blob: a7c182eacae05af4c3425f0ce993f29bf7a5b96f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# List of contexts where dangerous identifiers can be used
uses = [
# List of identifiers styles to test
styles = [
# How to shard identifiers
shards = [
# Prefix for generated FIDL libraries
fidl_library_prefix = "fidl.test.dangerous"
# Generate the list of tests. Each test is a scope containing:
# use: the use name
# style: the style name
# fidl_library: the fidl library name
# fidl_target: the target for the FIDL library
# hlcpp_target: the target for the HLCPP test binary
# rust_target: the target for the Rust test binary
dangerous_tests = []
foreach(use, uses) {
foreach(style, styles) {
foreach(shard, shards) {
dangerous_tests += [
use = use
style = style
shard = shard
fidl_library = "${fidl_library_prefix}.${use}.${style}${shard}"
fidl_target = fidl_library
hlcpp_target = "hlcpp_${use}_${style}_${shard}"
# Deny list of libraries we can compile in Rust.
# [BindingsDenyList] on struct members doesn't work in Rust.
if (use != "struct.names" && use != "struct.types") {
rust_target = true
# Generate FIDL files
template("generate_dangerous_fidl") {
output = rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir)
action(target_name) {
script = "generate/"
sources = [
outputs = [ invoker.output ]
args = [
"--shards=" + string_join(",", shards),
# Build the FIDL library
template("dangerous_fidl") {
generate_target_name = "${target_name}_generate"
generate_target_dep = ":${generate_target_name}(${default_toolchain})"
generated_file_dir = get_label_info(generate_target_dep, "target_gen_dir")
generated_file = "${generated_file_dir}/${invoker.fidl_library}.test.fidl"
# Only perform the fidl source generation once, in the default toolchain
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
generate_dangerous_fidl(generate_target_name) {
output = generated_file
} else {
# But the fidl() template needs to be invoked in all toolchains in order to
# generate the correct bindings.
fidl(target_name) {
name = invoker.fidl_library
sources = [ generated_file ]
non_fidl_deps = [ generate_target_dep ]
enable_hlcpp = true
disable_rustdoc = true
enable_bindlib = false
# Define all FIDL targets
fidl_targets = []
foreach(test, dangerous_tests) {
dangerous_fidl(test.fidl_target) {
fidl_targets += [ ":${test.fidl_target}($fidl_toolchain)" ]
if (toolchain_variant.base == default_toolchain) {
# This section needs to be executed for variants of the default_toolchain,
# such as asan
# Define all HLCPP targets
_hlcpp_targets = []
foreach(test, dangerous_tests) {
executable(test.hlcpp_target) {
output_dir = target_out_dir
sources = [ "" ]
header_path = string_replace(test.fidl_library, ".", "/") + "/cpp/fidl.h"
cflags_cc = [
deps = [ ":${test.fidl_target}_hlcpp" ]
_hlcpp_targets += [ ":${test.hlcpp_target}" ]
# But these groups only need to exist in the non-variant, base toolchain.
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
group("hlcpp_targets") {
deps = _hlcpp_targets
# Define all Rust target deps
group("rust_targets") {
deps = []
foreach(test, dangerous_tests) {
if (defined(test.rust_target)) {
deps += [ ":${test.fidl_target}_rust" ]
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = fidl_targets + [