(),
a = test_view_access_]() {
return std::make_unique<ui_testing::TestView>(
d, /* content = */ ui_testing::TestView::ContentType::COORDINATE_GRID, a);
realm_->AddLocalChild(kViewProvider, std::move(test_view));
realm_->AddRoute(Route{.capabilities = {Protocol{fuchsia::ui::app::ViewProvider::Name_}},
.source = ChildRef{kViewProvider},
.targets = {ParentRef()}});
realm_->AddRoute(Route{.capabilities = {Protocol{fuchsia::ui::composition::Flatland::Name_}},
.source = ParentRef(),
.targets = {ChildRef{kViewProvider}}});
realm_exposed_services_ = ui_test_manager_->CloneExposedServicesDirectory();
// Attach view, and wait for it to render.
RunLoopUntil([this]() { return ui_test_manager_->ClientViewIsRendering(); });
fake_magnifier_ = realm_exposed_services_->Connect<test::accessibility::Magnifier>();
void TearDown() override {
bool complete = false;
[&](fit::result<fuchsia::component::Error> result) { complete = true; });
RunLoopUntil([&]() { return complete; });
void SetClipSpaceTransform(float scale, float x, float y) {
// TODO( Remove this when we move to the new gesture
// disambiguation protocols.
// Because the FlatlandAcessibilityView::SetMagnificationTransform
// hardcodes translation values at a display rotation of 270, this test
// must normalize the values given the display rotation of 0.
// Since a display rotation of 270 uses (x, y) as (y, -x), pass
// in (y, -x), which will yield (x, y) to get an effective display
// rotation of 0.
fake_magnifier_->SetMagnification(scale, y, -x, [this]() { QuitLoop(); });
ui_testing::Screenshot TakeScreenshot() { return ui_test_manager_->TakeScreenshot(); }
std::optional<ui_testing::UITestManager> ui_test_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> realm_exposed_services_;
std::shared_ptr<ui_testing::TestViewAccess> test_view_access_;
std::optional<Realm> realm_;
test::accessibility::MagnifierPtr fake_magnifier_;
TEST_F(MagnificationPixelTest, Identity) {
SetClipSpaceTransform(/* scale = */ 1, /* translation_x = */ 0, /* translation_y = */ 0);
RunLoopUntil([this]() {
auto data = TakeScreenshot();
return data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kBlack &&
data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kBlue &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kRed &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kMagenta &&
data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 2, data.height() / 2) == utils::kGreen;
TEST_F(MagnificationPixelTest, Center) {
SetClipSpaceTransform(/* scale = */ 4, /* translation_x = */ 0, /* translation_y = */ 0);
RunLoopUntil([this]() {
auto data = TakeScreenshot();
return data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kGreen &&
data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kGreen &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kGreen &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kGreen &&
data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 2, data.height() / 2) == utils::kGreen;
TEST_F(MagnificationPixelTest, RotatedUpperLeft) {
SetClipSpaceTransform(/* scale = */ 2, /* translation_x = */ 1, /* translation_y = */ 1);
RunLoopUntil([this]() {
auto data = TakeScreenshot();
return data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kBlack &&
data.GetPixelAt(data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kBlack &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, data.height() / 4) == utils::kBlack &&
data.GetPixelAt(3 * data.width() / 4, 3 * data.height() / 4) == utils::kGreen;
} // namespace integration_tests