blob: 314aca6648bee6ae5a73e782333a91242a172dfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/magnifier/magnifier_util.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
namespace a11y {
Delta& Delta::operator+=(const Delta& other) {
translation += other.translation;
scale *= other.scale;
return *this;
bool Delta::operator==(const Delta& other) const {
return translation == other.translation && scale == other.scale;
glm::vec2 ToVec2(::fuchsia::math::PointF point) { return glm::vec2(point.x, point.y); }
Delta GetDelta(const a11y::gesture_util_v2::GestureContext& current,
const a11y::gesture_util_v2::GestureContext& previous,
float scale_min_finger_radius) {
Delta delta;
// We only ever compute deltas after a gesture has been recognized and before
// it's considered "complete". For every magnifier gesture, the same set of
// fingers will be onscreen during this time. We should never encounter the
// case in which |previous| and |current| have different sets of pointers.
// We will check that each pointer ID in |current| is represented in
// |previous| in the loop below, but for now, we can check that |current| and
// |previous| have the same number of pointers. If we do encounter this case,
// we will just return the "NOOP" Delta with a translation of (0, 0) and a
// scale of 1.
if (current.current_pointer_locations.size() != previous.current_pointer_locations.size()) {
return delta;
auto previous_centroid = ToVec2(previous.CurrentCentroid(false /* use local coordinates */));
auto current_centroid = ToVec2(current.CurrentCentroid(false /* use local coordinates */));
delta.translation = current_centroid - previous_centroid;
// We compute delta scale as the arithmetic mean of the scale of change in
// relative distance between each pointer and the gesture centroid.
float scale_sum = 0;
for (const auto& entry : current.current_pointer_locations) {
auto pointer_id = entry.first;
// As above, if the set of pointers are different between the current and
// previous contexts, return the "NOOP" Delta.
if (!previous.current_pointer_locations.count(pointer_id)) {
return Delta();
auto previous_point = ToVec2(;
auto previous_distance = glm::length(previous_point - previous_centroid);
if (previous_distance < scale_min_finger_radius) {
// Fingers are close together. Treat as pan only. This avoids accidental zoom on small
// screens.
return delta;
auto current_point = ToVec2(entry.second.ndc_point);
auto current_distance = glm::length(current_point - current_centroid);
scale_sum += current_distance / previous_distance;
scale_sum /= static_cast<float>(current.current_pointer_locations.size());
delta.scale = scale_sum;
return delta;
} // namespace a11y