blob: bee5d0645ec3aba21277b58cc391e966af49dc0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_product_deprecatedconfiguration as fidl_deprecated,
struct InnerWlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade {
controller: fidl_deprecated::DeprecatedConfiguratorProxy,
pub struct WlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade {
inner: RwLock<InnerWlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade>,
impl WlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade {
/// Connects to the DeprecatedConfigurator service and returns a
/// WlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade instance to enable setting suggested MAC addresses for
/// soft APs.
pub fn new() -> Result<WlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade, Error> {
let controller = connect_to_protocol::<fidl_deprecated::DeprecatedConfiguratorMarker>()?;
Ok(Self {
inner: RwLock::new(InnerWlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade { controller: controller }),
/// Communicates with the DeprecatedConfigurator service to set a preferred MAC address to be
/// used for new soft APs. This API waits for an acknowledgement from the
/// DeprecatedConfigurator service indicating that the suggested MAC address has been set.
/// # Arguments
/// `mac` - A MAC address in the form of an eui48::MacAddress.
pub async fn suggest_access_point_mac_address(
mac: eui48::MacAddress,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let inner_guard =;
let controller = &inner_guard.controller;
let mac = fidl_fuchsia_net::MacAddress { octets: mac.to_array() };
let result = controller.suggest_access_point_mac_address(&mac).await?;
result.map_err(|e| format_err!("could not set preferred MAC: {:?}", e))
/// Consumes the arguments from an ACTS test, looks for a "mac" key, and attempts to convert
/// the associated value to a MAC address.
/// # Arguments
/// * `args` - A JSON blob represented as a serde_json::Value containing a "mac" key.
pub fn parse_mac_argument(&self, args: serde_json::Value) -> Result<eui48::MacAddress, Error> {
let mac = match args.get("mac") {
Some(mac) => match mac.as_str() {
Some(mac) => eui48::MacAddress::parse_str(mac)?,
None => {
return Err(format_err!(
"MAC address could not be interpreted as a string: {:?}",
None => return Err(format_err!("Please provide a preferred MAC")),