blob: 9c67352204bddd12dc95e07e348d5bf6bd695dc1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Shared between the hlcpp test server and the test harness.
source_set("hlcpp_client_app") {
testonly = true
visibility = [
sources = [
deps = [
# Categories of behaviors to be tested for compatibility.
fidl_compatibility_tests_categories = [
# Binding implementations under test.
# LINT.IfChange
fidl_compatibilty_test_impls = [
# LINT.ThenChange(
rustc_binary("test_driver_bin") {
testonly = true
output_name = "test_driver"
edition = "2021"
source_root = ""
deps = [
sources = [ "" ]
# This loop will generate the following:
# - A test-running component for each category. This is meant to be used by the in-tree test
# package in charge of executing all tests.
# - A harness package containing the test for each category. This can be used OOT in a similar
# fashion to the in-tree approach to test a FIDL binding implementation against other
# implementations.
# These lists will contain the labels for the test components and the harness packages.
test_component_labels = []
test_harness_labels = []
foreach(test, fidl_compatibility_tests_categories) {
# Harness related
harness_package_name = "fidl-compatibility-${test}-harness"
generate_harness_label = "generate_${test}_harness"
generate_harness_output = "${target_gen_dir}/${test}_harness.cml"
harness_component_label = "${test}_harness_component"
harness_package_label = "${harness_package_name}_pkg"
gnerate_harness_label = "generate_${test}_harness"
executable_name = "${test}_harness_executable"
output = "${test}_harness_output"
# Test component related
component_name = "fidl_compatibility_test_${test}"
component_label = "${component_name}_component"
generate_test_label = "generate_${test}"
# Build the test runner binary for this test category.
executable(executable_name) {
output_name = output
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
# Generate the test harness CML.
fuchsia_test_component_manifest(generate_harness_label) {
metadata = {
test_component_manifest_cml = [
include = [ "//src/tests/fidl/compatibility/meta/harness.shard.cml" ]
program = {
binary = "bin/$output"
# TODO( do not hardcode this here. These args must come from
# structured config and will look different in-tree and OOT. For now, we hardcode it
# given that there's no support for structured config values for components using a
# test runner.
args = fidl_compatibilty_test_impls
generate_harness_output = get_target_outputs(":$generate_harness_label")
generate_harness_output = generate_harness_output[0]
generate_harness_manifest_compile = "${generate_harness_label}_compile"
fuchsia_component_manifest(generate_harness_manifest_compile) {
testonly = true
component_name = "harness"
manifest = "${generate_harness_output}"
deps = [ ":${generate_harness_label}" ]
fuchsia_component(harness_component_label) {
testonly = true
component_name = "harness"
cm_label = ":${generate_harness_manifest_compile}"
deps = [ ":${executable_name}" ]
# We need to disable this. The realm builder server and collection are
# created in the test root. The reasoning for this is to be able to resolve
# the subpackages which are part of the test package, but not part of the
# harness package.
check_includes = false
fuchsia_package(harness_package_label) {
testonly = true
package_name = "${harness_package_name}"
deps = [ ":${harness_component_label}" ]
test_harness_labels += [ ":${harness_package_label}" ]
fuchsia_test_component_manifest(generate_test_label) {
metadata = {
test_component_manifest_cml = [
include = [ "//src/tests/fidl/compatibility/meta/test.shard.cml" ]
children = [
name = "harness"
url = "${harness_package_name}#meta/"
generate_test_output = get_target_outputs(":$generate_test_label")
generate_test_output = generate_test_output[0]
# Define the test component for this category.
fuchsia_test_component(component_label) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
component_name = component_name
manifest = generate_test_output
manifest_deps = [ ":$generate_test_label" ]
deps = [ ":test_driver_bin" ]
# We manually create a realm builder topology due to our needs of the server living in the root,
# while the collection being in the harness.
# Save the component label, so that it may be included as a dependency of the test package.
test_component_labels += [ ":${component_label}" ]
fuchsia_test_package("fidl_compatibility_test_package") {
package_name = "fidl-compatibility-test"
subpackages =
[ "//src/lib/fuchsia-component-test/realm_builder_server:pkg" ] +
fidl_compatibilty_test_impls + test_harness_labels
test_components = test_component_labels
group("compatibility") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":fidl_compatibility_test_package" ]
group("packages") {
testonly = true
impl_packages = fidl_compatibilty_test_impls
deps = impl_packages + test_harness_labels